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Mac vs. PC

Last posted Oct 08, 2011 at 03:32PM EDT. Added Sep 24, 2011 at 05:08PM EDT
35 posts from 23 users

I've had both.

PC: Usually low cost, lots of random bugs, auto-update breaks things more than it fixes them, compatible with just about everything, long life time and can play games.

Mac: Very expensive, perfect for video editing and photoshop, also great for looking like a douche in a public place, runs smoothly most of the time, has a lifetime of 6 months to 2 years at the most, compatibility issues everywhere, can't load most web pages without altering buttons and making the text float off screen, doesn't know what a game is, can't even run a fucking .exe file.

Last edited Sep 24, 2011 at 06:47PM EDT

The video: That was actually pretty cool. I'd like to see a sequel to this (even if it's unlikely it'll happen)

The actual issue: I'd probably go with PC here.

Sparty the Spaceship wrote:

The video: That was actually pretty cool. I'd like to see a sequel to this (even if it's unlikely it'll happen)

The actual issue: I'd probably go with PC here.

Actually, last I heard the guy was makeing a sequel.

Natsuru Springfield wrote:

Actually, last I heard the guy was makeing a sequel.

…I have something else to keep an eye out for then.

Thanks for letting me know.

Since I own both Mac and Windows computers, I have to say this:
Macs are good for school, because it is easier to write papers, do projects, and run software. Also, they're very well protected against viruses. However, they can't run .exe files and several other file types common to Windows.
Windows computers are good for gaming. They can run many files that Mac's can't. Also, most computer games are built for Windows only. However, they are very susceptible to viruses. People who download files off the internet, or go on poorly run sites may be at risk for viruses and other malware. You need to download antivirus and computer security programs to keep your computer running good.

Actually, my first impression of Mac's wouled have been a lot better IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT STUPID MOTHER F*CKING SINGLE BUTTON MOUSE!!!

You don-goofed, Apple.

Natsuru Springfield wrote:

Actually, my first impression of Mac's wouled have been a lot better IF IT WASN'T FOR THAT STUPID MOTHER F*CKING SINGLE BUTTON MOUSE!!!

You don-goofed, Apple.

You can use a two-button mouse on a mac. (Even though Apple's touchpad is far superior.)


People, stop fighting over Macs and PCs.

Bill Gates likes Apples. (1984)

Steve Jobs hates Microsoft. (1996)

………and now in Silicon Valley…….
<img src="" width:"300">

Why fight?

Last edited Sep 25, 2011 at 02:36PM EDT

Macs and PCs are as different as night and day.

As long as two rivals exist, there will ALWAYS be fighting, hating, and raeg.

But hey, who's to say competition is a bad thing?

To be fair, a "PC" is a "Personal Computer," meaning, a computer used for personal use. Thus, Macs can be "PCs" too. Anyway, I'm open-minded when it comes to operating systems. I'll use Macs, Windows, or even Linux. The only problem I have with Apple is their marketing ploys and hopefully that changes with the new CEO Tim Cook in charge.

Last edited Sep 27, 2011 at 11:43AM EDT

PC : Can run every game in existance, can run EXE files, has a 2 button mouse, but can't run .RAR files.

Mac : Good luck finding a game working on a mac, can't run EXE files, has an irritating 1 button mouse (Good luck playing Left 4 Dead, Mac fanboys!), but can run. Goddamn. RAR. FILES.

Linux…AHAHAHAHA. Tried Ubuntu. Gave up on installing. I'm lazy. I've also practically owned a Windows my entire life. Mostly being XP's.


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