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KYM Community Building Survivor (Game Thread)

Last posted Jul 01, 2018 at 03:22AM EDT. Added Apr 23, 2018 at 01:07PM EDT
65 posts from 9 users

Game On

KYM Survivor begins! A big welcome our 10 players: C_Mill24, chowzburgerz, Freakenstein, ArchaicEX, Alex|-_-|, kronic, The Cute Master :3, Roarshack, TheToaMaster and RocketPropelledPanda! Hopefully you've completed at least ONE of the challenges in the two months you had since the announcement of the game up until now.

In this thread, you post your proof of completion for any of the challenges from the spreadsheet to earn points. If you are uncomfortable with posting some proof publicly on these forums, you can PM it to me.

At this time next week, we will initiate a voting phase where you will see the points you've earned in a leaderboard, and you must PM me the name of the one person who you want to vote out of the game (plus if you want to use an immunity bonus if you've earned one). The person at the top of the leaderboard cannot be voted out.

Other rules and information were in the earlier sign-up thread. Let's get started!

Last edited Apr 23, 2018 at 01:07PM EDT

Number 80
"1) Do you consider yourself tall or short?
2) Do you spend a lot of time on KYM?
lmao no
3) How far away do you live from a capital city?
Not too far, probably a couple miles
4) What is your favourite colour?
5) Do you like roast beef or lamb?
Roast beef.
6) Do you prefer foxes or wolves?
Neither, because I'm not a fucking furry
7) Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
8) Would you dye your hair a different colour?
9) What is your weight in kilograms?
Sorry but I'm from America and I don't know what a kilogram is
10) What is your favourite Studio Ghibli movie?
Spirited Away
11) Do you prefer hot or cold weather?
Cold weather. Florida weather fucking sucks
12) Have you finished college?
No, college is a scam
13) Would you like to be a voice in an animation by
NeonWabbit without getting paid anything?
oh yeah
14) Do you prefer coffee or tea?
Coffee, but
15) What is your favourite type of sushi?
16) What is your gender, birthday, and town of residence?
f/15/cali don't hit on me silly boys ;)
17) What do you think the fox says?
"I just won EVO 2018 Grand Finals"
18) Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
19) Do you think these questions are getting a bit creepy?
Yeah, that roast beef question hit a little too close to home
20) Should NeonWabbit genuinely fuck off?"
No because you are my good friend and I enjoy your presence :)

i lied on most of these but whatever right


Way back when I saw the original thread I was planning on doing the Free Rice donation thing, and I thought it would be funny to get 1337 instead of 1000. Turns out you can't, since it comes in multiples of 10, so I was on my way to 13370 instead. Then the site broke.

This will be a theme.

Just Monika.chr

I'll do you one better. This image not only shows that I have a copy of Monika in my Steam library, but it also shows you how to decode the secret message hidden within it.

The Top 100+

Pac-'Nam Flashbacks

It's Legal, I Swear

2.6 ratio on a torrent that doesn't exist. I guess they deleted it, but it's a recent version so I don't know why they would.

KYM's Search Function

Garmfield, You Fat and Stupid Cat

Number 159 – Your Shameless Self-Promotion

Number 166 – The Top 100+

Number 129 – Now I Know My KYM

A for Are You A Bad Enough Dude?
B for Brap!
C for Cash Me Outside, Howbow Dah?
D for Doge
E for Emoji
F for First
G for Good Guy Greg
H for He Protec But He Also Attac
I for I'm Really Feeling It
J for Jesus, Man
K for Katy t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
L for Le
M for Moon Man
N for NO U!
O for Oh You!
P for Pepe
R for Rick Roll
S for Scumbag Steve
T for Trololo
U for U WOT M8
V for Virgin vs. Chad
W for Why Not Both?
X for XD
Y for (You)
Z for Zalgo

Voting Phase 1

It is time to vote. For the next 24 hours, you can PM me the name of the person that you want to vote out of the game (and whether you want to use any immunity bonus you've earned) via KYM or Discord. For this week's voting phase, you cannot vote out the person who is at the top of the leaderboard for this week, and that is: Roarshack.

Reminder if you forgot: If you are voted out of the game, you should keep doing challenges because the voted-out person with the most points at the end of the game also wins the same prizes as the main, chosen winner of the game.

Here is the scoreboard as it currently stands. You can still submit challenge proofs during the 24 hours you have to vote, but this won't change your position on the scoreboard until points are tallied up again next week.

Last edited Apr 30, 2018 at 12:08PM EDT

Phase 1 Results

It's time to tally the votes. It seems only 8 of 10 active players voted. The 2 players that didn't vote have automatically been defaulted to vote for each other. If anybody has a immunity bonus and you wish to use it, now would be the time.


RocketPropelledPanda uses his immunity bonus from finishing a packet of Cheetos.

Once the votes have been read, the decision is final, the person voted out can continue to complete challenges for a shot at winning the 2nd place prize.



The Cute Master :3


The Cute Master :3


(We're tied. Two votes kronic, two votes The Cute Master, two votes ArchaicEX. Four votes left.)




1st person voted out, and the 1st member of the jury:


Well, everybody saw that coming from a mile away. See you next week for Voting Phase 2!


Last edited May 02, 2018 at 06:47AM EDT

Challenge #103 – The Fault

Challenge #108 – Necessary Flashforward

Challenge #113 – SWEDEN YES
ABBA or Roxette?
Hands down, ABBA.

Challenge #123 – Not U 2

Challenge #166 – The Top 100+

Challenge #177 – Stud Muffinlicious

Challenge #184 – IAmA Question Receiver. AMA.

Last edited May 04, 2018 at 04:35PM EDT

Number 116 – DANG.

Hello, Fellow Listener
Excite Me
You Think You're Funny, I Think You're Dead
I Don't Like It
Today, We Know Where We're Goin'
Still Love Me, Babe?
How We Doing?
Eggs And Bacon
Gotcha, Man
Almost There
Might Not Make It
End It Now

Number 172 – I Don't Own A Nintendo System.

Number 184 – IAmA Question Receiver. AMA.

Last edited May 05, 2018 at 12:48AM EDT

Voting Phase 2 Results

It’s time to tally the votes. It seems only 6 of 9 active players voted. The 3 players that didn’t vote have automatically been defaulted to vote for each other. If anybody has a immunity bonus and you wish to use it, now would be the time.


Roarshack uses his immunity bonus from not including James in his fanfiction.

Once the votes have been read, the decision is final, the person voted out can continue to complete challenges for a shot at winning the 2nd place prize.


(Does not count)



The Cute Master :3



The Cute Master :3


2nd person voted out, and the 2nd member of the jury:


I guess the crime of inactivity doesn't pay. See you next week for Voting Phase 3!


Last edited May 10, 2018 at 07:18AM EDT

Challenge 94 – Epic Consent

Woah, haha hey Kamoshida here. Just on my way to go bang this 17 year old high school student which would be weird if I was abusing her emotionally and physically in some sort of toxic student-mentor relationship that would end in someone trying to commit suicide but I got consent from her so it's all cool, y'know? Man, consent is so epic. If I were some sort of crazy person I would just like grab her by the arm while nobody was around and just shove my face in her crotch and start inhaling so hard until little strands of pubic hair would start coming out of her panties and into my nose haha. Thankfully I'm not that kind of sick person, so each time we have sex I ask her if she wants to and only take action if she agrees, which is friggin' sweet if I do so say so myself. Even when we are in the middle of lovemaking, I make sure to ask her for consent if I'm gonna do something else other than pounding that technically-legal under-Japanese-law tush, like say: shove my finger up her nose and start digging around while I'm ramming her from behind and then lick my finger clean of all that nose gunk haha. That would be completely wrong of me and a breach of the spoken contract between man and woman who want to perform sexual acts on one another. Ah, consent is really epic. Anyway, I better hurry up to work now, the big volleyball tournament is coming up soon after all. Kamoshida out!

Number 80 – Doxx Pops

1. Tall
2. Everyday
3. About 200 miles from Austin
4. Yellow
5. I like both roast beef and lamb
6. Wolves
7. Extrovert
8. No
9. 86 kgs
10. Didn't watch any Studio Ghibli movies
11. Hot
12. Yes with 2 degrees
13. Sure
14. Coffee
15. Unagi/BBQ Eel
16. Male, September 11th, and Dallas, TX
17. Who cares
18. No
19. No
20. No

Number 113 – SWEDEN YES


Voting Phase 3

Once again, it is time to vote. You know the rules: active players can PM me the name of the person they want to vote out of the game (and whether they want to use any immunity bonus they've earned) via KYM or Discord. For this week's voting phase, you cannot vote out the person who is at the top of the leaderboard for this week, and that is, for the 2nd time: Roarshack.

Reminder if you forgot: If you are voted out of the game, you should keep doing challenges because the voted-out person with the most points at the end of the game also wins the same prizes as the main, chosen winner of the game.

Here is the scoreboard as it currently stands. You can still submit challenge proofs during the voting phase, but this won't change your position on the scoreboard until points are tallied up again next week.

Voting Phase 3 Results

It’s time to tally the votes. 7 of 8 active players voted. The player that didn’t vote has automatically been defaulted to vote for the last person to vote. If anybody has a immunity bonus and you wish to use it, now would be the time.


Nobody uses an immunity bonus. Let's go read the votes.

Once the votes have been read, the decision is final, the person voted out can continue to complete challenges for a shot at winning the 2nd place prize.



The Cute Master :3



The Cute Master :3


(We're tied. Two votes ArchaicEX, two votes The Cute Master :3, one vote left…)

3rd person voted out, and the 3rd member of the jury:


Okay, what? I can understand voting out inactive players with 0 points, and I can understand voting out the people near the top of the leaderboard, but voting out someone in the middle? They posed no threat to your chance of winning the game! Uh, I mean--


Last edited May 18, 2018 at 10:35AM EDT

Number 59 – Rice To Eat You

Number 119 – Did Nazi That Coming!

9/11 was an inside job and the Moon Landing was fake.

Number 132 – Gotta Run Out Of Ideas Fast

Voting Phase 4

We're at the half-way point! As you know, the final voting phase will be when there's 3 players left in the game, at which point the people voted out will vote for the winner. Let's take a look at the current scores:

RocketPropelledPanda is immune this week. You cannot vote him out.

_Not to fuck up the the game but, we are all men here with priorities at hand. I'm NOT rockin' off my bloody horse. -i'm-fed up withf dthess whorld, lisaaah_

don't eat the grey swiss-bunt cakes , Ther're Awful i gottatellya_

"insabilility WILLLY <--------------round..

Voting Phase 4 Results

It’s time to tally the votes. 5 of 7 active players voted. The players that didn’t vote have automatically been defaulted to vote for each other. If anybody has a immunity bonus and you wish to use it, now would be the time.


Nobody uses an immunity bonus. Let's go read the votes.

Once the votes have been read, the decision is final, the person voted out can continue to complete challenges for a shot at winning the 2nd place prize.






The Cute Master :3

4th person voted out, and the 4th member of the jury:

The Cute Master :3

Well, that's the last remaining inactive player, so it's gonna get serious from here. Grab your "torches", head back to camp. See you next week.


(P.S. TheToaMaster voted for themselves this round, and will thus receive points for completing challenge 73.)

Last edited May 26, 2018 at 06:33PM EDT

Challenge #5 – Meme Karaoke (Eric Clapton – Cocaine)

at least my singing is better than american idol

(also, RIP The Cute Master :3)

Last edited Jun 01, 2018 at 10:43PM EDT

Voting Phase 5 Begins

For this week, we genuinely have a tie for first place. This was not planned and I did not quietly add or subtract a random amount of points to anyone's score just to make this tie happen. In this case, both people are now immune this week. Let's look at the scoreboard and see who they are.

You cannot vote out chowzburgerz or TheToaMaster this week.

Voting Phase 5 Results

It’s time to tally the votes. 4 of 6 active players voted. The players that didn’t vote have automatically been defaulted to vote for each other. If anybody has a immunity bonus and you wish to use it, now would be the time.


Nobody uses an immunity bonus. Let's go read the votes.

Once the votes have been read, the decision is final, the person voted out can continue to complete challenges for a shot at winning the 2nd place prize.






(We're tied. Two votes RocketPanda, two votes Alex-_-, one vote left.)

5th person voted out, and the 5th member of the jury:


Hopefully this sets a precedent for voting out the people in 2nd place, so that people have an incentive to complete more challenges to aim for 1st place! Grab your "torches", see you next week!



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