meme insider

Why ‘Morbius’ Is The Meme Movie Of The Year

Two memes about _Morbius_.
Two memes about _Morbius_.

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

A lot of movies that came out this year have had a big impact on meme culture. From The Batman to Spider-Man: No Way Home, we've got lots of material to work with. Now that theaters are open, we've had lots of great movies this year, and we're lucky for that after the last couple of years. But what's more memorable than a good movie? A really bad one. Yes, we're talking about Morbius.

Few movies in the modern era have been absolutely terrible, at least as far as movies with a cinematic release go, not just those bad Disney knock-off animations that stressed parents accidentally rent for the kids to watch instead of the real thing. Morbius was hyped up as a new installment of the Spider-Man franchise with ties to Marvel, promising us a memorable villain origin story similar to Joker. But what we got was memorable in all the wrong ways.

Everything you need to know about Morbius is revealed in the trailer already. The titular character is a doctor who transforms himself into a monster trying to cure a blood disorder. Of course, he loses out to evil eventually, or otherwise, his small role in the Spider-Man universe wouldn't make sense anyway, so there are basically no stakes. What you can't see until you've physically witnessed this movie in theaters is that it's basically what you'd get if you forced a bot to write a movie script based on Venom and Joker alone. Viewers and critics agree that it contains nothing particularly new or exciting, and it's essentially the cinematic equivalent of unseasoned chicken.

It was created with so much genuine desire to succeed that it feels like watching one of those M. Night Shyamalan movies that absolutely bombed in the box office. It's not that it was created with a passion, though, since the only person who appears to express passion about the project is the method actor Jared Leto, who obviously plays Morbius. And when the whole film relies on the passion of a man who harassed his coworkers while in character as the Joker while allegedly mailing used condoms to them, it's probably fair to say that any passion here is not a good thing.

If you think it couldn't be that bad, just know that yes, it is that bad. You won't need to watch it to know that. Please, spare yourself. It's the least exciting villain origin story to come out of the latest trend of villain origin stories no one really cares that much about already. The fact that Morbius exists shows a horrible trend in the movie industry that no one wanted to see. Apparently, Hollywood is really running out of ideas, because otherwise, they wouldn't be turning to generally unknown characters to make origin stories for. It's a lot like the fact that different apps like Angry Birds are getting movies (and sequels), plus the fact that The Emoji Movie exists (I've watched it out of sick curiosity, and it's much worse than you think).

"It's Morbin' Time" is a great meme from Morbius, especially since it wouldn't even feel that out of place in the movie anyway, since no one paid close attention to the dialogue. Morbius sweep also mocks the film's popularity by placing it as the highest-rated movie ever in box office photoshop edits. There are also some amazing memes about how much people do not want to see Morbius. People who claim to have seen Morbius also enjoy making up nonsense about Morbius wielding Morbius-themed weapons and singing a Morbius theme song every time he Morbs someone. It's a dumb trend that's honestly very fitting for a dumb movie, and we wholeheartedly support it for that.

In the end, we have to give some credit to Morbius for letting us down and annoying a bunch of MCU fans so much that they lashed out with some quality content. You don't need to see Morbius to understand the memes, and in order to fully experience them as intended, it's actually better if you don't see the movie, which is definitely a first. While it's sad that Morbius will be remembered over many better-quality films of the year, we can also look back on it fondly because of how entertaining it was to make fun of, even though it wasn't entertaining to watch.

Tags: morbius, morbius memes, funny, fail, cringe, cringeoworthy, its morbin time, morb, jared leto, movies, news, memes,

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