KYM Review: Slang Memes of 2015 - Related Memes - Smash the Like who up likes like button youtube facebook instagram Smash the Like Real Nigga Hours ghetto twitter black instagram click clicc who's up facebook Real Nigga Hours Smol cute animal tiny urban dictionary Smol No Chill slang black twitter No Chill Netflix and Chill 20 minutes sex hanging out hooking up hookup culture twitter black twitter snopes urban dictionary slang expression netflix branding Netflix and Chill Make America Great Again / #MAGA presidential campaign twitter merch slogan make america great again hat donald trump 2016 gop immigration 2016 us presidential election fashion laredo texas christine o'donnell trumphat donaldtrumphat alec baldwin stephen schwartz scott Make America Great Again / #MAGA Slide Into Your DMs instagram twitter direct messaging crushes internet dating smooth so smooth online flirting online dating rap music term dm direct message pick up lines funny memes dating memes Slide Into Your DMs Freebooting piracy theft video facebook youtube Freebooting Problematic identity politics feminism politics racism sexism deeply problematic evan edinger tunging19blogs Problematic Anime Tiddies phrase fanservice anime weeaboo otaku term fan service oppai cyberjock gookgod closetanimegirl Anime Tiddies Sheeple wake up sheeple sheeple sheep conspiracy conspiracies pejorative derogatory label conspiracy theorists theory internet slang goodnightneverland sheep-people Sheeple 1 Entry Categories Cultures 318 Events 3,788 Memes 32,335 People 2,620 Sites 842 Subcultures 2,946