Well folks, how far is too far?
Too far is when the gallery stops showing what's trending and popular in the MLP fandom and is nothing but a microcosm of KYM posters talking amongst themselves
Too far is when the whole gallery becomes a bigger version of pony-r34.tumblr and everyone there is just clopping and not contributing to the cause
But that's not the case here. If you look at those images, it was one dude dropping a whole bunch of humanized/anthro ponies in bikini's. Same stuff as usual. No actual rules broken. One guy doesn't represent all of the gallery users even if his uploads overshadow what other people do at the time.
I was more annoyed that someone created a meta-image of the gallery to juxtapose that whole event. Why? It made a mountain out of a molehill. Nobody would have cared if that image wasn't there. We've had tons of NSFW image dumps like that before and nobody noticed them. Furthermore, at least the saucy NSFW artwork plays a hand in showing what's currently popular in the fandom. Meta-images of the gallery don't! That meta image itself was more abuse of the gallery than the NSFW dump!
You know, you are the last person I expected to get your jimmies rustled over the image gallery. You didn't care….but then you did? What got into you bro?
Consume a snickers salesman. You get serious about ponies when you are hungry.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I will say that the admins do care about the image gallery, we just look at it differently.
1. Ongoing fandoms with ongoing trends needs an ongoing entry + gallery so we can capture what's new in those fandoms. There's no such thing as "we have enough examples". We're not wikipedia which only needs to paint a basic picture, we are KYM which is actively trying to scope out each current event. Locking articles and galleries defeats that purpose
2. We don't appreciate people using the gallery as their personal fap repository but NSFW submissions are still indicative of something going on in the fandom and are not necessarily trash to us. For instance they expose what's popular in the darker side of the fandom. Besides, it's easy to step in if a user appears to do nothing constructive with the gallery at all (Regard how many times Advanced got banned)
3. We're not obligated to keep the fandom looking clean and family friendly. We have a "the meme is what it is" policy. Any shitstorms caused by this aren't our problem.
4. It's actually easier for us to keep entries and submission public and delete the trash that comes in rather than to filter and screen every submission coming in. Filtering the gallery so that only the most relevant images get in would be an insurmountable amount of work and it would be certainly ineffective at ensuring that we get what's important, as we aren't the ultimate judge of what is actually important on the internet
5. Sure we have a lot of cloppers hanging around the gallery but they are not allowed to post porn so they are relatively harmless (If you still get upset by implications of porn, you really should mature IMO). They just mean more visitors to this site.. More people, mean more revenue for the Cheeze network and KYM stays hosted. The worst part about locking the image gallery will be the amount of people that will turn away