KYM Review: Events of 2014 - Related Memes - GamerGate /v/ 4chan adam baldwin destructoid ethics feminism gaming gaming journalism gaming media gender relations joystiq kotaku polygon quinnspiracy social justice tfyc the escapist the fine young capitalists twitter vivian james zoe quinn c GamerGate The Fappening / Celebgate celebrity nude hack photographs leak jennifer lawrence #leakforjlaw #thefappening celebgate #ifmyphonegothacked The Fappening / Celebgate Michael Brown's Death twitter shooting hashtag police shooting mike brown ferguson missouri black lives matter michael brown police brutality twists_nd_turns cj_musick_lawya Michael Brown's Death 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil sports world cup tournament fifa soccer football association football brazil 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Twitch Plays Pokemon pokemon tumblr twitch pokémon pokèmon ledge helix helix fossil red crystal emerald platinum dome firered start9 dome fossil reddit black heartgold blackii x sun moon battle revolution olden Twitch Plays Pokemon 1 Entry Categories Cultures 318 Events 3,738 Memes 32,119 People 2,608 Sites 841 Subcultures 2,930