What Is The Food Gatekeeping Copypasta That Thinks You're 'Not Really Hungry Like That TBH Bro?' The 'I Find MFs Like You Really Interesting' Meme Explained

If you have seen a video of someone engaging in an egregious act of food gatekeeping, you are likely seeing an example of a viral copypasta created by Instagram comedian @damndomeatsass. His antics have inspired a hilarious meme trend where a request for information about a meal is rebuffed with the aid of an out-of-pocket response sure to leave you wheezing. Here's the lore behind the viral I find MFs like you really interesting bro meme.

Where Does The Original Meme Quote Come From?
In 2021, Instagram comedian Dom began posting "bait-and-switch" style food gatekeeping videos, where he would post delicious food to his Instagram and rebuff anyone asking for details on where he got it. A similar video to his viral copypasta was posted in April 2021, as seen below.
However, the meme in question can only be accessed via reuploads as seen below here. After Dom posted a photo of a seafood pasta, an unassuming friend asks him where he got his food, to which Dom responds with a series of voice messages recorded as he ate his meal.
How Did The Food Gatekeeping Voice Messages Become A Copypasta?
Later in 2021, a Twitter user posted an image of him riffing on Dom's bit by sending a message that transcribed Dom's viral food gatekeeping voice messages. The format became the dominant way the meme spread in consecutive months.

What Is The 'I Find MFs Like You Really Interesting TBH Bro' Copypasta?
A transcript of the copypasta he inspired can be accessed below
i find mfs like u really interesting bro. i ain't gon lie this spot is kinda like a personal thing to me you get what i'm saying. it's just like a personal vibe u feel me. what's really crazy is you wouldn't even wanted this if u ain't see me post it u get what i'm saving. i don't even think u really hungry like that tbh bro. so go ahead find yourself something to eat bro go open your fridge bro this not the fridge this the internet u get what i'm saying. this shit taste insane though shit wild seafood pasta uk what i'm saying this shit market price u feel me shit i wish i could put u on but its really a personal vibe u know. i bring my loved ones here so u know what i'm saying u be easy bro
What Are Some Other Ways The Meme Is Used?
A unique example of the copypasta in action was posted by a TikToker in 2023 after he used an AI Voice generator and fake visuals to make it appear as though ex-Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson was delivering a monologue gatekeeping his food on live TV.
@creativedifferences Replying to @bruh.button1738 Why are ppl just seeing this post it came out a year ago #tucker #gatekeeping ♬ original sound – Creative Differences
For the full history of the copypasta, be sure to check out our entry on the meme term here for even more information.