So, who here is sick of that Deadparrot bragging about that Scootaloo story he wrote like forever ago getting on EQD? I know I sure was! That's why I decided to write my own Scootaloo story, but with FLYING, and ADVENTURE…in fact, you know what, forget the Scootaloo! This is a story about Rainbow freakin' Dash!
Synopsis: The Wonderbolts may be the greatest fliers in Equestria, but overseas in the griffin lands, aviation has become all but synonymous with the name of Gerard Goldenwings. Word gets out that the living legend is vacationing in Equestria and rumor has it he may be looking to take on an apprentice. Rainbow Dash is eager to meet him and prove herself worthy of his tutelage, but she must first perform one simple task: Catching a certain bird.
I was going to wait and see if I could get this bad boy on EQD before showing it to you guys, but they're really backed up at the moment, and it's going to be a couple weeks before they can get back to me, so what the hell. I wrote this story in an attempt to see how well I could mimic the style, formatting, and tone of an actual mlp episode, and I think it came out pretty nicely. So, if you're looking for something to help tide you over for the long inter-season episode drought, give Like a Pegasus in a Pottery Shop a shot.
Haha, how do you like that Deadparrot, you arrogant schmuck!!!
(Special thanks to Deadparrot for the significant contributions he made during the planning, writing, and editing phases.)