
Mememaker Spotlight: TyroneStash

Mememaker Spotlight: TyroneStash
Mememaker Spotlight: TyroneStash

Published September 11, 2020

Published September 11, 2020

Mememaking can take a lot of both image editing skills and imagination, but few can boast the level of effort that artist TyroneStash puts into his memes. Fusing memes and manga into one, TyroneStash creates memes that are distinct in their style and manage to deliver every time. He could easily stop watermarking his works at any time: there is no confusing them with somebody else's.

Tyrone decided that art was his true calling in late 2018, inspired by his friend who believed in his success and shared his works on Twitter, Pixiv and Facebook. Two years later, Tyrone has nearly 30,000 followers on Twitter alone.

In many of his works, you might meet a crab named Greg and some other walking, talking and memeing crustaceans. When asked about why he likes to draw sea creatures so much, Tyrone replied: "They're cool, most sea critters are."

In a Twitter DM conversation, Tyrone revealed that Ricardo Milos was one of his favorite memes in recent years. When asked what his all-time favorites were he replied: "All-time favorites? Too many too choose from." However, he did say that his online handle was inspired by the meme legend Big Man Tyrone.

Right now, Tyrone just wants to draw what he finds entertaining, and he'll take memes over NSFW artworks any day. "Lewds are kinda meh," he said.

While there are a lot of NSFW commissions that have Tyrone's name on them, people have also been hiring him to illustrate memes. For example, this Kaneki Shaggy was undoubtedly requested by some unwanted yet very powerful soul.

While much of Tyrone's work is marked by his signature style, typically featuring monochrome and light colors with manga-style paneling, he doesn't limit himself to this aesthetic in his creations.

RIP Bob Ross and Capt. Lou Albano.

Tyrone is well aware that memes played a large role in helping his page grow. Seeing his meme creations popping up across the internet has become a common occurrence and he even recalled a moment when a meme graffiti artist used one of his works:

"One time Lushux made an acrylic of that 'BurgerKing', that shit's cool too."

You can find more of TyroneStash memes and art on his Twitter and Pixiv.


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