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2020 predictions thread

Last posted 5 years ago. Added 5 years ago
24 posts from 23 users

-Trump get demoded
-Republicans lose the 2020 election
-Website overhaul will fix KnowYourMeme

Biden will commit one more bruh moment, but will be Democrats pick regardless.

Riots throughout US after elections regardless of outcome.

Further riots in Catalonia that get throughoutly ignored by media

Russia tries to claim Belarus, receives more sanctions, but Nord Stream 2 will be finished regardless

War in Donbass is not going to end any time soon

Epstein drags few more people with him

KYM will commit to article format becoming a Buzzfeed with meme wiki attached

Forum dies

Republic of China funds daily Tic-Toc news reports

After rolling out Pokemon HOME, S&S will have their Pokedex expanded

There will be Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on Switch

Elder Scrolls Blades for Switch gets delayed at least once more

Starfield will get an E3 trailer for once

One new Berserk Chapter total, three new Duranki chapters, Miura fucking dies

Stone Ocean Anime announcement

Jojolion will not end in 2020

New Queens of The Stone Age album

Famous internet content creator, Felix Kjellberg aka PewDiePie, will be found dead on the street outside his home in the UK on Janurary 9th, 2020 13:42 GMT. The cause of death will be from blunt physical trauma and will be ruled as a homicide by law officials. The suspects in the case will be a group of 4 unknown suspects spotted on a CCTV camera, who appear to be a group of muscular males ranging from age 18-34, however they will never be found and the case will remain cold for the rest of the year.

Last edited 5 years ago

>Disney announces the sequel trilogy is going to be rebooted
>Disney keeps releasing shitty cgi remakes, one of Lilo and Stich is announced
>Call of Duty Black Ops 5, just being called Black Ops
>Elder Scrolls 6 will be announced at e3, full of lies, will use the same engine, will be even more dumbed down than skyrim and F4
>Pokemon gen IV remakes wil be released, with all the issues of Sword and Sheild
>US Civil war 2: electric boogaloo between the corporate shills and reactionaries will come up when either biden or trump looses

>Another person besides Trump is elected President.
>The tensions over in China escalate to the point where war is declared.
>The Amazon takes another hit in terms of trees burnt.
>The upcoming Xbox console gets a rocky launch.
>Many friendships that were broken are mended together.
>Another well known actor and creator is afflicted with cancer or some other deadly disease and dies.
>Reddit makes the news for rampant threats of violence upon children and minorities.
>Tumblr loses users even more.
>Rotten Tomatoes removes the number scoring system for audience reviews.
>Metacritic addresses metabombing.

-Doge becomes a "symbol" for either extreme left or extreme right.
-Some meme will be resurrected and go through memetic mutation
-The Vaquita Marina will become extinct
-BotW 2 won't be released but a trailer will come out revealing it will come in 2021.
-Pikmin 4 still won't release
-A KYM user will perish.
-Capitalism will take a hit in one way or another.
-My vision will ironically become worse this year.
-Marecord will fucking die

Im just happy that in the next 3-4 years we will finally see some of these god awful trends in media start to fucking die but this time because of the rise of social media we will have full archives of millions of people we will get to cringe at.

For example this type of "Woke" character design

will be looked at in the same light as we do with 80s-90s "radical" characters

And other embarrassing "of its time" shit. Which happens every decade trends come and go but this time its all fully archived. So next time a JK rolling pops up and starts saying all this goofy shit we can tell they are just a trend chaser

Im going for predictions for the decade


Brexit won't affect the UK too much, other than a long list of negative effects. The right wing press will try to defend it with blatant lies.

Boris Johnson will continue austerity subtly, and for the first half of the decade, the richer get rich, the poor get poorer. The NHS will just struggle further.

Trump loses the election.

The Internet

4chan loses more and more relevancy on the internet, going from a site with big internet cultural power, to little more than a safe haven for vitriolic speech and alt-right ideology.

KYM gradually shrinks.

Social media starts to dominate even more.

Memes will continue to be bad, but may have a spike in quality.


With the release of the next generation, consoles gain a bit more popularity, due to much more competitive hardware and graphics. Triple A is forced to compete with high quality indie games and innovate more.

Superhero films die down in popularity slightly, though remain a constant, another trend for big budget films comes in. More films try to have a universe, some might succeed.

TV gets almost entirely replaced by streaming services.

Hip-Hop becomes even more popular this decade, the trap era ends, a new one emerges possibly its "punk" era.

Last edited 5 years ago

March is going to be filled to the brim with memes about there being too many games releasing in the same month. Cyberpunk 2077 will be considered game of the year next to Doom: Eternal, Resident Evil 3 Remake and the Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
E3 this year is going to be a mess due to people being overly skeptical of publishers such as EA and Bethesda.
Elder Scrolls 6 will be announced and a trailer will be shown but everyone will still not be happy since they may use the same game engine for the past decade.
EA will still try to play coy about the state of Anthem but will just say they’re planning something big for it.
We’ll get more information about the new Xbox and PlayStation Consoles.
Nintendo will still be Nintendo and just be doing their own thing. A new trailer for BOtW 2 will be revealed along with gameplay footage. A reveal for the next Pokémon Gen remaster will be Gen 4, all Gen 4 fans (myself included) will be hyped about it. Smash Bro’s Ultimate will reveal new fighters, some of which no one saw coming while others everyone was hoping for will or won’t be brought in. Papa Sakurai will try to go on a short vacation to destress for a bit. A remake similar to Shadows of Valentina of either Genealogy of the Holy War or Thracia 776 will be announced, much to all fans of the classic games. Information about the next God of War game will be revealed, possibly either a trailer or an early working alpha of it.
Warframe is certainly going to have a Make or Break year due to last year being rather lack luster and showing both content creator and community burn out.
Destiny 2 will keep chugging along and a new expansion will be revealed during the course of the year.

Chapters for Attack on Titan will keep steadily coming out each month and the finale will either make or break the series.
Berserk will probably be on another year long hiatus or outright canceled before any major plot pieces are tied up.
All Mecha Anime of this year will be swept under the rug due to the steady tide of Isekai series.
A continuation of Bleach may be announced to end the series properly on the 1000 years war Arc.
Studio Trigger will announce a sequel to SSSS/////Gridman is currently in production.
Part 6 of Jojo will be announced and everyone will be hyped.
Isekai Quartet will get another season.
Berserk will end up getting the Vineland Saga treatment with a good anime adaptation after all these years.

- Berserk still won't be finished
- Trump loses election
- another similar 9/11 attack will happen cus of Iran recently.
- Funimation continues to be hated due to the Dubs change
- FGO gacha…..that's all
- Twitter continues to bring up the anti-male, anti-hetero, anti-whatever the fuck it is in tweets and trends with over ten thousands of likes and retweets
-Twitter also continues to be the next Tumblr as more and more puritans come
-Artists will continue to be harrased by said puritans
- Gamergate will continue to stay as a boogyman as Anita, Zoe, or Brianna and other game journalists keeps bringing it up like some PTSD ghost story shit.
- Sony continues to censor Japanese games
- Another male feminist gets arrested for being a creep
- forced positivity dues out slowly

-Someone famous will die and we cry yet again

+No Man's Sky will get some minor game awards due to Internet Historian's video

+Discord considers also being a video platform, most likely streaming at first

~Trump gets reelected cuz memes and to trigger SJWs (Honestly I just wanted to go against the grain of the other people, if i'm right, Imma laf)

-COPPA hits someone big and it blows up harshly for everyone

-Youtube shits the bed in general (FREE SPACE)

~More 2020 vision jokes

+4/20/20 / April will see a small rise in MLG memes again, just for a brief period

~Minecraft 1.16 is met with mixed feelings, siding on positive

-Removed Herobine (Will never be in the patch notes ever again)


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