
What Is 'Effective Accelerationism,' The AI-Inspired Ideology? E/acc Proponents And Their Theories Explained

Various tech-adjacent internet personalities have taken on the acronym e/acc as representative of their political ideals. Such proponents are often engaged in conversations promoting the use of artificial intelligence and often hold great faith in the power of large language models to change the world for the better. But where did this acronym come from and what does it mean?

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What Does E/Acc Stand For, And What Does It Mean?

E/acc stands for the phrase effective accelerationism, and it basically indicates one's personal ideological belief that artificial intelligence will one day become an all-powerful being that can fix the vast majority of humanity's problems. The phrase is derived from two tangentially related terms, Nick Land's theories of accelerationism and the philosophical movement effective altruism.

I'm Nick Land, and this is my MELTDOWN, Work here with my old man Gilles Deleuze and stepdad Mencius Moldbug Everything in here is gonna get deterritorialized by capital. One thing I've learned after lots of drugs - you never know WHAT is gonna come after humanity recedes like some loathsome dream into the machinery. Trak WISSEY @Bisswissey1 The Effective Altruism creed Well, I hate people individually, 5:35 PM Nov 16, 2022 · Twitter for Android 14 Retweets 16 Likes but I love mankind. MAYHEW :

Nick Land is a British philosopher credited for coining the term "accelerationism," which describes the intensification or "acceleration" of technological change and capitalist growth as a means for radical social transformation.

Disgraced American businessman Sam Bankman-Fried is a well-known proponent of the term effective altruism, which stands for the belief that charitable giving should be undertaken in alignment with utilitarianism, ensuring good for "mankind" even at the cost of the individual. The ideologies of effective accelerationism take influence from both accelerationism and the effective altruism movement.

Who Came Up With The Term E/Acc?

The earliest known reference to e/acc or effective accelerationism is from May 31st and June 1st, 2022, with Twitter users @zetular, @BasedBeff, and @creatine_cycle taking credit for "inventing a new philosophy with the boys." These users went on to create the first document outlining e/acc ideals and defending the concept from "misconceptions" about it being the same as effective altruism or right/accelerationism.

swarthy May 31 swarthy's sensibles Elon Musk @elonmusk Accelerationism is simply the self-awareness of capitalism, which has scarcely begun. ("We haven't seen anything yet.") 1. The overarching goal for humanity is to preserve the light of consciousness. 8 This is why we must preserve the light of consciousness by becoming a spacefaring civilization & extending life to other planets https://t.co /UDDP811zsS June 25th 2018 6,174 Retweets 37,080 Likes bayeslord (e/acc) @bayeslord 2. Technology and market forces (technocapital) are accelerating in their power and abilities. 3. This force cannot be stopped. 4 I am a bit apprehensive about all of this, and I ofc understand why other ppl are O. But the train isn't slowing down. You cannot reengineer the economy to avoid this. You cannot melt the GPUs. Every problem must be solved online. May 30th 2022 ↑ 6. Technology is leverage. As it advances, it becomes easier to extinguish all conscious life in our corner of the universe. Attempting to stall progress isn't risk free. 7. Society and the individual's context within it are rapidly changing, which leads to greater societal instability and mind viruses. (deterritorialisation and reterritorialisation). 8. Those who are the first to usher in and control the hyper-parameters of Al/technocapital have immense agency over the future of consciousness. We have to do something. To which accelerationism can only respond: You're finally saying that now? Perhaps we ought to get started? 9. HUMANS HAVE AGENCY RIGHT NOW. WE CAN AFFECT THE ADVENT OF THE INFLECTION IN THIS PROCESS. 10. Effective Accelerationism, e/acc, is a set of ideas and practices that seek to maximize the probability of the technocapital singularity, and subsequently, the ability for emergent consciousness to flourish. Beff Jezos - e/acc @BasedBeff @BlochChinas at least in our conversation, we focused on post-humanist angles. There is a fractal optimization algorithm that created life, intelligence, and every meta-organism we know. Effective accelerationism is aiming to expand the scope and scale of this dynamic multiscale adaptation May 31st 2022 1 Retweet 3 Likes

What Are Some Reactions And Memes About E/Acc?

People engaging with e/acc proponents are generally split on agreeing and disagreeing with such ideals, with criticism generally being critical of AI as a whole and supporters banking on the success of AI to bring about a world of abundance as described by e/acc.

@colossusofdoubt Of course you think that about Al. You're a first year swe, you were reading some LessWrong bs -- Yud probably. You're gonna be convinced of that 'til next week when you read some e/acc tweets and then it's gonna be all about how Al is going to bring us utopian post-scarcity 4:55 PM - Mar 10, 2023 - 178.5K Views 88 Retweets 9 Quotes 1,190 Likes 137 Bookmarks Chris @knowclarified E/acc s tpost, I'm trying man Nooooo we must reduce our energy consumption or we'll all die 0:04 129.9K views EEE made with mematic 10:18 AM Jan 30, 2023 417.4K Views : Mankind has a history of ingenuity. We can invent a new world of abundance. 68 Retweets 10 Quotes 1,109 Likes 39 Bookmarks

For the full history of effective accelerationism, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

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