I… have arrived!
Being locked away in 'The Land Without Wi-Fi' for a full day is really frustrating when all I wanted to do on my lunch was check in here.
Let's see if we can't crank these out now, okay?
So, SkymanKez is down for a Dashie and it's time for…
<div class=spoiler title="Winner #7">
Disturbed Brony!
In a time-saving measure, he actually let me know yesterday that Funko Dash was his first choice as well, so I'm going to go right ahead and put him down for the other.
Please let me know if you've changed your mind though, Disturbed.
And because that was so quick and easy, we can move right on to…
<div class=spoiler title="Winner #8">
You're up!
<div class=spoiler title="Prize List">
Vinyl Funko Derpy
Vinyl Funko Rainbow Dash (x2!)
Vinyl Funko Doctor Whooves (x2!)
Vinyl Funko Fluttershy (x2!)
Blu-Ray copy of Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony
Metal Derpy ‘Lunchbox’
Fluttershy Collectable Box with Promo Trading Card, Poster and sticker (x2!)
DJ-PON3 Collectable Box with Promo Trading Card, Poster and sticker (x2!)
‘Friendship Express’ DVD
‘Royal Pony Wedding’ DVD
Sleepy Rainbow Dash Beanie