@Explosive Lasers
It's just a little mind game. But thanks for playing along.
I was thinking about how to go about this before (I already had an answer for this question from a while ago.) You could either find a string of five episodes and two or three of your very favorites are in those five. You pick those five because of those two or three episodes, regardless of what the other two or three are.
Had I done that, I would have picked:
25-29 or some five between 39 and 46… Annnd maybe 48… Because Party of One, Lesson Zero, Baby Cakes, The Last Roundup, A Friend In Deed, and It's About Time. But I wanted to find the episodes that I would enjoy the most given my restriction.
And I certainly like the first five episodes of Season 2.
(If you'll notice, there are a lot of episodes from Season 2 there in that list…) It's not all-inclusive though.
Challenge yourself. I mean, you don't have to. But I think it's always good to work the noodle. Even when it's on something as inconsequential as ponu.
badsitrep might disagree, but I respect his reasoning