Game On
KYM Survivor begins! A big welcome our 10 players: C_Mill24, chowzburgerz, Freakenstein, ArchaicEX, Alex|-_-|, kronic, The Cute Master :3, Roarshack, TheToaMaster and RocketPropelledPanda! Hopefully you've completed at least ONE of the challenges in the two months you had since the announcement of the game up until now.
In this thread, you post your proof of completion for any of the challenges from the spreadsheet to earn points. If you are uncomfortable with posting some proof publicly on these forums, you can PM it to me.
At this time next week, we will initiate a voting phase where you will see the points you've earned in a leaderboard, and you must PM me the name of the one person who you want to vote out of the game (plus if you want to use an immunity bonus if you've earned one). The person at the top of the leaderboard cannot be voted out.
Other rules and information were in the earlier sign-up thread. Let's get started!