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KYM Pony General V: We Just Don't Know What Went Wrong

Last posted Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT. Added Feb 19, 2012 at 11:27PM EST
9926 posts from 193 users

@Explosive Lasers

It's just a little mind game. But thanks for playing along.

I was thinking about how to go about this before (I already had an answer for this question from a while ago.) You could either find a string of five episodes and two or three of your very favorites are in those five. You pick those five because of those two or three episodes, regardless of what the other two or three are.

Had I done that, I would have picked:

25-29 or some five between 39 and 46… Annnd maybe 48… Because Party of One, Lesson Zero, Baby Cakes, The Last Roundup, A Friend In Deed, and It's About Time. But I wanted to find the episodes that I would enjoy the most given my restriction.

And I certainly like the first five episodes of Season 2.
(If you'll notice, there are a lot of episodes from Season 2 there in that list…) It's not all-inclusive though.


Challenge yourself. I mean, you don't have to. But I think it's always good to work the noodle. Even when it's on something as inconsequential as ponu.

badsitrep might disagree, but I respect his reasoning

<img src="" height="100" / >

Last edited May 04, 2012 at 10:11PM EDT

I went to school. It was breakfast so I was scarfing down on a burrito. One of my friends walked up to me. He revved back his arm and punched me in my shoulder almost making me lose my balance and falling. As soon as I asked why he responded with this.
"I like the show now !"
What I learned from that day ? I got a friend into the show….but I lost my food.
I can't tell whether or not I should be mourning for my burrito or be happy.

Engie wrote:

I went to school. It was breakfast so I was scarfing down on a burrito. One of my friends walked up to me. He revved back his arm and punched me in my shoulder almost making me lose my balance and falling. As soon as I asked why he responded with this.
"I like the show now !"
What I learned from that day ? I got a friend into the show….but I lost my food.
I can't tell whether or not I should be mourning for my burrito or be happy.

"Oh don't be such a baby. Burritos grow back"
(whispers to the rest of the forum)
"No zey don't"

sorry for the burrito, but at least you got a brony. So I'd say the situation is pretty equal.


Though it is a direct reference to Shel Silverstein's "Where the Sidewalk Ends", I thought about it when I was listening to this:

And I also thought: can there be a pony music video to this song? It's one of my favorite classic rock songs… so can anyone point me in the direction?

Last edited May 04, 2012 at 11:08PM EDT



I find that it's a tie between:

A) 27, 28, 29, 30, 31


B) 45, 46, 47, 48, 49

Many of my favorites are not grouped together closely so this was hard enough just coming to a conclusion on those two.

Group A is favorable because of Discord (star of the two episodes I enjoyed the most) and Luna. The episodes in that list were among the ones I started on and number 30 in particular made me a Brony. So that makes group B special. I noticed you picked those same numbers so you must know what I am talking about.

Group B however, contains two of the best Fluttershy episodes I've seen and I like Fluttershy. She really needed those episodes to help her get a name other than "Yellow one". I enjoyed them because of that. It also features apocalyptic Twilight (Coolest Twilight ever) and Burning Phoneix

Tough choices…Tough choices

Last edited May 04, 2012 at 11:15PM EDT
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<img src = ""> lolololol look at all you pony nazis

warcraftnerd1234 wrote:

<img src = ""> lolololol look at all you pony nazis


Of all the things I read about before joining…I still have no idea what the "fruit salad" bit is about. Care to enlighten me?
@Verbose: 48, 49, 50, 51, 52. Even though I liked Discord, Chrysalis just barely beats him. Barely.
Oh, and I actually want this. I've never wanted a plushie in my life until now.

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 12:09AM EDT

>still posting fruit salad


That's a toughie. I liked pretty much all of Season 2 so I don't really know where to start lol.

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 12:09AM EDT

@Consecutive episode thing

The Last Roundup
Super Cider Squeezy
Read it and Weep
Hearts and Hooves Day
A Friend in Deed

Three of my top 10 are in that list (Last Roundup, Read it and Weep, Friend in Deed).

Here's some adorable Tia. Since I never said "Happy Birthday" to Explosives yesterday, consider this a belated gift:

You are obvoiusly too cool for school! I am honored to have someone like you using your valuable time to troll us when you could have been swimming in the pussy you must get everynight because of your badassness! Please teach us your ways of coolness! Only someone who is truly hardcore trolls bronies!

Fruit salad is something which is used instead of hate comments. It is a passive way to keep a troll quite because you can't do that much to reply to fruit salad.

I will play your game.
A) 25,26,27,28,29
B) 48,49,50,51,52

Edit: Thanks Muffin but I will try it later.

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 01:01AM EDT

Tim the Enchanter wrote:

Fruit salad is something which is used instead of hate comments. It is a passive way to keep a troll quite because you can't do that much to reply to fruit salad.

I will play your game.
A) 25,26,27,28,29
B) 48,49,50,51,52

Edit: Thanks Muffin but I will try it later.

Enter desired text before break, enter a few times, do three of these: -. Enter at least two more times, enter desired text, and you get one of these:

Regarding trolls:

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 12:51AM EDT

Cite wrote:

Just felt like briefly popping in to post this.
You gotta love the TF2 community.

That moment when someone else posted what you were gonna post.

But yes. It was an odd day. Especially my initial reaction

Still a good game though.


How are those popup messages created? Also Hi


Of all the things I read about before joining…I still have no idea what the “fruit salad” bit is about. Care to enlighten me?

It started over on the comment section of the MLP page. Way back when there was this troll who uploaded these poorly drawn anti-brony images to the gallery.

He was a rather successful troll, he got tons of downvotes, dozens of comments on his images and plenty of retorts on his profile wall.

I cannot be bothered digging through all those old posts to find the original comments but someone suggested we stop acting horrified, defiant or shocked at his stuff and just reply with stock photo's of fruit salad instead. (I don't remember who it was)

For a while it worked. It resulted in some very confused trolls but it sort of lost its effect now

Verbose wrote:

Pick the 5 best episodes that you can.

Must be consecutive episodes in order of airing.
The numbers of your five episodes must be consecutive integers.

It might not be an original choice, but I'm gonna have to go with 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31:

  • Return of Harmony 1
  • Return of Harmony 2
  • Lesson Zero
  • Luna Eclipsed
  • Sisterhooves Social

The hype around Chrysalis has almost completely died away for me now, so I'm definitely back to saying Discord is best villain. He might not have had such an interesting appearance, but he was so entertaining to watch that I say he's a clear winner. Did Chrysalis turn a non-glass of milk into a hand grenade just for the lulz? Didn't think so.

I haven't seen Lesson Zero in ages, but that's because of the ridiculous amount of times I watched it just after it was released. It was my favourite episode for ages, mostly because Twilight.

I thought Luna Eclipsed was a good episode on release, and it's only grown on me since. I'd definitely place it in my top 10 favourites now.

Finally, Sisterhooves Social is the epitome of d'aww, and it shall hold that title until the end of time. Or at least until we get that damned Scootaloo episode we've wanted for the past year or so.

(Try watching Sisterhooves Social while listening for Sweetie Belle's voice cracks. It makes the episode twice as adorable as usual)

I was thinking about hosting a pony SynchTube thing later today (or tonight, in my case). Since we have even more new members since the last time we had one, I guess I'll explain what happens again. I, or somebody else, will post of link on the thread saying something along the lines of 'Oh hai guise, SynchTubez lol'. It will lead to a SynchTube room where we play episodes of FiM and chat alongside it. Everyone gets some say in which episodes we'll watch. It's usually pretty good fun, and it's a great way to get to know other regular posters here. You don't have to chat if you don't want to, but you'll still get to see what everyone else is talking about. I'll probably start at around 11:00pm or 12:00pm GMT, which translates to 6:00-7:00pm EST or 3:00-4:00pm PST. (I've probably got that a little wrong. Blame daylight savings.)

As usual, if anyone else wants to host it instead (coughcough Cite), feel free to do so.

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 06:54AM EDT

Blue Screen (of death) wrote:

How are those popup messages created? Also Hi

It's a special item, Something Special For Someone Special. It costs $100 (seriously), and buying one will give you a free Name Tag to use on it. You can then give a copy of the ring to another player, and then the message is broadcasted to everybody currently playing TF2. In this case, the player who was named Princess Cadence gave the ring, named "Something special for Somepony Special" to a player named Shining Armor.
Also, the word "Special" looks weird now.

$100?!? That's a ridiculous amount of money to waste on something so useless! I don't see the point of it really. It reminds me of the "I'm rich" app. It cost $1,000 and would only show a picture of a diamond. It was only there to show people you could afford it. I guess the Tf2 ring wold be neat for a couple that plays a lot of TF2, but besides that, it's kinda strange why you would purchase that.

Dac wrote:

$100?!? That's a ridiculous amount of money to waste on something so useless! I don't see the point of it really. It reminds me of the "I'm rich" app. It cost $1,000 and would only show a picture of a diamond. It was only there to show people you could afford it. I guess the Tf2 ring wold be neat for a couple that plays a lot of TF2, but besides that, it's kinda strange why you would purchase that.

Valve's description of the item:
"It's ring-shaped, it's gift-wrapped, it's basically useless, and it's really expensive ($100!). In short, it's the most accurate simulation of an actual Valentine's Day gift ever made available to the public."
They're aware of how useless and expensive it is.

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 10:10AM EDT

Cite wrote:

Valve's description of the item:
"It's ring-shaped, it's gift-wrapped, it's basically useless, and it's really expensive ($100!). In short, it's the most accurate simulation of an actual Valentine's Day gift ever made available to the public."
They're aware of how useless and expensive it is.

I'm sure they are, it's a great way to make some money because there are always people who will be willing to buy stuff like that. Valve is smart to offer that, I just can't say the same for the people who actually buy it.


Gotta go to work now, but I'm interested in a Synchtube. I think Central is -5 from GMT. Which is 5 hours behind. I should be back from work at 6pm here, so 11pm there? So if it's not going, I'll get it poppin'.

Crap, work gotta go argblarghl

>YFW you gain new respect for Celestia and a while later everything artists like JJ do seems disrespectful to her character

Dammit, why did Celestia have to move up on my respect list? Now I can't stand whorish portrayals of her. Molestia used to be entertaining and funny, but now all I see is HERESY.

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 10:34AM EDT

Don't get me wrong, I like his art. It's just that I recently gained a new respect for Celestia, and now it's extremly challenging to deal with stuff like that. It was funny, it was cute, but now it just seems disrespectful. Once again, why did she have to move up a notch…..

That comic was pretty funny. I can't say that molestia bothers me, but I'll admit that it makes me think of JJ as a huge pervert.
Anyways, I really hope mane6 releases fighting is magic before season 3 so then it can alleviate the wait.


Let me give you an accurate representation of how my brain processes r34 in influencing my opinions and thoughts on a character:

Seriously, I have never changed my opinion on a character due to r34, or due to retarded fanon. For an example of both, we have the 'Seductive Spitfire' deal. It's something that tics me off to no end, because it has absolutely no base, has spread incredibly far despite that, and has become the main personality trait in a large portion of the fanon. The main reason that bothers me is because her main personality trait was that she was a professional athlete.

I guess it's just my opinion, but there are a few things I tune out. Tons of ships, all r34, and some fanon interpretations.

Helps keep my 'Favorite Pony List' somewhat straight.

Even if it currently is:

1. Spike
2. AJ
3. Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity, RD, Pinkie, Shining Armor, and Cadence.
4. Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloon, Pipsqueak, Featherweight, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, that fat colt, Cheerilee, and Big Mac.
4. Octavia, Vinyl Scratch, Soarin', Spitfire, Bon-Bon, Derpy, Doctor Whooves, Lyra, Carrot Top, Krakl, Photo Finish, Inkie Pie, Blinkie Pie, Clyde Pie, Pinkie's mom (dat fucking name escapes me), the other Mane Six's parents, Chrysalis, Discord, Blueblood, Iron Will, Diamond Dogs, Teenage Dragons, Adult Dragons, Cranky, Matilda, Gustav, Donut Joe, Mulia Miles, and that one pony in the place with the thing.
5. Tom, Bloomberg, Rocky, Madame LeFleur, the turnip bucket, the lint ball, the kitchen sink, and Twilight's sexy books.

Yeah, Fighting is Magic seems like a decent way to pass the time before S3. I'm personally hoping for a My Little Kombatant: Fatalities are Magic mode. (InB4 people bash me for being a sadistic prick. NO, I don't want to see Fluttershy sic rabid animals on Rarity to have them rip her to pieces. But you have to admit, maybe a few finishers would be cool.) I would like to see some MK stuff such as Friendships and Babalities put into it. Along with costumes. Thak make Rarity look like Sub-Zero and AJ like Scorpion, maybe as a homage to to MK or some other stuff. But yes, it promises to be a great game when it comes out.

It's not the R34 that's changed my opinion on her, it's me respecting her a bit more than I did that's changed my views on the R34. I can stomach it, but it's become harder to ever since I've started looking at her differently. R34 is just the internet being the internet. But I'll be damned if I lie and say I'm completly okay with her being portrayed as a whore.

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 11:02AM EDT

ya know, sometimes people feel like they should Sam Jackson John Joseco


but I try to express my reaction (generally shocked and weirded out) by a few .gifs and pics
For Example
(insert Molestia pic here)

"wait, is she…

OH S%^&!

in reality, I'm not that offended. But to vent emotions like that helps me cope, so instead of thinking about what's actually going on, I can just think of how many numerous reactions can be conceived

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 11:26AM EDT

@The whole molestia/celestia thing

I call artistic license.

In art, there are multiple different ways to interpret things, each of them valid.

Ex: Beowulf of Anglo-Saxon Lore

He's been depicted a number of different ways throughout the ages.

Some depict him as a blonde, Danish nobleman

As a dying Christian knight

As a heroic warrior of God

As a fiercesome Viking warrior

Or as a cunning and cerebral fighter

Like Beowulf, Celestia has had multiple different interpretations due to artistic license.
She's been depicted as a troll, a wise and caring mother figure, an almighty goddess, a sex fiend and as a big sister.

Its not that people are disrespecting Celestia through their multiple incarnations of her. They are simply more thoroughly expressing the vast complexities and traits of a well-made and well loved character through artistic license.

And yes, Verbose, I did just break my "internet is fer lulz" rule.


That is true. Sort of like Pinkie Pie/Pinkamena Diane Pie
When I first got here, one of my first cases I took was to defend the use of flat haired Pinkie/Pinkamena as the one in "Cupcakes". My case was that similar to Renaissance sculptors and painters who were tasked to make art of events for the past, though art from those eras were not common or even widely known about at that time. They relied on the standing armies of their time for battle scene inspirations. Therefore, anachoristic art started (such as paintings of Alexander the Great being similar to some Tuscan prince; Soldiers wearing armor made from steel and armed with swords that wouldn't be used at that time)

both are supposed to represent the Carthaginian victory at the Trebia (218 B.C.)

Same thing here and with Pinkie/Pinkamena: people use the most commonly associated traits of the character in their depictions. Though "Cupcakes" came out before the flat-haird Pinkie episode, after that, when we though "insane and sadistic Pinkie", we thought flat-hair, and it's remained since. With Celestia, one can interpre her character, and soon everyone follows suit by defining her by that trait. As you said: troll, molester, goddess, or mother figure.
tl;dr: We associate a character by one trait, and soon, art comes out defining that one trait, and its been going on forever.

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 12:06PM EDT

Tim the Enchanter wrote:

Relevant to Bluelock but not pony related
I felt bad laughing at this.

I feel some what relieved that not all things that is racist is caused by white people.
But let's keep the subject relevant:

Oh I been playing a lot of Starcaft 2 lately!

@Disrespecting my sister:
She's completely fine with it. Sure, she doesn't like it that people think of her that way when they look at her, but other than that, she gets a good laugh at it. As for why Pyro seems so butthurt over it:
Celestia is kind of a surrogate mother for him. A mother figure to be cherished.
Now, how would you feel if people kept portraying your mother as a whore? I guarantee that you wouldn't like it either.

Now, tell me what you think of when you see this:

@Molestia topic

I actually follow JJ's askprincessmolestia blog. I don't think it's ever went full-R34, and it's mostly just about making sex jokes. It has come pretty damn close to R34 on a few occasions, but it's always for the sake of a joke rather than pornography. If anything, it seems JJ has toned it down a bit recently. It definitely isn't the innocent style of humour you can expect from the show, but that doesn't mean it can't be funny. Also, you can't deny that the art is really well done.

I've never understood how some members of the community can't separate canon and fanon. For me, no matter how much fanon interpretations deviate from the canon personalities, I never get bothered or offended by it. It's not like JJ depicting Celestia as a sex addict is having any influence on the show, so the character of Celestia isn't tainted to me. A lot of people had the same kind of bother with Pinkie Pie after Cupcakes and that awesome ask-pinkamina blog [Warning: gore n' stuff], as they couldn't see Pinkie as the easy-going character she is because of a few messed up fanon interpretations. People often talk as if a character has been ruined by the fandom, when in reality, the character hasn't been changed at all.

@Nightmare Moon

@Algae (lul)

I agree. As a matter of fact, not only do I have no trouble separating fanon and canon, I embrace just about everything this fanon has to dish out, no matter how horrible. I understand that every fandom is a two-sided coin. You're going to drive yourself out if you can't accept things for what they are.

Last edited May 05, 2012 at 02:06PM EDT

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