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Riff Raff World War

Last posted Apr 03, 2016 at 09:56PM EDT. Added Feb 29, 2016 at 04:56PM EST
212 posts from 18 users

Before we start, I'm going over a few of the rules, there will be no wild card mercenary groups, and nuking a whole continent is not allowed. also for summaries, Asdfghjkl can add up the actions and Syndic (or anyone willing) will make a map to show the expansions/losses/changes

3 months following the nuking of Pepsi Nation and the Holy Empire of the Spider

Message received through hijacking of video feed and crystals projecting a screen:

Attention World, I am sending this message to any and every faction… you're all in danger. Three months ago, I went to war with the Nation of Pepsi and an ally of mine betrayed me, aiming to destroy all life… before I could attack and attempt to seal him away, the United Meme Nations sent a nuclear strike, forcing me to take as many survivors as I could and move my island to a safer location, disabling my one way to deal with dealing with the undead traitor safely… this strike didn't end him, however, as I speak, her has been rebuilding his forces and will attempt another attack to end all life… his horde is strong and resistant to most forms of conventional combat, so I offer a deal. Join me, and I can send out my Witch Guard to help aid you, if you choose not to join me for whatever reason, I will not force you, but I will not help you fight, not safely… You do not have much time to reply, I have readied my military, and my allies to aid you in combat.
This is the Holy Faction of the Void, and I await your answer!

Last edited Feb 29, 2016 at 05:12PM EST

Being one of the closer nations, only a few days pass before there are sightings of Cult Justicars wandering near the shores of the Void Nation, bearing the message:
"We of the Deep fear not what the surface-dwellers call a threat to life; and it currently no concern to us what happens beyond the shores of this world. We will have no part in this unproductive squabble, as there is nothing for us to gain from it."

Last edited Feb 29, 2016 at 05:20PM EST

The new Hertfordshire republic send a carrier pudding as fast as possible bearing a message:
We will be happy to join forces, I see the full extent of this world threatening crisis. Our armies are already preparing defensive Yorkshires. May our factions prosper. Long live the Ebenzer, long live the puddings.

As if the current situation was not already critical, the PEPSI remants give a responce:

Dear Holy Nation…

As a direct result of our equally severe loss against the Democratic Holy Order of the Lewd Spider, it is unfortunate to state that we are ill-prepared to fight off a more populous threat, and is currently only able to fend for ourselves. We must also place into consideration, our past battle with one other; now is the time to forgive these developments, and unite together in order to conquer an even bigger threat. O' Holy faction, lend us your strength, but remember that silent betrayal against us will not be left unheard, and once this conflict has been resolved, our alliance will be blighted. We also request that, in the midst of battle, we can control more of the land, and reform our lost nation.

The AIC delivers a message through multiple broadcast frequencies.

Greetings and salutations!
The Atlas Industrial Conglomerate is pleased to announce that it will be offering various services to the many nations of the world. Please contact us if you would like to negotiate a deal.

The AIC would currently like to have an audience with the following factions:
(Discuss potential cooperative ventures)
The Holy Void Empire
Terminus 2

AIC HQ begins sending several Site Acquisition Groups up north, each with their own Mobile Construction Crawler. Meanwhile, "Project JACOB" (Orbital Tether) construction begins on a small island in the western part of the AIC zone.

Last edited Feb 29, 2016 at 09:31PM EST

To Spider Queen Mako and others it may concern…

Since the Axis Squad was already you ally in the first place, it would be a waste to throw our companionship away for no reason. So with that, the Axis Squad agrees to side with you to take down the army led by the traitorous Liche. His betrayal is a moment in our history we will never forget.

-Sincerely, General Eris
For Glory!

A Message Broadcast to the World on the Behalf of the ICG

Awaken your mind to the Chaos that our people embrace and know that the world stands at the brink of perfect anarchy. Accept the wave of this glorious change! I call upon the people of this world to put down their flags and their arms in sacred disunion. Let the tides call your fortunes and be guided by the wind, not by the petty machinery of the state. Let go these binding shackles and become free!

Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, for wisdom comes not from the self but from the world! Know that Chaos is the source of all wisdom, and in perfect order there can be no mind or thought. Embrace the perfect essence of the self and be free, or face the wrath of those who despise you for your ignorance and shame!

And every one who heeded not the call of mine was foolish, like a man who builds his house upon the sands. Great was the fall of that house when the trials of nature came upon it, and great will be the fall of nations when the storm of chaos overwhelms them! Come with me, take up the arms of rebellion and seize the world, for it is your birthright!

Last edited Feb 29, 2016 at 10:02PM EST

SIGN network broadcast

Continent in chaos!

The last conflict between the Republic of Pepsi and the Holy Void Empire had devastated the Southern continent. Cities filled with refugees and basic material in short supply. In the midst of the chaos SIGN forces stepped up and restored order west of the former Pepsi nation but there is still much to be done. Rest of the continent is still in chaos, waiting for SIGN to reestablish order.

7 hours ago a message from the Holy Void Empire was delivered to the SIGN high command. The message called for arms against the Undead Legion, a terrifying horde of zombies and other damned creatures. The SIGN command refused the offer as the Southern continent is still in turmoil.

Eager volunteers from all over the continent are joining up to fight for the future. They're doing their part, are you? Join the SIGN armed forces and save the world.

Would you like to know more?

end of broadcast

Last edited Mar 01, 2016 at 12:33AM EST

Terminus sends this to most countries' embassies


While the recent events may seem concerning, we would like to wait till they develop to see if they truly pose a threat to the planet and life as a whole. Until then, we would rather not get involved in a conflict between the Surface Nations.

I'm hope that you will understand our decision.

Live long and prosper in peace,

Jacob Escher, Lead Researcher of the Terminus II space station.

A meeting between Terminus representative and AIC is held on the Terminus Earth HQ

We would like to express the initial intention to cooperate. What do you have to offer?

Last edited Mar 01, 2016 at 01:25AM EST

Whiteshack sends their carrier-gunch
We be interdasted in economy chelp. mmmmmm,,,,,,, much mud and tree to help.


Mountains have broplem with COMMUNISM. This is of great concer and chagrin. We have cheap production and happy workers. The EVIL Bartholomew Kook burns our WOOD and BARK while depositing BAD GAS like ZYKLON B IN THE MOUNTINS.

We give good wood.

Signed by your lovely, Giuseppe Richboy IV


Dear citizens, it seems that those undead are not entirely wiped out yet. As their nation is now licking its wounds, i want to sent an ambassador to talk his world domination plans out of his mind. I know this sounds hypocritical but i don't want to escalate this further. I count on your vote to settle things peacefully.

Shape wrote:

Terminus sends this to most countries' embassies


While the recent events may seem concerning, we would like to wait till they develop to see if they truly pose a threat to the planet and life as a whole. Until then, we would rather not get involved in a conflict between the Surface Nations.

I'm hope that you will understand our decision.

Live long and prosper in peace,

Jacob Escher, Lead Researcher of the Terminus II space station.

A meeting between Terminus representative and AIC is held on the Terminus Earth HQ

We would like to express the initial intention to cooperate. What do you have to offer?

Greetings and good day.

We are currently working on an constructing an orbital tether in order to expedite and augment the fledgling astromining industry. The orbital tether will also allow for quick and efficient transfer of personnel, equipment and resources from surface to orbit and vice-versa. Seeing as you folks have proficiency in advanced robotics, spaceflight and astroengineering, we are wondering if you would be interested in aiding us in this venture. We can provide heavy equipment and machinery as well as manufacturing. If you are interested, we can discuss further on the matter.

Thank you for the audience and best wishes.
May both of our factions prosper in peace.

Last edited Mar 01, 2016 at 03:12AM EST

Naturally, we would be willing to share our knowledge and provide expertise in order to help you build such a structure; however, we would also want to benefit from such agreement, and AIC would be obliged to destignate a part of their manufacturing capacity to building our robots. These factories would be supervised by us. This way, we will be able to expand our excavation and mining operations, covering bigger areas.

In return, we will provide you with knowledge nessesary for building the Tether, as well as spacecraft assistance in getting it up.

Message to The new Hertfordshire republic and Pepsi remnants:
I will be sending two teams of Witch guard, as well foot soldier teams and tank support each, I hope you will be compliant, I do not intend to force you into my faction, but I will require a small portion of land to set-up defensive towers, I can also supply you with hex-infused, explosive rounds for added measures…

Message to SIGN:
It is unfortunate you are unable to help right now… because I respect your military, so I will have General Eris sent two destroyers full of troops and walker tanks to help assist you with your troubles, this is an act for the hopes that you will be able to help fight back the abominable tides of flesh…

Message to Atlas Industrial Conglomerate:
I know you've had issues with some of my requests before, but I have funds and plans to repair my prized battle carrier, the Atlach-Nacha… it's mostly gear-work and mana based machinery, but the main gun is beyond repair, I have have plans to have a much more scaled down Celestial Cannon in place on the main gun… I have a team willing to help with this project…

Last edited Mar 01, 2016 at 08:16AM EST

Important message received on a TV with 144p quality

Greetings, people of other nations! It is I, the great leader of Shalashasqian nation! Reporting this: I will be more active durinf Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Other than that, I have nothing to say. I will stand with the Spider nation. God bless our country

At the border of every nation facing Tocossta, an enormous, stout humanoid entity manifests. It's skin appears a dark, sickly green, and it's head is reduced to a tiny bump at the summit of it's torso with a dim white glow at the centre. Each entity bares an injury or corruption of sorts and is accompanied by 3 thaumaturges clad in ceremonial robes from head to toe. And to each representative or each nation, a message is delivered with an unseen voice certainly not human and the ambassadors dissappear. The message is transcribed

"I chose to leave you to your devices, to protect and guide those under my rule but then your nations, weilding unholy mechanations, violated the land. Now all I see where that nation once stood, is a vast scar filled to bursting with the dead, twisted beyond recognition.I hear them, spirits born of Nuclear devastation writhing in agony, imprisoned by regret. The waters and the land now bare a taint and I have grown weaker becasue of it. You are a wicked and unholy people. My judgment shall be merciless. You are all an enemy of my nation

Undead abominations, those that pervert flesh and soul, walk the earth. My beloved people face a new threat, and will surely be caught in your petty scwabbles as well. I shall show you my true power through my greater thaumaturges and I shall send them forth to awaken and unleash [UNINTELLIGEBLE] from within the Mountains of Knowth to battle your armies and raze the land. Tocossta will rise by the embers of war and all shall be mortified by my undying radiance. When the earth has been restored I shall descend, unfurl my wings and you will know me"

New Hertfordshire finish researching twice baked armour (slightly better armour)
New Hertfordshire begin developing on the NULLIFY project after a new discovery while mining
The NULLIFY project progress is represented by 15 |||||||||||||||, each time research is made the dashes will slowly change to : until the bar is filled. Various events will have impacts on the projects progress.
Any of my allies will be free to ask any questions about the ongoing project.

Last edited Mar 01, 2016 at 03:48PM EST

Upgrading the latest aircraft squad with newer electronics and better armor
New aircraft type in research. Currently in top secret
Coast security process: currently everything is fine
Status of the cities: 100% Safe
Coal mines: currently untouched
Sign of enemies: none

Everything is fine and dandy now

Last edited Mar 01, 2016 at 03:48PM EST

Message sent via encoded radio transmission to the void nation
I would presume you would like details as to what NULLIFY is. It is a project dedicated to finding a way to create a field or directed weapon emplacement that prevents magic from being used within the field or targeted area. This will however take time but after the project is completed I will be happy to provide you with free units. The current prediction is that the device will best be used as a defence as it will most likely require power protection.

Yet more Justicars start to appear on the shores of various parts of the world; the Cult is apparently trying to make their presence known as the rest of the world gears up for war. Intentions are currently still unclear, but they aren't attacking anyone yet.

Begin researching Hydraulic Cannons (Enables Justicars to use short-range water cannons that specialize in punching through armor.)

Last edited Mar 01, 2016 at 05:46PM EST

AIC Update:

To Terminus 2: Send us down the schematics and numbers and we can begin.

To Holy Void Empire: I'll have a team fly out and assess the cannon. From there we can determine how we will proceed on repairing it.

Research Report:
-Currently researching: Military Laser/DEW Applications (Allows for the construction of Laser PD batteries. Allows for vehicle-mounted laser weaponry.)

Security Report:
-Several machines of unknown origin have been appearing near AIC territory. They appear to be marine in nature. Observation is advised.
-Security Status: Green

Economic Report:
-Mining and manufacturing is going smoothly. Stocks for AIC-member companies are currently rising at a gradual rate.

General Report:
-AIC Site Acquisition Groups are still en route to their deployment locations.
-Vehicle and weapons production continuing smoothly. Report will be released soon.
-Currently awaiting reply from Yrthist kingdom.
-Awaiting of finalization of Project JACOB joint-venture between AIC and Terminus 2.

The AIC deploys 2 of its transport shuttles into Low Orbit. Both shuttles deploy their payloads: 2 Research Survey Satellites, for surveying potential asteroids to mine. The satellites will boost themselves into High Orbit. (1 turn)

Last edited Mar 01, 2016 at 07:55PM EST

INTELLIGENCE REPORT: #2g7985325hji3680

The ambassador has arrived safe and sound, search for an undead with diplomatic skills is starting.
The void nation has beautiful monuments but they have an eery vibe around them. The local inhabitants are living in poverty it seems, they look like undead. (Note from the boss: That's cuz they ARE undead you stupid)

We asked some where we could find the embassy.
For now, the only reaction we got from them was: "brainz?"

Last edited Mar 02, 2016 at 01:52AM EST
  • Erakuush, the citadel of the First Matriarch within Tocossta's largest village, orchastrates a mystic ritual like no other seen before. 300 young women, all set to be bound to the Many Feathered One, are gathered under the central chamber under high noon. They are invested with grey serpent-like entities, jumping out from the walls, buring themeselves under their skin. It is agonizing and exhilarating as their flesh is remade and they are mortified. Now their very substance is magic itself. *
  • 50 of the new thaumaturges exit the citadel to begin the next preparations for war. They are emmensly tall,frail and bare cold grey skin. Their faces are veiled. A spell taking the shape of a black ripple, echoes from their feet and races across the land. It distorts into abstract, boiling shapes and reconstitues the earth carefully snaking around the ground on which the people stand, spreading over hills and across the Mountains of Knowth. A foreign flock of birds from beyond the mountains, settle into one of the lower forests. a few descend to the floor and are engulfed by the earth. A trap has been set. *

[An earth based trap has been set across the Mountains of Knowth. The spell, named Inharkta seul Kalef (Maw of God), swallows any foreign organic entity that remains in the same position for more than 5 seconds. This prayer, born of the unity between the formless waters(Rael), and the steady and patiant earth(Morsta), shall last for 3 months before the casters must be healed and replenish their strength. The thaumaturges begin studying to how to affect technology]

Last edited Mar 02, 2016 at 10:25AM EST

Message to Generals of the Void-Axis Alliance:
The fish cult appears to be mobilizing, keep an eye on them during patrols and be prepared to fire on them if they make any acts of aggression regardless if they target you or not… These are zealots, they cannot be trusted… On another note, send an R&D team to help with New Hertfordshire's project, we need to make sure our cannons will be able to work at 100
within their protective fields…%

Message to the United Meme Nation:
I have yet to receive an explanation for your hasty endangerment of me, my people, allies, and refugees… I hope you will be cooperative as I am sending someone, under that protection of elite guard, to work over a deal for amends…

Queen Mako will remain at her capital until the Atlach-Nacha is in working order again
Progress: 15 percent

AIC Update:
An AIC jet arrives in the capital of the Holy Void Empire. Its passengers are an engineering team sent to assess the condition of the Atlach-Nacha's main gun as well as the rest of the vessel.

Meanwhile, the AIC Site Acquisition Groups have finally arrived at their predetermined destinations and have deployed to establish ground control and begin operations.

Last edited Mar 02, 2016 at 09:11PM EST

To Spider Queen Mako and others it may concern…

The few U.W.U.s sent to assist the S.I.G.N. have been deployed. These walker gears will be sure to help OTL restore order and peace to the effected areas.

I have also started sending spy drones to monitor the seas. And as we speak, a task force consisting of 3 frigates, 3 submarines, and 1 GM destroyer is sailing at top speed to monitor the outskirts of the waters inhabited by the fish cult. All armed with submarines and depth charges incase things go awry.

An finally, I've sent only the smartest men and women in our glorious squad to assist New Hertfordshire in their NULLIFY project. This will undoubtedly help us defeat our true enemy, the undead army.

Everything seems to be going our way for now, and lets hope it stays that way.
-Sincerely, General Eris
For Glory!

To the naval task force sent to the North-East Ocean…

At request of the beautiful Spider Queen, you have been sent to monitor the waters inhabited by the Cult of the Oarfish. This is an enemy we have know next to nothing about, and our submarines cannot dive deep to reach the abyssal region the oarfish reside in. So I advise you to avoid doing any kind of action that may provoke them. Only resort to force if they prove hostile.

But don't fret, more ships are being built at this very moment. Our men and women of the Axis Squad are working 24/7 to get these new ships completed and ready for combat. Once completed, I'll be sure to send extra ships to help you contain the oarfish if they decide to go hostile.

Until then, stay safe. And thank you.
-Sincerely, General Eris
For Glory!

Last edited Mar 02, 2016 at 08:58PM EST

33rd Independent Battalion Field Report

At 1600 hours several U.W.U. units from the Axis army arrived at a once flourishing coastal town. The port had been hastily repaired to accommodate the landing ships. The landing went smoothly, the ships immediately took off after dropping their cargo.

We escorted them through the nicer part of the town, unfortunately a public execution of looters was underway. We explained to the U.W.U. commander that martial law must be imposed to maintain order, he seemed to understand.

At 1830 hours the battalion and the U.W.U. detachment advanced 20 klicks North-East. The battalion encountered 4 refugee camps, we gave them essential supplies and moved forward to let the support battalions to relocate the refugees.

At 1900 hours the vanguard company engaged about three dozen bandits. Battalion command decided to let the U.W.U. detachment handle the bandits, what resulted was best described as "overkill". Those mechs vaporized the bandits in just a few minutes. Survivors fled into the woods and we had to chase them around for an entire hour. The Battalion commander estimated that the mechs match, if not surpass our best IFVs in terms of firepower. I think a single on of these mechs can outgun an entire tank platoon.

Battalion advanced for another 20 klicks before setting shop and rest for the night. Everyone was talking about the mechs. When I talked to the U.W.U. commander he was surprised at our lack of technology, I shrugged and changed the subject.

U.W.U. detachment was transferred to V Corps Headquarters the next day

Last edited Mar 03, 2016 at 01:52AM EST


I really apologize for that nuke. Liche's threat to the world was unforgivable and to prevent everything from escalating (wich it unfortunately did) We had no choice but to put the
war-torn zombified nation out of its misery. We caused a lot of grief and suffer and therefore are willing to atone for our sins. What are your demands?

I wasn't really sure to actually nuke the country, Yes i ANNOUNCED it but because you said i had to stay out of it i thought that i better abort those plans.
But as you suddenly put it in the storyline i had to improvise

Response to the AIC
I accept cooperation with your nation, Yrthist engineers will be sent to help with the Atlach-Nacha.

Expanding Yrthist
An expedition will be sent to the uninhabited territories South of Yrthist to determine if Yrthist should expand into these territories.

A few smaller vessels can be made out lurking beneath the Axis Squad's naval scouts, though they do not surface to communicate; it would seem they're just watching, gathering information on their position.

On the coast of the PEPSI Remnants, the Justicars' patrol route leads them to encounter the PEPSI blockade. They don't seem too thrilled to have their route cut off, and wait nearby for orders.

Hydraulic Cannons complete; begin researching "Shedskin" Modules (Allow Paladins to rapidly accelerate, leaving behind a large heat signature to throw off heat-tracking systems.)

Last edited Mar 03, 2016 at 04:27AM EST

AIC Update:

General Summary:
-Awaiting finalization of Project JACOB joint venture by AIC and Terminus 2.
-Engineering team deployed to Holy Void Empire to assess condition of vessel, Atlach-Nacha.
-AIC Site Acquisition Groups deployed. Ground control established. Establishing mining infrastructure.
-Research/Survey satellites have reached target orbit and begun operations.

Executive Report:
-Proposal: Increase security measures along Northern border. Awaiting board vote.

Research Report:
-Military Laser/DEW Applications Research Complete.
-Now researching: Field Electromagnetic Applications I
(Allows for the construction of EMP minefields. Allows for the production of EMP munitions. Prerequisite for Field Electromagnetic Applications II)

Production Report:
+24 "Chariot" APCs
+8 "Archer" AFVs
+4 "Archangel" ASFs
+4 "Skyhawk" Transports
+54 Quadrotor Drones

-288 Troops recruited.

Currently in production:
- 4 Patrol Frigates.
- 1 Mobile Construction Crawler
- 1 Transport Shuttle

(Might as well add a bit of flavor to the thread with side-stories like these.)
– Log Entry, Paul Ortega, SAG-7 foreman, Corvus Machinery, AIC –

3 March
It's been a rough week but we finally made it to the deployment site. After we got the rig unpacked, boss wanted us to send teams into the mountains to prospect for dig sites. Immediately! He should take a mining probe and shove it up his ass. Can't we at least have a bit of reprieve before we get into the hard stuff? But as much as this blows, the paycheck more than makes up for it.

We sure picked a nice site to set up in. Mountains, trees, the works. Going to miss it when we get into high gear. Guards have been a little antsy of late. Been hearing rumors of zombies or something. Might have something to do with that industrial accident out west 3 months back. But zombies? You gotta be shitting me! Anyway, might as well keep out of their way and focus on the job. The less trouble, the better.

(End of entry)

Last edited Mar 03, 2016 at 05:13AM EST

Sign forces continue to advance northward, several cities willingly accept SIGN occupation while the rest are forcefully put under SIGN protection. Loss of land from the previous war has created a food shortage and SIGN forces are moving to secure fertile lands at North.

A sizable coalition of independent states has been formed to resist SIGN, they are located just north of Terminus territory and hope to secure Terminus support

SIGN forces are 30 kilometers south of Terminus borders. For now SIGN command is unwilling to start a conflict with a major power, they plan to encircle the coalition and the Terminus territory.

in other news, a number of Void Empire and Pepsi republic citizens/soldiers who are still stranded in the Southern continent are looking to rejoin their government

Not all were evacuated, some were left behind and forced to live through the initial months of chaos. SIGN does not have the capability to transport people over the ocean, but with the Axis army arival many stranded citizens of the Void Empire and the Pepsi Republic are hopeful that their government will send ships to take them out of the southern continent.

Last edited Mar 03, 2016 at 06:57AM EST

Gonna sends some of interceptor aircraft (J-11) to patrol near Shalashasqia
New weapon update: the design has been chosen. Currently in works
Currently considering about an alliance to another nation other than Spider nation
Status of the island: everything is fine
Daily check complete

I expanded

In explore I also met girl.

She is very pretty but I am worry.

I am not good with gril and she barely notices my bark packages I give her.
adn what if that fiend bartholomew kook gets her?
much worry much thought…

Maybe Tupolev-chunk will start a trading with me? Together with Owen-boy we will make products of good! We desire that stel bongo!

Additional R&D teams received.
+2 to NULLIFY progress, NULLIFY research rate increased.
More coastal guns and defences are being built. Deep sea mines and shore mines placed near naval bases and key ports. Patrol Yorkshires mill about the coast.

Last edited Mar 03, 2016 at 10:58AM EST

intelligence report

…The messenger from the Holy nation has arrived in the capital of our nation. Negotiations are starting soon…

…Our diplomats sent to the void nation have finally encoutered a place to stay. They described the building as "a dark temple of the damned". Unlike most of the capital, not a single zombie was seen, only a few necromancers seem to inhabit the place…

…Outlander troops have been patrolling near our borders. To prepare for the worst, the army is now mobilizing…

…The D.O.N. Sattelite has been malfunctioning due to a recent meteor shower. The laser has taken serious damage. Drones are trying to repair it. Fortunately, communications haven't been affected…

Last edited Mar 03, 2016 at 11:40AM EST

Progress of the Atlach-Natcha goes as follows:
-Inner Workings: 45 percent
-Weapons: 35 percent
-Armor Plating: 60 percent
-Mana Cells: 82 percent
-Main Gun: 30 percent

Collaborative messages with AIC through-out that hanger:
The main problem with the main gun is we're having trouble finding a metal that's able to help with focusing the cannon's beam, 2/5 test firings have been successful, but each time, the barrel has ended up as a pile of molten metal… the cannon, as I have stated before, is made up of 3 parts: The Alter where my Witch Guard can alter the concentrated mana, the outer shell and barrel with 3 focusing lens, and the large crystal similar to the Heart of the Citadel in the capital… This will be the most difficult part of my ship, but I am confident that your team can speed things along

Received message from defensive posts built in allying territories:
Construction is going well and our guns are ready for anything stupid enough to step into the killzone… However I am concerned about an attack from the sea, our diving bell arachne have been picking up movement near the coast, we will speak with the people in charge to have citizens unable to fight to be transported to the capital in the case there is an attack before we are able to complete the Trap-Door Spider turret installation

The heat is unbearable and the wind stings your face as it blows sand from the dunes into it. The howling wind is the only sound the fills the desert air. You've been searching for days for the domain of the undead. The winds are too harsh for flight and the the dunes are too steep to drive. So, you search and continue to search. You should've reach the city by now, you're literally in the middle of the the undead territory. But, you see nothing. Hear nothing. You only see and feel the desert. Are they really here?…

You lose your footing and tumble down the dune head first. The stuff you packed for the travel into the desert loosens from your back pack and goes flying everywhere. Anything light is caught in the desert gust of wind and the anything heavy tumbles down the dune along with you. You lay at the bottom of the dune, dizzy and disoriented. You get up and attempt to empty your clothes of sand that got inside from your tumble. Half way through, you start to notice you're starting to sink. As you try to escape, you feel like something is holding onto your ankle and keeping your from escaping. You gasp in surprise as your strongly pulled underneath the sand. At first, your crushed by the sand, but soon you feel like your free falling. Everything is dark, your mind races as you panic. You consciousness is abruptly knocked out when you finally land. Your body aches and your legs shoot waves of pain when you try to move them. You finally notice your surroundings.
You've found the city of undead. You can't even take in what you've seen before your consciousness is. again, abruptly knocked out of you. You're awake to soft humming. You pain finally seems to be gone, but something feels… off. You can't taste the air nor smell it. Everything feels numb. Your memories feel foggy and distant. Your vision is blurry and you can't make out where your at. As you start to get up, something slowly pushes you back down. "Not, now dear", says a raspy woman's voice. "I'm still not finish" You hear some metal clink together not too far from your head, then a satisfied raspy chuckle from the voice that told you to lie back down. Your vision finally comes to and you seem to be in a dimly lit room. When you turn your head, you see people next to you. Their skin, pale and devoid of life, laying on a metal gurneys. Despite their lack of skin color, you feel no fear towards them. In fact, you strangely feel no fear at all. A gentle hand cups your cheek and turns your head and gaze to the ceiling. A slim figure, with a black silk cloak and hood busily works around you. They seems to be doing something to you. You can feel your skin tug in your right thigh. "Just a moment darling, I'm almost finish", the hooded figure says. You lay their for a moment, feeling the skin of your legs tug. After a few minutes, the hooded figure pats on the chest. "All done," the raspy womanly voice says. You finally prop yourself and inspect what she's been doing to you. You skin is pale gray and you notice your legs have stitches in multiple places. Pale grey, your wonder if you skin was always that way. "Alright, fresh one." the familiar voice and figure comes back, quickly circling your metal bed and cleaning up some blood that spilled onto it. "Make yourself useful and go out the door and head up the stairs. On your left, you should see a door. Go through it and talk the man at the far end of the corridor. He'll tell you what to do next." You have no idea what's going on, but you follow her orders slowly get off the your metal gurney.

The Undead Legion finally appears. The United Meme Ambassador is now undead and apart of the Undead Legion.

I wrote a vague and simple short story to say, hi. The undead are here.

Terminus II Turn summary:


- A team of experts with schematics is sent to the AIC, helping with the Project JACOB.
- Factory supervisors are waiting to be accepted at the AIC factories, so that the manufacturing of the robots may start.
- A small eyebot is sent to the Undead Legion's supposed whereabouts, with glyphs incribed on it, containing an encrypted comm link, as a test. The scientists were curious whether the reported creatures were sentient and intelligent.


- Gravitational manipulation is being explored by the most brilliant of Terminus's minds – the possible applications include engines, artificial gravity and pressure weaponry.
- The Mainframe is expanded upon, improving the calculational capability of the Terminus Space Station itself, and allows the AI to self-optimize with a controlled upper limit.
- A concept of an incredibly powerful space weapon – advanced railgun, the Thanix, are being developed. The cannon is an improvement over the regular railgun, shooting liquidified mixture of thungsten, iron and uranium, suspended in an electromagnetic field. It is later accelerated to a fraction of light speed, and the pressure of the impact causes it to solidify. The Canon is too big for regular soliders, but perfect for spaceships and heavy robots.


- As the robots need rare earth metals, more ships are sent into the Asteroid belt – eventually, plans of a space station in that area develop. It will have to overcome several difficulties and will require additional technologies.
- With AIC producing robots, the mining operations are greatly expanded – the new territorry is barren and conststs of mountain ranges, tundra and rainforests, completely uninhabited.


- New models of GU robots are constantly manufactured and tweaked.
- Additional garrisons are located in the upper continent, due to possible threat of the Undead. The Lead Researcher isn't certain whether they have any interest in Terminus itself, and is not willing to engage in fighting; however, he implements safety measures.


- Garrisons are reinforced; Enemy encounter: Unlikely.

Live long and prosper.

(I won't post as much as some people here, so I'll mostly just condense my actions like that.)

Last edited Mar 03, 2016 at 03:24PM EST

NULLIFY progress +2, total progress is 5/15
Message sent out to all available territories
We've had a rather productive season and have a good deal of various metals, sheep wool, mint sauce and Jeremy corbyn's pubic hair. Anyone interested?

meanwhile, far north from the Whiteshack border a lone tuk-tuk treks through the mountains.
The yellow monkey adjusts his sunglasses and grabs a canister of Zyklon B
"t-those fuckers,,,,,,,, dead"
It's Bartholomew Kook, the most wanted man in Whiteshack.
"hmph. goingo where?"
Bartholomew Kook turns around to get eye-contact with his friend Minecraft. The poor bastard is legally named Minecraft. The hippo adjusts his seat.
"big blace… heard fun"
They go on for a while. Kook checks his brass-knuckles and molotov cocktails. It's getting hotter as they start to reach the northern parts of the continent. The deserts are no good place for tuk-tuks. Occassionally they get down to push it over a dune. Countless times they get caught and countless times Bartholomew tells Minecraft to push. But then, he stops moving.
"Eugh… blubberghasting idiot, are yuo that lazy?"
Minecraft can only say one thing:
And yes, from below a pair of dark hands are grabbing the juicy, sweet little buttcheeks of Minecraft.
"bom,,,,,,,, bommer"
He grabs his molotov cocktail and Zyklon B.
"…you're already bommered"
He smashes a molotov cocktail against his forehead and headbutts Minecraft in the ASS! The heat makes the hands lose their grip as Minecraft jumps back into the Tuk-tuk. Bartholomew loosens the valves as he lets the Zyklon B fill the area before he takes the pedal to the metal and drives away at an astounding 60 mph! Well a Tuk-tuk can go up to 110 but the sand wasn't really helping. Every hand that touches the seat promptly get chopped off with a sharp glass bottle. They successfully flee but Minecraft is now comatose because of all the Zyklon B fumes.

Fuck it. Out south they will go, get some help for the retarded Minecraft and possibly do more evil deeds.

Intelligence report

…The drone escorting our ambassador is destroyed. Last footage shows that our diplomats have all been turned undead. Although Scenario U was the most predictable one but we now have a reason to initiate phase 3…

To: The dead legion

We gave you a last chance for peace. Clearly, you don't have ears for that. We should have known better since you betrayed your own allies. If the dead legion wants war, they will get war. We will finish what we started. Our nation will…


Last edited Mar 03, 2016 at 03:32PM EST

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