What Does 'For Real' And 'Fr Fr' Mean? What The Zoomer Slang Term Really Means

That moment when you're online and you see a new slang term that you don't recognize … Few things could be worse, like fr fr. Uh-oh, are you having déjà vu? Don't recognize the term "For Real"-fr-fr that has been trending in Zoomer slang as of late?
Well, don't worry. We've got you covered, FR FR. Basically, the term and its abbreviation (FR) means to be serious about something, as in telling the truth, but where did it start and why? How is it being used in memes and why is the Zoomerification of all your favorite characters happening alongside it?

Where Did "For Real" Come From?
In a scholarly sense, the term "for real" predates the internet, originating from the Yiddish phrase "for true?" This is reiterated in The Dictionary of American Slang: Fourth Edition, written by Barbara Ann Kipfer, PhD. and Robert L. Chapman, Ph.D. The Yiddish, "For true?" was used in the 1940s in America.
Later, it's said to have been popularized by 1960s comedian and singer Jerry Lewis who used "For Real?" as the punchline to many of his jokes, including the song, "Are You for Real." The term was first added to Urban Dictionary on January 4th, 2003, by a user named Anonymous.
What Does "FR" and "FR FR" Mean?
"FR" is simply the abbreviation for "For Real," first being added to Urban Dictionary on October 23rd, 2003, by a user named Curt Custer.
Well, "FR FR" is simply the aforementioned abbreviation but just reiterated twice for dramatic effect and rhythm. It surfaced in tweets starting in 2014, predominantly because of its usage on Vine.

"For Real" Usage In Memes
The usage of "For Real" in memes was first inspired in 2010 after Antoine Dodson said it in the infamous "Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife" video that went viral on YouTube. Of course, Dodson used it to emphasize the stupidity of the "Bed Intruder."
In 2014, the slang term and its abbreviation were used by multiple Viners and within tweets that reposted Vines, captioning them with the saying. Ex-Viner Aaron Carpenter was one of the first to use the phrase in a viral tweet posted on September 9th, 2014.
Nowadays, however, as the calenders have entered the 2020s, the term is predominantly used by members of Gen Z, also known as Zoomers, on their favorite social media platforms like TikTok. Inspired by this cliché, meme creators have been using "For Real" to Zoomify notable movies, TV shows and video games. There's just something that's hilarious about putting a Zoomer Perm on Walter White and having him say "fr fr," "deadass," "bussin" and "no cap."

Where Can I Use "For Real?"
The best time to use "For Real" is at the end of a sentence you're being serious about. However, with all of its ironic connotations nowadays, you might not actually be taken seriously. Regardless, its usage in memes is currently expanding. It's probably best to use it in real life with self-awareness to avoid appearing cringe or out of touch.
How do you use "For Real" and "FR FR" in a sentence?
- "That meal was incredible, for real."
- "Yo, for real, I'm feeling old right now."
- "It's fr-fr-freezing, FR FR."
For the full history of "For Real," be sure to check out our entry on the slang term here-fr-fr for even more information.