
Why Shouldn't You Google 'LEGO Piece 32557?' The Humorous Bait Meme And Joke Explained

Two lego pieces 32557, and a google search bar with the name typed in.
Two lego pieces 32557, and a google search bar with the name typed in.

Published August 12, 2022

Published August 12, 2022

You may know LEGO as a company that makes toys you loved as a child, an innocent and wholesome brand that makes people happy. But, like anything in the world, people on the internet have found a way to corrupt that image and turn it into a trollish meme.

Known as part of a larger trend in memes called Don't Google, this is the story of LEGO Piece 32557 and what you need to know about it all.

What Is LEGO Piece 32557?

LEGO Piece 32557 is officially called a "Technic Pin Connector Perpendicular Long," and comes in several different colors. You can find it online for 44 cents USD. The first one rolled off the LEGO assembly line in 2001.

In case you're still unfamiliar with what this random LEGO piece looks like, here it is (and now you'll also start to grasp why it's become so infamous).

Where Did The LEGO Piece 32557 Meme Come From?

On Reddit's /r/mildlypenis on March 14th, 2021, a subreddit where people post vaguely phallic objects, the LEGO piece in question was featured.

The shaft-like shape earned a mere six likes. But within a matter of days, it had worked its way through a succession of increasingly large subreddits (such as /r/OkBuddyRetard and /r/196) to land at /r/memes, where it received over 65,500 likes.

At this point, the meme went dormant, until eight months on /r/OkBuddyRetard later it started to be used as a bait-and-switch, often paired with Breaking Bad themed memes.

Interestingly, 32557 wasn't the first LEGO piece to get memed either. That honor belongs to LEGO Piece 26047, which looks like a little a crewmate from Among Us … aka Amogus.

How Do People Use The LEGO Piece 32557 Meme?

People will use the LEGO Piece 32557 meme in order to troll others, tricking them into googling the LEGO piece and seeing a phallic-shaped object. Often, these memes will use reverse psychology, telling targets not to look up Piece 32557 while knowing that warning will just make them want to Google it more.

Like many bait-and-switch memes, it seems to flex on the target's gullibility.

Others simply appreciate the clearly phallic object in the very PG setting of a LEGO toy set.

Why Do People Use The LEGO Piece 32557 Meme?

Well, it's simply because the LEGO piece looks like a … you get it.

For the full details on LEGO Piece 32557, do not Google it. Instead, check out our entry on the meme here for even more information.

Tags: lego, 32557, legos, legoes, reddit, toys, google, play, googling, googled, block, piece, lego piece 32557, don't google memes, lego piece 32557 meme,