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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

xTSGx wrote:

Commodore 64 said:

Again. I really dislike my dial-up internet at home…

>still has dial-up

Do you even internet?

Ah, the fond memories of Juno and them trying to screw over my family resulting in much phone conversations and threats of litigation. When IE was king, Yahoo! was our search engine, and I wasn't allowed to go on it without my mom hovering over my back.

And for those who don't remember/are too young to remember

I was gonna complain about how long it takes to load the page using my netbook, but the dial-up thing beats that by a longshot.

Do I even internet??? I'll have you know, I… … … no. Not really, actually. But dial up is all I could get! I live way out in the middle of nowhere. Yeah, it's a little sad, I know.

Seriously, you have no idea. Download speeds of 1 kbps are no laughing matter!

xTSGx wrote:

Commodore 64 said:

Again. I really dislike my dial-up internet at home…

>still has dial-up

Do you even internet?

Ah, the fond memories of Juno and them trying to screw over my family resulting in much phone conversations and threats of litigation. When IE was king, Yahoo! was our search engine, and I wasn't allowed to go on it without my mom hovering over my back.

And for those who don't remember/are too young to remember

I was gonna complain about how long it takes to load the page using my netbook, but the dial-up thing beats that by a longshot.

The Good Ol' Days. Back when I wanted to play the games on but then my dad would go and call up my grandpa and I'd get kicked right off the internet. Dear god what if that were still the primary source for internet?!

But then again, we haven't had a landline since 2004. So…….yeah.

In other news, I just fucking wish Season 4 was out already. Not just because I'm impatient (in fact, I'm pretty patient….except for the Pone. It is like a drug except it has no bad side affe-OH MY GOD I NEED MY FIX NOW!) but because I just want to discuss it. It feels like it's just so slow around here right now, I just need my Pone pone man.

Well, I guess I could TRY to start a little discussion here which is slightly on Topic. Where do you go to discuss the Pone? I really just discuss the Pone here. I go to Equestria Daily to get some MLP news, I go to Youtube to watch the videos, I go to the KYM image gallery to make jokes, I go to /mlp/ for the lulz, but I only I come here to discuss. Everywhere else is full of either Incredibly negative fanboys who will shun you for your opinion on favorite episode/poni or the incredibly rabid fanboys who will try to shove MLP in everyone's faces or shun you for not thinking Twilicorn is the worst idea of all time.

Also, a while ago Lauren Faust was talking about how she always had it planned for Twilight to be Celestia's successor…..but said she didn't mean the words 'alicorn' or 'princess'. This raises a question, I get why she didn't mean 'Alicorn' as she had it so the alicorns were gods and only two of them existed but…..If you're going to be someone's successor doesn't that mean you take their place? So if Twilight were to succeed Celestia she would be Princess…..but Lauren said she didn't mean that because she's succeeding Celestia would mean she'd be a princess. Is there some Ye Olde English version of the word 'successor' that Lauren likes to use that no one else has used in the last 500 years?

Kewln00b The Master of Unlocking wrote:

If you’re going to be someone’s successor doesn’t that mean you take their place? So if Twilight were to succeed Celestia she would be Princess…..but Lauren said she didn’t mean that because she’s succeeding Celestia would mean she’d be a princess.

Rather interesting point there. I suppose she originally wanted Twi to assume leadership without ascending to divinity. But, that begs the question of why?

We have every reason to believe that at least the royal sisters are immortal. After all, they have more than a millennium behind them and they appear to be immune to the withering touch of old age. So, they have no need of successors in the same way mortal rulers do. But, alicorns still seem to be susceptible to violence.

Of course, if the threat of violence were great enough, there would be an entire line of succession to draw from should Celestia and Luna fall in battle. This doesn't seem to be the case. Never has the risk been great enough, and Equestria has faced (and still faces) plenty of danger despite the idyllic atmosphere.

Way I see it, there's two possible scenarios:

Celestia knows her end draws near. Perhaps alicorns aren't immortal after all, or perhaps she's seen her doom in some upcoming conflict she cannot prevent. Given her nearly prophetic capacity for prediction, this could well be the case. So, she's grooming Twi to replace her in the event of her demise.

Or, she's grown tired of governing the affairs of mortals. After all, generation after generation of the same old tired routine will wear down even those with divine patience. All that responsibility gets in the way of having fun, you know? And you can't even get rowdy and rambunctious, what with all that "setting an example" nonsense. She needs a damn vacation, and someone has to take over for a while.

Could be either way. Celestia is clearly tired of the stuffy nobility she has to keep around and would rather have her subjects loosen up around her. What with the whole rigging of the gala and all. But then, she's also had a few cryptic conversations with her sister, all in a rather grave tone of voice. That sort of thing rarely bodes well, especially when it comes to the affairs of the divine.

You know, this reminds me of a tangentially related theory I've had floating around my noggin for a while.

I know the real explanation for the whole "Princess" thing is that "Queen" has connotations of evil thanks to Disney and all that, but what's the in-universe explanation?

Well, allow me to humbly propose that the ruler de jure of Equestria is a god. Not some cheap knockoff neither, a real-deal immaterial divine presence that permeates everything. The royal sisters are simply its divine agents. Kind of like the biblical angels, no? Celestia and Luna act as its regents in Equestria, since it can't, for whatever reason, interfere directly in the affairs of mortals.

So, this god is technically the sovereign entity on the royal totem pole. Its agents are therefore a step below, thus Celestia and Luna are merely Princesses. Of course, that still makes the royal sisters the rulers de facto, since old divine presence here can't be bothered to lord it over the rabble personally.

Of course, that's quite a lot of assumption there. Bet you're wondering if I have any evidence to back up such a wild claim. Well, as it turns out, I do.

Exhibit A:

Notice that sculpture that serves as the centerpiece of the library? Seems rather odd to have something like that in a place that should be devoid of things more interesting than the written word, no? Given that Celestia gave the place to Twi, it's a fair assumption to make that she's got some sort of stake in the property, so it wouldn't surprise me if she had something to do with decor. And it should be remembered that here on Earth, historically, many places of knowledge have first and foremost been monasteries. Could be ponies have a similar tradition.

Exhibit B:

Notice that picture on the right on the far wall? Looks familiar, no? Note how it's next to a picture of Celestia, as well. Monasteries, being repositories of knowledge, also served as schools in days past. In fact, there's still a strong connection to that past in modern schools, since many of the basics of operation are copied from those institutions of yore. Hey, don't fix what ain't broke.

Of course, that's still quite a stretch. Could be that this head is some sort of personification of knowledge, or some patron saint of education. And it doesn't explain why we've not heard any reference to any deities aside from the royal sisters. Well, perhaps the ponies are very serious about the whole "You shall not take the name of the lord in vain" clause of the deal. That'd line right up with our precedent, since you certainly don't often hear people talking about kindly old YHWH outside of certain academic circles.

@Equestrian God Theory

I think… All things considered it's not impossible…

However, considering between the demi-god like Celestia and Luna, they are not the only ones declared near divinity… And one of them, Queen Chrysalis, does NOT call herself a Princess… I'd rather propose some other explaination.

Specifically, note that "Queen" implies a single female ruler with a "King" beside them in undisputed rule. However, since the Main part of Equestria is a Diarchy, it wouldn't seem fitting for a pair of rulers to be called a Pair of Queens… It would almost imply a kind of defacto Les-Yay relationship. So instead, the fact they are both Princesses is a fact that neither has claimed undisputed rule.

It's kinda like… Imagine Eight Children succeed their father after his death. They all decide to run the Kingdom Jointly… Calling any of them Kings or Queens would be somewhat… Disrespectful of the idea of undisputed rule that a king stands for.

So yeah… Unless only one Princess remains, they are probably going to stick with "Princess".

Of course, if this were Homestuck, every hero would be called a Prince or Princess anyways. In which case I can ignore the whole thing for my little Crossover.

RandomMan wrote:



Oh look, we even went to the salon and switched hairstyles, isn't that adorable

To continue the train

@Dialup internet

Oh gawd that sucked. Don't remind me of those years. Having to fight over the phoneline with every other family member. Lagging out and getting killed periodically every 30 seconds in Red Faction 1…eugh. Broadband was a life changing experience when it came out

@Where do you go to discuss the Pone?

Mainly just here. I post in many other places on the net but that's over topics like vidya games, modding, programming and the occasional dating site


Of course, if this were Homestuck, every hero would be called a Prince or Princess anyways. In which case I can ignore the whole thing for my little Crossover.

If this were Homestuck, becoming an alicorn would just be another God Tier that every pony could ascend towards once they murder themselves on their quest bed and being a Prince or Princess is just another meaningless hypothetical existing-but-not-actually-existing badge you can sow to your meaningless hypothetical existing-but-not-actually-existing achievement sash

Last edited Sep 06, 2013 at 12:23AM EDT

@Lunar Protege

Ah yes, I thought about mentioning that but I didn't find a good spot for it and kinda forgot.

It isn't unheard of that a ruler makes a god of themselves. See just about any tyrant you care to name. The same applies to ponies too, it seems.

If I recall correctly, Nightmare Moon considered herself queen. Assuming there's a god, she therefore considered herself equal to or greater than it. Adds a nice little touch of sacrilege to the rebellion, no? As for Chrysalis, she might not be aware of the significance of the term for Equestrians. Of course, given that there's a good chance she's a former Eqestrian herself (a theory I detailed here) she's also coveting a higher spot in the pantheon.

Blue Screen (of Death) Wrote:

If this were Homestuck, becoming an alicorn would just be another God Tier that every pony could ascend towards once they murder themselves on their quest bed and being a Prince or Princess is just another meaningless hypothetical existing-but-not-actually-existing badge you can sow to your meaningless hypothetical existing-but-not-actually-existing achievement sash

While some of those statements are close, they are not technically correct; either by horrible phrasing or slight misunderstanding.

All players of Sburb are immediately considered a "Prince" or a "Princess" from the get go, by nature of the Two Kingdom's Traditions. Such as Dave being called "the Prince of the Moon".

Getting wings and/or a horn for a species able to get them is gotten at the moment of ascension. As the Trolls believing the ideal Troll has Fairy Wings means they get them at the moment of ascension, not on one of the Tiers. The equivalent for ponies means that upon the very moment of ascension, they become Alicorns. It's not a thing that requires any work towards after ascension, just the ascension itself. (Meanwhile, non awkward romantic relationships apparently require work towards after ascension… Its apparently highly coveted.)

Otherwise, I suppose the murder oneself on a slab thing is technically accurate… But considering the whole fact that not a single heroic character has been able to even try to do it that way… Instead of being shoved ass backwards into it by various circumstances… I'd say its not quite as easy as it sounds.

For everyone who's sick of this conversation… here's some Pony from one of my updates.

Before you ask, yes, technically Somepony and Lyra's whispering in the back is supposed be be implying Lyra's an Alicorn in this story too, though they don't show it off. That would get really intimidating really quick for the Newbies the story focuses on.

Of course… None of them compare to Luna or Celestia because Luna and Celestia are being reserved the Homestuck Canon Master Classes (Muses of Light and Void).

…and this sounds really stupid but so does everything I do.

Last edited Sep 06, 2013 at 01:45AM EDT

So many clocks…

While I do find the discussion about Celestia's godhood interesting, I always took Faust's 'successor' comment a little differently.
She always intended for Celestia and Luna to be the only alicorns, but it was never stated that only alicorns could be princesses or rulers (or vice versa).
It could have easily been planned to have Twilight given the title of 'princess' without being physically transformed into a god herself.
Perhaps Twilight would have taken on a role similar to what Starswirl seemed to have: a kind of royal court wizard and adviser gaining much of the position and prestige of royalty without necessarily being royalty or a god.

I also took her position as Celestia's 'successor' as more of a 'right hand' position.
Obviously, in a show such as MLP, the concept of Celestia being dethroned (or much less killed) would be very unlikely to come up so the concept of Twilight actually succeeding Celestia would simply have never come up.
Not a great in-universe answer, but we're talking about Faust's comments which were from that perspective anyway.

@Princess vs. Queen
Queens get no respect.

@Other places to Pone
This is pretty much my primary hub for any significant discussion.
The other bulk of my pony time is on DeviantArt, but the conversations there are much more disjointed and lightly attended.
I do have accounts on other sites like Tumblr, FiMFiction, EQD, and Derpibooru (all with various Scootaloo avatars, of course), but those are all primarily just so I can watch and lurk.
Most of their communities are either too large to feel like you are a part of them without being overly outrageous or offensive, or the sites' formats themselves just don't appeal to me.
I like it here: Enough people to stay interesting but not so many that new people are pushed to the sidelines.
A nice middle ground.

In unrelated news:

Stop it, Hub.
Bad Hub.

Blue Screen (of Death) Wrote:

Hey, how come I never see you in the Homestuck General?

…Because it doesn't move as fast as this thread does and I almost forgot it existed.


Maybe I should find it.

My hamsteak level is clearly not on par with yours.

It's a Neurotic sense of habitual research to prevent ridicule at the hands of those better versed than me.

It's the same reason I have a stack of D&D books I haven't used for anything ever since I forgot to keep updating a certain Pony Fanfic where all the fantasy elements are all exaggerated.

…It's also why I'm so quick to debate despite being horrible at it, but with the added threat that if it gets to the point of debate, I feel it may be possible that every bit of narrative I've already written could fall apart if I can't "win".

In short, it's just a sign I'm crazy.

Oh… Just realized that everyone is probably going to pick on the Alicorn pictured above for being… Already an Alicorn before anything important even happens. Almost to the point of shouting Mary Sue…

But here's the thing…

…As far as I know, her powers and talent essentially amount to "Spacial Navigation". Making her a glorified Pilot and Sniper with a GPS and a Rifle Scope built into her brain.

Compared to all the somewhat more overpowered combinations in the story, it's not exactly the most combat oriented. Unless snipers really are as annoying as I heard, in which case I don't think Godhood is going to make her anymore threatening than she already would have been.

Why do I feel like I have to be the one thinking of everything? Even to criticize my own work!

Kewln00b The Master of Unlocking said:

Also, a while ago Lauren Faust was talking about how she always had it planned for Twilight to be Celestia’s successor…..but said she didn’t mean the words ‘alicorn’ or ‘princess’. This raises a question, I get why she didn’t mean ‘Alicorn’ as she had it so the alicorns were gods and only two of them existed but…..If you’re going to be someone’s successor doesn’t that mean you take their place?

The thing I've always noticed is that she never directly says that Twilight turning into an alicorn wasn't part of her plan (she says "I said Twilight would be Celestia's successor, I never used the words 'Princess' or 'alicorn', "If it were up to me, there's only be two alicorns." "My plans for Twilight no longer matter"). None of those statements directly deny that Twilicorn was her plan. To me, it seems like she's using the classic Exact Words usage to sidestep the alicorn controversy entirely so that /mlp/ doesn't implode into a black hole that sucks in the rest of the fandom.

The tow most common proposals are either Twilight becoming an Archmage leader, or leading Equestria into a democracy. Personally, I'm glad that neither of those happened, as I can't see a country with a 1000+ year old diarchy suddenly having a democracy/non-Celestia government lasting more than a couple years before it turns into Syria.

Brownmane the Knight said:

I know the real explanation for the whole “Princess” thing is that “Queen” has connotations of evil thanks to Disney and all that, but what’s the in-universe explanation?

Simple. Equestria's a principality.

I've never liked the "Princesses are immortal goddesses" theory. Primarily because canon really doesn't show it. The ponies treat them like royalty, not like gods Besides, if you're a true god, you have to pass the omni test. They're not omniscient, as Celestia was baffled by Discord getting out, the Changelings invasion, Luna's failures at understanding modern culture, etc. They're not omnipotent. Discord, Nightmare Moon, Chrysalis, the Elements prove as much. And they're not omnipresent, as evident by the fact that neither are in the show that much.

Never seen it, so I got no idea what any of this means. All I know is that people liked to make an "[S] TS: Ascend" joke on the first chapter of Ascend.

xTSGx Wrote:

Besides, if you’re a true god, you have to pass the omni test.

Never seen it, so I got no idea what any of this means. All I know is that people liked to make an “[S] TS: Ascend” joke on the first chapter of Ascend.

Well… You're definitely going to have some disagreements with how Homestuck defines Godhood.

…And Dungeons & Dragons…

…And the majority of JRPGs…

…And a whole stack of Anime…

…And Greek, Norse, Egyption, Shinto, and Hindo Mythology…

…And Pagans…

Basically the Omni test is a joke, it places unrealistic expectations in godhood when it was never traditionally defined that way in the first place. Not to mention, each setting has not only its own conception of what a god is, but how their rules work.

Personally, I prefer to rank deities so these arguments don't happen.

However… any kind of "Omni" being included in their description immediately pushes them beyond the boundaries of the system and places them among "Over Dieties", which are like the Mary Sues of the divine world.

Here's a brief over view of how I see things:

Demi Gods; Immortal, very powerful, not strictly assigned as having sole providence over something, walk among mortals, don't necessarily have any divinely assigned duties, may have social or political duties.

Example: Twilight Sparkle.

Lesser Gods: Immortal, very powerful, are tied to at least one aspect of reality as their providence although technically said providence might be shared, spends a lot of time among mortals, are charged with a Divine Duty, have far reaching social and political duties.

Example: Celestia, Luna.

This is all that matters here.


Demi Gods; Immortal
Lesser Gods: Immortal

There's still the question of whether or not Alicorns are even immortal or just ponies with very long life spans and high level magic.

In my headcanon, alicorns aren't gods or even demi-gods. Not even close.

They simply have greater magic ability than most and long life spans that are supplemented by said magic. They probably don't even control the sun or moon, that's just the royal sisters kidding themselves. If any pony ever called the royals a god, then thats just what the loyal followers wanted to believe. Frankly I don't remember any canon source calling them anything other than royalty

Think about it, Celestia, who is believed to be the most powerful mage in equestria, evidently has as much limitations to her power as Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra. Her field of influence is no greater than theirs or else Celestia could have easily done something about them without getting Twilight involved. In fact those villains appear to be capable of bringing Celestia down in a direct fight which is why Celestia has to send the elements of harmony to do her handywork.

Discord, who is a god of chaos has demonstrated soooooo much more power than Celestia. He could play with the sun like it's a toy in the sky and warp the fabric of reality itself. Where was Celestia when Discord made the day cycle 5 seconds long? I thought she controlled the sun? Couldn't she have stopped that? Apparently Discords power undermines hers.

So if those characters weren't gods then I say alicorns aren't either.

And that's good. I'm glad this is a show where bad guys stand a reasonable chance and that allows the show to have some contention and drama that keeps things interesting. If Celestia wiped out Crystalis instead of vice versa, I would have gotten bored of that episode. I would have been all "Whoop de doo, Celestia saves the day. Good to know that every crisis can be solved with just god-pony lifting a finger", instead my reaction was "Holy shit, what's Twilight gonna do now!? What are you gonna do Twilight! Watchugonnadooooo!"

Last edited Sep 06, 2013 at 08:33AM EDT


I made my first real brony friend yesterday :D I knew it wouldn't take long, seeing as I'm in nerd school art school. She sings Pinkie's songs really well (and Pinkie is her favorite pone) and she's into a lot of the same non-pony things I am into as well.

Oh? You're talking about princess succession and clocks…? I'll just throw a party over here by myself then…


Awww jelly! Why can't I have a bronyfriend. Nobody in this towns like poni.

I was going to say invite her over here…but then I thought that might not be such a good idea. All of our gay shipping might not give her the best impression…or maybe it will if she's into that.

Or maybe…you know what? I should shut up

@Crimson: Awesome! Must feel real good to have someone you can talk to about this outside the internet, I bet.

@Princesses: All I'll say is that I like the idea of them NOT being deities because:
1) As silly as it sounds, the idea of them being gods or seen in such a way seems blasphemous to me.
2) It would put all the perverted stuff involving them into a rather bad light, I'd think…

@Where do I discuss Ponies: Here mostly. Though also on Derpibooru and the main MLP image gallery on KYM. And yes, the image gallery does kinda feel like a separate place to me, for one thing I sometimes still vent negative/cruel comments there whereas the only time I did it on this thread were the post about shooting Nightmare Moon, the one where I aired my grievances about the Rainbow Dash vs. Starscream Death Battle and those two times I confessed my "Lapsed Pony Hater" status and my least favourite characters (Though the confessions are kind of different). I was somewhat surprised that the only one of those that really got me flak was the NMM one, but I guess it does make sense when I look back at it.


What I'd like us all to take away from this is probably that whether or not they actually are gods, in any other setting they would be akin to them, so having it as a head canon that they are here is justifiable, if not exactly provable.

…And at that point I probably don't need to argue further…

Needless to say though, regardless of if all Alicorns are Demi-gods or not, it's probably likely that at the very least the reverse is less easily disputable (that all Pony Demi-Gods are Alicorns.)

If we can all agree on that, or at least consider it reasonably not crazy… I think I can finish for the Night.

@ Brony friends:
I know a couple bronies, but there's really only one that I talk to semi-regularly, and that's just because she works with me. Actually, her brother is a brony, and when she heard that I watched the show too she decided to get all the episodes from him.

I don't know if I'd classify them as deities. Very powerful beings yes, but not deities. I see alicorns as being a rare and powerful type of pony, and that's it. They have a great command over magic, but are not unbeatable. Heck, I think Discord fits the bill of a deity a bit more than Celestia does.

@ Clocks:

Because Great and Powerful and all that.

@Princess/Villian godhood dilemma:

Well, in The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf (all the "wizards", in fact), Sauron, and the Balrog are all members of the same species of lesser gods in the Middle Earth pantheon. I resolve the idea of the princesses being gods by just comparing them to the wizards of Middle Earth, even easier to do when considering King Sombra was basically based on Sauron. Their MO for getting involved even holds similarity to the wizards: it is not their job to merely come in and overpower Sauron or the other evils plaguing Middle Earth. Their job is to guide the people into achieving victory for themselves (or else what would be the point?), only stepping in with their more powerful magic as a last resort (as was the case when Gandalf fought the Balrog). And as for characters like Queen Chrysalis, it is not unheard of for there to be creatures in Middle Earth that were more powerful than some of the gods, such as the giant spider Ungoliant. So the princesses could be godly in the same sense that the wizards were godly. /headcanon

Crimson Locks wrote:


I made my first real brony friend yesterday :D I knew it wouldn't take long, seeing as I'm in nerd school art school. She sings Pinkie's songs really well (and Pinkie is her favorite pone) and she's into a lot of the same non-pony things I am into as well.

Oh? You're talking about princess succession and clocks…? I'll just throw a party over here by myself then…

Congrats, you found a cool one. I have three Brony friends. One of them is cool as he's pretty laid back when it comes to the Pone, he only discusses it when it's brought up from bronies if there aren't any non-bronies around. The most obnoxious thing he does is he'll just start posting a lot of pony pictures on Facebook, but in retrospect I'd rather see the Ponies than some of my friends trying way too hard to post sexy pictures of themselves with emo song lyrics.

The other two Brony friends……….well, let's just say they've had a few meetups with Bronies around the state…..Umm, from what I hear from those meetups is if they recorded it well it would've been all over 4Chan with them 4Channers going "LOOK AT THESE AUTISTIC FAGS RIGHT HERE! THERE'S SPAGHETTI ALL OVER THE PLACE!" One of them threw and broke his friend's lamp when Twilight became an Alicorn at their Season 3 Finale watch party….Also, they do fit the negative brony stereotype. Fat, neckbeard and of course…….Fedoras…..Granted, one of them also has suits to go with the Fedoras and he manages to pull off the suit + Fedora combo well as he looks just like a fat business man from the 40's-50's but he pulls it off a bit more than I think other Bronies could.

When it comes to hanging out with said brony friends I just really hang out with the one above, because we can go through a whole day of hanging out with saying "Season [insert whatever season we're waiting for here]!!!!" 4-5 times a day whereas the other two will mention that almost every other sentence.


It seems to me that we aren't quite on the same page when it comes to the definitions of various divine terms. Guess that's to be expected, since the various religious institutions of the world have twisted them to better suit their purposes.

Let's clear up some of this confusion, shall we?

Demigod, despite coming from a term meaning "half-god", doesn't necessarily imply divine descent, or even outright divinity. It commonly does, yes, but not always. The ancient Greeks were the first to use the term, and to them it was a synonym for "hero", a title to give to those who demonstrated great virtue in life.

Later, the Romans used it to refer to minor deities. One thing many people forget is that in the good old pagan days, just about everything was a "god" to some extent. The plants, rivers, even one's own house! So, they used the word to describe these little gods who weren't officially part of the pantheon.

More modern uses have been to describe solely those who are born of an affair between divine and mortal, or someone who seeks to ascend to the cosmic circles. But, the term still refers to a being of flesh and blood, just as fallible as the rest of us mortals, only with a few of the perks of divinity. The lucky bastards.

I'd say the princesses fall quite nicely into that little niche. Plenty of other folks from other stories also qualify in one way or another. The angels, for example, could be considered demigods since they're divine creatures in the service of a deity.

Speaking of deities, that too has become rather muddled. The old gods were petty little tyrants, just like most mortal rulers, while newer gods try too hard to be paragons of something. They usually fail at it, too. So, we've got a word that can mean two distinct if somewhat similar concepts. God.

I prefer to call these sorts of beings lesser gods. Unlike demigods, they are not bound to a single physical form. Sure, they often like to appear in a certain form they prefer, but they can change it like we change clothes. But, they are still distinct personalities, with their own little quirks and vices. A little different from mortals, perhaps, but still quite understandable from our point of view.

Discord would fall into this category. After all, he prefers that chimera body, but he can become an animated stained glass figure if he so chooses. And he's more powerful than most other things around. He still lets things like arrogance get the better of him, though. Besides that, just about any old god from any myth cycle also qualifies.

The other category would be greater gods. These beings are no longer a distinct character, but more of a presence. A great formless mass that is far too alien for mortal minds to truly understand. To them, we are but ants or specs of dirt, not worthy of consideration.

Off the top of my head, I can't really recall any examples, other than maybe Lovecraftian horrors. Even the Abrahamic god falls a little short of this, since he's conversed with some of his mortal servants and kind of fails the omni test (due to the problem of evil) despite it being inspired by him the first place.

@Brony Friends:
I have quite a few. Poni is actually very popular in my neighborhood, so I have around fifteen brony/pegasister friends, including my girlfriend.

I see Celestia as a Physical God who holds immense power, but yet, can be normally injured. She can't die of old age or anything like that, but remember when Chrysalis defeated her at the wedding? She can obviously be killed. This applies to Luna, too. As for Twilight and Cadance, they're probably just normal ponies more than anything.

Actually, if Twilight was turned into a alicorn from a unicorn, was Cadance a pegasus/unicorn/earth pony at first, or was she always an alicorn?


@Brony Friends
At my school, I've met one other person that likes pone, and some friends told me there was another one, haven't seen him.
Outside of school, I've met a few ones, at small meetups. Going to a concert soon with one of them.

I don't need clocks to know how late it is

Jimmy Lethal Wrote:

Actually, if Twilight was turned into a alicorn from a unicorn, was Cadance a pegasus/unicorn/earth pony at first, or was she always an alicorn?

It's been mentioned a few times on this forum, that there's a peripheral yet arguably official merchandise (I.E. a book) that details the fact that Cadance was a Pegasus before becoming an Alicorn.

With no contradictory evidence, its safe to assume its canon.

@Brony Friends
I only have one friend who has watched MLP but doesn't consider himself a brony. We talk about the show sometimes and he has asked me about the fandom, however he's kinda scared to actually join it since he was traumatized my Rule 34. (According to him) Other than that, my little sis watches the show and when I see her we talk about it.

@Princesses being gods

Perhaps they are merely the avatars of other beings who fit the "omni" rule better – they powerful and may or may not be immortal, and have direct communication with some kind of higher being. Such a being could also withhold information from them if it thinks that its goals would be better served that way.

Basically, I'm saying that Celestia is Jesus.

Platus wrote:

@Princesses being gods

Perhaps they are merely the avatars of other beings who fit the "omni" rule better – they powerful and may or may not be immortal, and have direct communication with some kind of higher being. Such a being could also withhold information from them if it thinks that its goals would be better served that way.

Basically, I'm saying that Celestia is Jesus.

RandomMan wrote:

It's time to slam now!

This is clearly the work of the Cutie Slam Crusaders!

@Brony friends: Practically all my IRL friends/family are neutral-to-negative about the MLP phenomenon.

Luna Protege wrote:

Jimmy Lethal Wrote:

Actually, if Twilight was turned into a alicorn from a unicorn, was Cadance a pegasus/unicorn/earth pony at first, or was she always an alicorn?

It's been mentioned a few times on this forum, that there's a peripheral yet arguably official merchandise (I.E. a book) that details the fact that Cadance was a Pegasus before becoming an Alicorn.

With no contradictory evidence, its safe to assume its canon.

Headcanon acquired.

@Celestia Is Jesus:

This means Tia can turn water… into funk!

Most of my IRL friends are pretty neutral about bronies, but still I think only a third of my friends know I am a brownie.
Interestingly enough, I discovered one of my non-brony friends has an appreciation for brony music. Which I found out by overhearing him listen to this from his computer

He says he has around 80 brony songs on his itunes, which is definitely much more than I have.

Moving on to a new subject: I recently read issue 10 of the IDW comic, and I have to say it's probably my favorite story arc the comic has had so far. I don't know, maybe I just deep down wanted a story centered around Big Mac for a long time now, but I just loved how zany the characters and turns of events were. Not to mention, I always appreciate a look into the thoughts of a normally wordless character.

Crimson Locks wrote:

Most of my IRL friends are pretty neutral about bronies, but still I think only a third of my friends know I am a brownie.
Interestingly enough, I discovered one of my non-brony friends has an appreciation for brony music. Which I found out by overhearing him listen to this from his computer

He says he has around 80 brony songs on his itunes, which is definitely much more than I have.

Moving on to a new subject: I recently read issue 10 of the IDW comic, and I have to say it's probably my favorite story arc the comic has had so far. I don't know, maybe I just deep down wanted a story centered around Big Mac for a long time now, but I just loved how zany the characters and turns of events were. Not to mention, I always appreciate a look into the thoughts of a normally wordless character.

Crimson Locks wrote:

I just got the "There's a Pony for That" ad on youtube while waiting for a Game Grumps video today

I think this is as high as my life gets right now. Everyone pack your things and go home, it's all downhill from here

In that case, can I have your avatar? Mine gets lonely and I want to give him a friend.


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