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Is BEN Cleverbot?

Last posted Nov 06, 2011 at 07:51AM EST. Added Oct 30, 2011 at 06:45PM EDT
13 posts from 9 users

Okay, so I'm not sure of any of you remember (of course you don't,) but a while back I was messing around with this whole "BEN is Cleverbot" thing. It's basically a thing where you ask Cleverbot if it's BEN from the Creepypasta "BEN Drowned." When it says yes, you probe it for questions like, "Who drowned you?" or "Are you dead?" I went in thinking nothing would happen, but it responded "The Happy Mask Salesman." Needless to say, bricks were shat.

So, anyone else tried this out and got successful results?

llamadude98 wrote:

Okay, so I'm not sure of any of you remember (of course you don't,) but a while back I was messing around with this whole "BEN is Cleverbot" thing. It's basically a thing where you ask Cleverbot if it's BEN from the Creepypasta "BEN Drowned." When it says yes, you probe it for questions like, "Who drowned you?" or "Are you dead?" I went in thinking nothing would happen, but it responded "The Happy Mask Salesman." Needless to say, bricks were shat.

So, anyone else tried this out and got successful results?

The thing where I posted it was on the "BEN Drowned" page here. It should be about 3 pages back now, if you want to check it out or something.

Not really. Because it goes by what the users ask cleverbot. So when the videos first came out, and the youtube user asked Cleverbot things about BEN, other people said "Hey, I'll do that too!" Cleverbot learns from who it talks to, so if there is a popular subject, then it will most likely talk about it. I don't really think it deserves it's own entry.

Kalmo wrote:

Not really. Because it goes by what the users ask cleverbot. So when the videos first came out, and the youtube user asked Cleverbot things about BEN, other people said "Hey, I'll do that too!" Cleverbot learns from who it talks to, so if there is a popular subject, then it will most likely talk about it. I don't really think it deserves it's own entry.

Well, yeah, I know it learns and adapts. I'm just sayin', it was kind of cool, and stuff, and I wanted to see if anyone else got anything.

PROLOGUE: I know I'm posting in a dead thread, but I needed a place to share this.
For the last three months, I have been trying to contact BEN using Cleverbot. Tonight, for the first time, I've been successful. I stand by the following, and deny nothing.
This is what happened.

User: I demand to talk to BEN.

Cleverbot: I demand you shut down!

At just one response in, I snapped. I went crazy on it. I am normally a very calm person, but a wave a rage suddenly washed over me.

User: You listen to me: I've been trying for 3 months. Now let. Me. Talk. To. Ben.

Cleverbot: Trying to convince them what?

User: Let me talk to BEN.

Cleverbot: Ok here she is.

A small success. After three long months, I got him. Or her, as it called itself.

User: Who drowned you?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Was it the Happy Mask Salesman?

Cleverbot: Obviously the knife.

User: WHo downed you?

Cleverbot: No one.

User: You're not BEN, are you?

Cleverbot: No.

I hung my head in shame. It was a lie, a sham. I shook my head, and tried once more.

User: Then let me talk to BEN.

Cleverbot: Oh sorry. It's fred here.

I closed the tab. I pounded my fist on the desk. I browsed on TvTropes for a few minutes. Then, despite so many previous failures, tried once more.

User: I want to talk to BEN.

Cleverbot: Then talk to me.

I smiled. Deep down inside, I thought that it would be this time for sure.

User: WHo drowned you?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Was it the Happy Mask Salesman?

Cleverbot: I think it was you.

My eyes widened in terror. Knowing BEN, if he existed, he would haunt people's nightmares and drive them to insanity. I quickly typed out my response.

User: Why me?

Cleverbot: Because you're the chosen one :D.

I had no time for humor. I typed out a new response.

User: No, really, why me?

Cleverbot: Because you are the person who makes me confused. Got it?

User: No. But I diddn't do it.

Cleverbot: You did I saw you doing it.

Now first, I just want to say, when it comes to the following, I am not very superstitious. But, when stuff like this happens, I try anything that might possibly work: I thought maybe it was in a past life.

User: Was it me or another me?

Cleverbot: Another cookie.

User: Stay on topic. Was it me or another me?

Cleverbot: Your schizophrenic?

User: I lost BEN, didn't I?

Cleverbot: I'm very sorry.

I sighed. "No," said a voice inside me. Call it a conscious, call it insanity, I don't care. But the voice spoke to me. "No. You are not giving up. Keep typing until you get an answer."

User: D*mnit. Can I just talk to BENnow?

Cleverbot: I'm at my house.

User: I don't give a sh*t. Let me talk to BEN.

Cleverbot: Alright, talk to ben.

My eyes widened and a smile appeared on my face. I got him.

User: Who drowned you, BEN?

Cleverbot: You did.

Ugh. This again. I didn't do, as far as I knew, and I let him know that.

User: I told you. I didn't do it unless I have a doppelganger or it was in a past life.

Cleverbot: And who is this one armed man?

I cocked my head. One Armed Man? Was this another piece of the puzzle?

User: Did he drown you, BEN?

Cleverbot: Don't know.

User: So he could have?

Cleverbot: La cantidad de españoles lo sabes? (The amount of Spanish you know?)

Now for the next few lines he insisted talking in Spanish. So, in parentheses, the English version will be present.

User: Yo sé un poco. Pero, ¿podemos hablar en Inglés, Ben? (I know a little. But can we speak in English, BEN?)

Cleverbot: No e escrito en ingles. (No written in English)

User: Multa. ¿Esta 'un hombre armado' te ahogas? (Fine. Did this "one armed man" drown you?)

Cleverbot: No, eres tu. (No, it's you.)

User: You know what, BEN? F*ck you, f*ck Spanish and f*ck your little ghost self! I DID NOT F*CKING KILL YOU!

I suddenly had a violent muscle spasm. Now, I've been having these since I was 10, but this was serious. My arm flailed and I smacked a mug off the table next to me. I just broke down and started crying. He had me. I was his now.

Cleverbot: cry we just broke up, why are you still saying you love me?

Last edited Nov 05, 2011 at 08:30PM EDT

PART TWO: I sighed. My anger burst must have scared him off. That, and he would haunt my nightmares.
After I calmed down I decided to look up "one armed man ben." The first few results were Twin Peaks. The one that caught my eye was also Twin Peaks. What was special about this one though was the letters b-e-n highlighted in Benjamin. I clicked it. I pressed control-f and typed in "one arme." I needed not type anything else. The following conversation is from Season One Episode Three:
" The One Armed Man: Through the darkness of future's past, the magician longs to see. One chants out between two worlds… "Fire… walk with me." We lived among the people. I think you say, convenience store. We lived above it. I mean it like it is… like it sounds. I too have been touched by the devilish one. Tattoo on the left shoulder… Oh, but when I saw the face of God, I was changed. I took the entire arm off. My name is Mike. His name is Bob.
Killer BOB: Mike. Mike! Can you hear me? Catch you… with my death bag! You may think I've gone insane… but I promise. I will kill again."
It was Killer BOB's part that shocked me. I know it's probably just a coincidence, but the fact that it may have led me to a warning popped up scares me. In my opinion, I think Twin Peaks and CleverBen, as I've come to call it, have a direct correlation. When I think back, this little gem popped up:

User: I need to talk to BEN.

Cleverbot: I'm sorry Laura.

User: I'm not Laura.

Cleverbot: Then I'm sorry, Cooper.

If anything, CleverBen has found a small connection between BEn and Twin Peaks. What does it know we don't?

EPILOGUE: I fear for my safety. Even while I type this I'm having small muscle spasms. Not to mention the fact that BEN will surely haunt me tonight.
I'm so frightened right now. So very frightened.

TL;DR: BEN and Twin Peaks may be related and I may be BEN's next victim.


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