Gaslighting slang explained.

What Does 'Gaslighting' Mean?

Going into the 2020s, the slang term "Gaslighting" has become synonymous with meme discourse. Maybe one of your friends tried to explain it to you, but most likely, they were just gaslighting you … All jokes aside, it basically means to warp someone's perception by telling lies or projecting false narratives. How has it been used in memes though, and where does it come from? We're here to explain how being "gaslit" and "to gaslight" manifests itself in online humor.

get gaslit and gaslight back!!!!!!

Where Does Gaslighting Come From?

Even though the term feels like a symptom of the chronically online, it actually originates from a 1938 play, appropriately called Gas Light. It was written by British novelist and playwright Patrick Hamilton and its plot centers on a married couple. In the play, the husband is constantly tricking his wife with lies, trying to convince her that she's insane. The main lie that he reiterates to her over and over again is that the gaslights in their house do not flicker, when in fact, they do.

Although the verb comes from the play, it's never actually used in any of the dialogue. In fact, the term was coined roughly 30 years later, first appearing in a 1965 article within the The Reporter magazine. The quote reads, "Some troubled persons having even gone so far as to charge malicious intent and premeditated ‘gaslighting.’” Additionally, the term was used in the beloved I Love Lucy, appearing in quotes within episodes from its sixth season.

"Gaslighting" didn't become predominant in internet speak, however, until late 2016 on Twitter when Teen Vogue published an article titled, "Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America," in regards to the former U.S. President's contradictory statements over the years. Multiple tweets surfaced going into 2020 that included both "Trump" and "gaslighting" in them amid the COVID-19 pandemic and the George Floyd protests.

Auntie Kristy is on hiatus @KristineWyllys Teen Vogue: EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE HERE'S WHAT WE SHOULD DO ABOUT THIS ELECTED GASLIGHTING, SERIAL ABUSER Time: TIME TIME @TIME · Dec 11, 2016 Quiz: Do you eat like a Republican or a Democrat? 9:39 AM · Dec 11, 2016 · Twitter for Android Abby D. Phillip This is next level gaslighting. Dozens of reporters were on the scene. It was @abbydphillip · Jun 2, 2020 broadcast live. Olivia Nuzzi @Olivianuzzi · Jun 2, 2020 INBOX: Trump campaign orders the media to "correct or retract" reporting that accurately described yesterday's protests, live footage of which plainly showed viewers what happened. Trump campaign statement on media 'tear gas' lie "It's said that a lie can get halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on. This tear gas lie is proof of that. For nearly an entire day, the whole of the press corps frantically reported the 'news' of a tear gas attack on 'peaceful' protestors in Lafayette Park, with no evidence to support such claims. We now know through the U.S. Park Police that neither they, nor any of their law enforcement partners, used tear gas to quell rising violence. We also know that police discovered stashes of weapons like glass bottles, baseball bats, and metal poles hidden nearby, which are indeed strange items to have on hand for a 'peaceful' protest. Every news organization which reported the tear gas lie should immediately correct or retract its erroneous reporting." Tim Murtauab Trump 2020 communications. 447 27 7,481 16.4K A Tip

Gaslighting Usage In Memes

Now that you've seen the political side of the word's origin, let's get to the fun stuff and see how it's been used ironically in memes. Because of its serious undertones that became saturated by early 2021, the word became a part of the self-effacing Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss trend that circulated on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and TikTok, being a parody of the iconic "Live, Laugh, Love" motto. This new slogan incorporated "gaslighting" into its three pillars of happiness.

From that point on, meme creators using "gaslight" obscured what it meant. The criteria to be a "gaslighter" became humorously easy whereby calling someone one meant nothing extraordinary. In fact, in many memes and videos nowadays, "gaslighting" is ironically portrayed as a good thing. This memetic habit became notable among female creators who oftentimes viewed themselves as being "gaslit" by men. They instead decided to own the term, using it to their comedic advantage.

gaslight avery) mament gatekeep aery day girlbess beyond words
miss martian @f8the U can't gaslight me bc im okay wit being the villain 1:26 PM · Mar 8, 2021 · Twitter for iPhone 46.1K Retweets 3,630 Quote Tweets 209K Likes
I Would Never gaslight the Homies

Where Can I Use Gaslighting?

Well, you shouldn't use "gaslighting," unless provoked … Oh, you mean in memes online? Never mind then, that's easy. As stated, many creators use the word ironically. By making statements that are obvious lies, you can pretend that they're part of "gaslighting" discourse. Hopefully, your followers see through your layers of satire. Along with that, the trope of a "gaslighter" has many comedic uses to exploit. Last but not least, identifying real "gaslighting" in politics and government is also important.

How do you use "Gaslighting" in a sentence?

  • "I'm not gaslighting you."
  • "He's so cute when I'm gaslighting him."
  • "If you're ever sad, there's always a man out there who will gaslight you into thinking you're overreacting"

For the full history of Gaslighting, be sure to check out our entry on the slang term here for even more information.

Top Comments

winton overwat
winton overwat

I hate people who think a single discussion is gaslighting. No, that's a disagreement or people simply remembering things in a different way.

The main goal of gaslighting is not for the victim to shut up, no, the goal is to make the victim think they're crazy. This is a process that could take months or even years of sustained abuse. A single argument over the color of a dress or some other mundane thing is not gaslighting.


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