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What Does 'RIP Bozo' Mean? The Meme Explained

RIP Bozo RIPBOZO Meme Explained.
RIP Bozo RIPBOZO Meme Explained.

Published September 16, 2022

Published September 16, 2022

Whenever someone famous dies, the internet always circles back to the iconic catchphrase, RIPBOZO, because, well, the internet is full of trolls who will pray on anybody's downfall.

#PACKWATCH💯💨 is in full effect every time the Queen of England dies or XXXTentacion is added to Meme Heaven. The callings of "RIPBOZO" from the haters are instantaneous every time an "opp" passes. Where did this saying come from, though, and what exactly does it mean? Let's explain.

What Does "RIP Bozo" Mean?

RIPBOZO is basically used to celebrate someone's death online. The word "bozo" acts as a synonym for "clown," therefore, the catchphrase allows its user to "clown" on the deceased, essentially conveying how the deceased was not taken seriously by the phrase's user. Therefore, their death is also not to be taken seriously, and becomes something to be laughed at and celebrated.

Where Did "RIP Bozo" Come From?

RIPBOZO was first uttered in the caption of a 2015 Instagram post by a man who attended the funeral of one of his biggest haters. In this post, @bigfend just want to make sure that his hater was really dead and decided to make the dark concept a hilarious meme that's trended into the 2020s.

What Is The "#PACKWATCH💯💨 RIPBOZO🤣🤣" Meme's Meaning?

There's another hashtag that often trends alongside #RIPBOZO, and that's #PACKWATCH. It directly references the Smoking On That X Pack meme.

If you're unfamiliar, the original "pack" that was "smoked" was Chicago rapper Tooka Gregory. He was murdered amid gang-related violence in 2011, and four years later, Chief Keef recorded a song called "Off The Tooka" which had the lyric, "smoking a Tooka pack."

Flashforward to 2020 when a Twitter user added "#PACKWATCH💯💨 " and "RIPBOZO🤣🤣" to the same video, showing former NBA player and current commentator James Worthy smoking a cigar on set. After adding Chief Keef's song as the audio, a new, thriving form of the RIPBOZO meme was born.

What's With "RIPBOZO" And Queen Elizabeth II's Death?

After the Queen of England died, Great Britain was in mourning. Meanwhile, the rest of the world was trolling them and pasting "RIPBOZO" across social media.

Making memes about Queen Elizabeth II is not a new thing. Due to her seemingly immortal status, the decline of the British empire under her rule and the simultaneous rise of the internet, memes have become a great way for the emancipated British colonies of the world to satirically "dunk" on the failures of their former monarchy's practices.

Ask Ireland what they thought about the Queen's death, or India, Nigeria, Jamaica or even America. They'll probably all say, "RIPBOZO," en masse.

For the full history of "RIP Bozo," be sure to check out our entry on it here for even more information.

Tags: ripbozo, ripbozo meaning, ripbozo explained, ripbozo origin, rip bozo, rip bozo meaning, ripbozo meme, rip bozo meme, queen of england, queen elizabeth, twitter, meme, memes, explainer, definition, origin, original, what does rip bozo mean,

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