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Wings Debate Draws Uncrossable Line In The Wing Sand

Wings Debate Draws Uncrossable Line In The Wing Sand
Wings Debate Draws Uncrossable Line In The Wing Sand

Published December 09, 2019

Published December 09, 2019

Food debates are the building block of Twitter. Without them, people would just argue about movies they haven't seen and post political fanfiction and the site would probably crumble. If people didn't argue about the proper etiquette for consuming food, Jack would be in trouble.

As luck would have it, another food debate graced the timeline recently in the form of an image showing five possible ways to eat chicken wings. The image, tweeted by @impholla, shows five wings, each with less and less meat on the bone. The idea is to tag oneself to identify how much of a wing you eat. @ImpHolla tweeted they were a 3.5.

Because this is Twitter, people entered the fray with guns blazing. Most agreed that falling between 1 and 3 was absolutely disgraceful.

While most Twitter users agreed that 4 was the minimum requirement of wing consumption, some noted that there was an acceptable scenario in which a person could be a 1.

Burn on, food Twitter. May your passion be a guiding light in the dark, when all other lights go out.

Tags: wings, food debate, viral debate,

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