
'Sonic 2' Creates New Buzz For Blue Blur

Sonic memes
Sonic memes

Published April 12, 2022

Published April 12, 2022

The Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie had it's worldwide release on April 8th, and despite reviewer scores giving it a middle report, fan feedback seems mostly positive. Positive enough to create a resurgence in memes about the hedgehog, with some newer ones inspired by the movie and the hype leading up to it being posted around. Though the typical waiting period before talking about spoilers for a movie is usually two to three weeks time, the movie had already been shown in France for over a week before worldwide release, and rules about spoilers were already being broken before the release even happened. Soon enough, memes from the movie itself, instead of reusing trailer images, will begin to appear, with proper memes from still frames being a few months out from here, but they are expected to come eventually.

Stand Down Robert

Still Emotional Is All

Basically Yeah

Whatever You Say Sonic

June 9th.


You Got The Money?

Two Hours of This

Metal Sonic For Movie 3?

Explains A Lot

Never Forget

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Tags: sonic, eggman, knuckles, tails, master emerald, shadow, trending, movies, popular, sonic movie, collections,

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