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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

Well……that shows me for trying to start a thread. Bad Kewln00b, next time I'll just make the fourth Berry Punch thread of the week when I get a page get.

Also I found out why 4Chan uses 'dropping spaghetti' as a term that describes something awkward/embarrassing/whatever. Tonight I made my friends and I some Spaghetti and as I grabbed my plate I put too much sauce on and I had it tilt at a SLIGHT angle (like literally, you'd never see it with the naked eye) and suddenly all of the spaghetti slips off my plate and splatters all over the floor. I have to say….that was an awkward moment, and now I know.

Welp, time for me to go to sleep……But not before singing the nightly sleep song.

Come on folks, sing it with me! And bring some Spaghetti

EDIT: No, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. NO, not again…….. Sigh

Last edited Sep 09, 2013 at 12:20AM EDT

CrashGordon94 said:

I also dreamt up some strange Pony fanfic ideas last night, it was rather odd… I don’t know whether to share some of it.

I've read stories where Rainbow Dash turned into a Meatball Marinara sub, Twilight became a cloud to have sex with Dash, Caramel disguised himself as Bloomberg so he could have sex with Applejack--only for her to chop of his wood (if you know what I mean), Fluttershy was a porn star, and Twilight and Trixie were dirigibles. Hell, I wrote a scene in mine that had Ghostler be a talking ham. I guarantee yours isn't that strange.

Speaking of dreams, I had one the other day. In it, Celestia and Twilight are hosting a business conference in a rustic, log cabin resort. While waiting in a VIP line, a pony goes to the restroom and discovers the CEO of Nestle and several other execs brutally murdered inside. As the hunt for the killer occurs, rampant paranoia sweeps through the resort, culminating with a pink pegasus pony (who I think might have been Firefly) capturing a fleeing teenager before killing him with barbells. She then gasps in horror when she realizes it's not the killer she killed and the real killer can get away as everypony will think she killed the real one. Then I woke up.

Blue Screen said:

The Forum-renaming Mod War, The Pyro/Moon shitstorm, The KYMRPG shitstorm, CitationNeeded’s Ragequit, The fall of Suiseiseki …all of those shitstorms were smaller than this one.

>mfw I wasn't here for any of them

That Mod War one sounds really cool.


Kewln00b The Master of Unlocking said:

Also I found out why 4Chan uses ‘dropping spaghetti’ as a term that describes something awkward/embarrassing/whatever…And bring some Spaghetti

Did someone say "Cringe Thread"?!

Can you make it through the whole video without cringing?

Last edited Sep 09, 2013 at 05:15AM EDT

Well… If you're talking awkward moments… I had an awkward moment when I realized my fan project's current line of logic is basically this:

…Except It's a bit complicated by the fact that both siblings are "siblings" in the sense they share a soul…

(That's the short version. It's… Much more complicated than that.)

Disty wrote:

2/10 would not hug.

@Kewln00b: NO! I'm not having another Berry thread! It was difficult the last… what, 3 times?
How about a thread for one of the better background Ponies if you want that angle?

You know, I think you're right… I'll share what I remember.

The first one was the really strange one and I don't even remember most of it. What I do remember was that Rainbow Dash was going on some sort of epic journey and eventually ended up at a nuclear power conference attended by all the eligible countries of Earth. I think there might've been something in there about Equestria's nuclear program and it being crap but I don't remember. I DO remember what happened next, Dash went over to the Indonesian booth and overheard them telling some legend about a guy who got in trouble for masturbating and had to go on some sort of spiritual adventure to find redemption, this inspired Dash to do the same. Don't know why, I'm guessing she must've fiddled Scootaloo or something because it must've been pretty bad.
Second was about Trixie having a crush on Twilight, which isn't an unusual idea in and of itself but there were a couple of odd scenes I imagined. One was when Vinyl Scratch was about to reveal Trixie's secret, it went something like this:
"In a panic Trixie conjured up a huge bolt of lightning from her horn, which electrocuted the DJ and quickly reduced her to a pile of ash! The whole crowd gasped as they witnessed this random act of murder and shortly afterwards a ghostly version of Vinyl came up from the ashes, solemnly dropping the bass as she floated up to Heaven."
The other odd scene being the ending, where Trixie had herself turned into a dude so she could be with Twi only to get cockblocked by Flash Sentry, who had already hooked up with her.
Okay, maybe that second story idea isn't that strange, actually.
There was another one but it wasn't that odd. It was about Celestia forcibly gender-bending all the lesbians, in order to fix Equestria's gender ratio and reproduction and such. Had a few ideas for that but not many.

Lastly, LyraShy ScratchFlail is best pony.

I love Vinyl's expression in this picture, she's all like "I'd be cool with this if they'd just stop using my head to hit things…".

Luna Protege wrote:

Well… If you're talking awkward moments… I had an awkward moment when I realized my fan project's current line of logic is basically this:

…Except It's a bit complicated by the fact that both siblings are "siblings" in the sense they share a soul…

(That's the short version. It's… Much more complicated than that.)

@Dat S4 Hype:
I just read those little blurbs about season 4.


Because I'm at university right now, so… books. And Twilight. But mostly books. All that aside though, I'm really looking forward to the end of November when the season starts!

Hm, what would happen if this show did the same thing that Adventure Time is doing now? That is, just have a season that goes on and on and on forever. I mean, how many episodes are they up to in this current (and still ongoing) season? I think it's around 36 or something. I've lost count, and I'm too lazy to check.

That would be a lot of pony.

Commodore 64 wrote:

Hm, what would happen if this show did the same thing that Adventure Time is doing now? That is, just have a season that goes on and on and on forever. I mean, how many episodes are they up to in this current (and still ongoing) season? I think it’s around 36 or something. I’ve lost count, and I’m too lazy to check.
That would be a lot of pony.

If the extra episodes are being made with the same quality, that would be cool. But when they're made hastily, to make more episodes on time, and the quality turns worse, then it's not okay.
More pony, but with a worse quality < less pony with high quality

CrashGordon wrote:

How about a thread for one of the better background Ponies if you want that angle?

I don't know if you meant Lyra or Derpy by that, as you posted an image of both, so have more background ponies in one picture

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

@Deadparrot and TSG

I remember way back when i first found ponies and KYM, it was right in the middle of the first big pony schism and one of the mods at the time (can’t recall who) actually did lock the image gallery for a while, mostly citing the massive influx of images that far outweighed the contribution of any other fandom and people complaining that KYM was becoming KYPony.

That was Tomberry who locked the Pony gallery. I don't think he's an active mod here anymore. He absolutely hated ponies and despised the amount of content that was flooding in at the time. Doing this at a pinnacle moment in Brony history generated a flood of controversy that, from what I hear, actually led to this thread coming into fruition. The best person to ask for details is Verbose.

It was indeed a historic shitstorm for this forum. If the 2nd Derpy shitstorm of PG was the SARS outbreak, then the locking of the pony gallery was the black plague by comparison.

The Forum-renaming Mod War, The Pyro/Moon shitstorm, The KYMRPG shitstorm, CitationNeeded's Ragequit, The fall of Suiseiseki …all of those shitstorms were smaller than this one.

Got the wrong mod there Blue Screen, as I'm possibly the currently best person to ask about it. Verbose wasn't even an active poster when that happened. Hell, it was before even I became a mod. Next to Daniel and Platus, I'm probably one of the last still active bronies from that time.

But yeah, you got the person right, Tomberry had quite a rage towards MLP at the time. This was fueled by multiple reasons. The images were being flooded (as in, super flooded), the forum was being flooded (from what I was told, a few months prior you pretty much couldn't go into any non-pony thread without ponies being posted), and it was during that overall web flooding by bronies.

The lock of the image gallery was quickly undone of course by the staff, and the comment section came to an agreement to watch out more on things like duplicates. Note on that, back then we didn't have a duplicate notification system yet, and duplicates were a SERIOUS problem back then. You all know Calpain right? Well, he originally was a poster and quality image uploader here (the best image uploader, guaranteed fresh and sourced images, never older than 1-2 hours or he would assume it a dupe by default). Where he did everything right on posting original content and sourcing it, we had other uploaders against that who did everything wrong and only aimed at dumping a shitton of images for reputation, duplicates or not, without a source. The "flooding" of the MLP gallery nowadays is a gust of wind compared to the hurricane of images it was back then.

This thread coming into fruition was actually yet another shitstorm, this time caused by DrPepperFan. This was when I was already a mod, but I can't recall if Verbose was already active at the time. Basically the comment section was the main source for pony discussions and image bullshitting back then (like it was already for months before that). But long story short, that's not what comments are for, and at times bronies just made comments even for the sole sake of keeping the MLP entry top trending (yes, people literally made comments reading "We have to keep the article top trending!", that's how bad it was).

So in reply to that after being done by it, DPF locked the comment section forcing folks that way to actually use this thread, after multiple comments to get bronies towards here just failed. Although again, the lock was quickly undone by the staff. But still, it made some bronies awake, and a collection of bronies with some reputation (including myself) made use of the situation to bring some more bronies towards this thread because people now realized they were doing something wrong. It took quite a while to stop the constant stream of comments and trolling, but we've gotten quite far, and bullshit comments and trollbait is pretty minimal nowadays compared to then.

The Verbose-related shitstorm is yet another shitstorm, and was before he was a mod. Compared to the previous two I explained, it wasn't of so much epic proportions, but it did some damage. Pony-related posts still really weren't accepted outside of the MLP entries and Pony General back then, that wasn't fixed until later when people like myself and Chris made the forum realize they were being childish, but let's make that a story for another time.

Verbose and some other bronies who were more fans of pony-related discussions were annoyed by the constant image dumps this thread suffered from. And trust me, it had a SERIOUS image dump issue. We'd have pages with 40-45 posts filled with 3-5 images related to a topic, serious internet freezing. So as a solutions, Verbose decided to make a seperate thread to actually discuss Pony. A good idea in context, but back then not accepted by the non-bronies. The reactions however were just bad, and Verbose definitely didn't deserve that threatment. But long story short, the thread got locked due to serious derailment, and because of it Verbose nearly quit the site. But again, it made us aware that not everyone would be ok with image dumps, and that we needed some balance. So Verbose's thread failed, and in return we decided to get the Pony General more discussion-related (and Verbose didn't leave because of it). It still had a fair share of bullshit posts (and posters), but it wasn't an image dump general anymore.

So yeah, I guess that's the 3 main shitstorms from back then. There's still the overal forum flooding with bronies posting everywhere, which resulted in bronies and ponies being restricted to mainly the pony-focussed areas for quite a long time, but that was even prior to my time.

Last edited Sep 09, 2013 at 04:17PM EDT

Geez, first I talk about how I was just annoyed by the sudden flood of NSFW pictures from one guy and then people were like "Kewln00b wants to shut down the Image Gallery? GREAT IDEA!"

Then I talk about how I realized exactly why 'Dropping the Spaghetti' is so embarrassing then all of the sudden, CRINGE THREAD!

…..This is what I get for Page Getting…..this is what I get……. sigh might as well continue with Snuggle thread until someone assumes I was thinking of Rape Thread or something.

I was at work when I read:

The best person to ask for details is Verbose.

But I would have deferred to RM, Platus, or Vazquez anyway. I was active during all of those flamewars, but I couldn't give you the best perspective.

I first began to post in the forums because of the locked images gallery, so you can peg that flamewar as the Rise of Verbose. From there, I gathered my PokéBalls and posted in Pony General for the first time. As you can tell, I didn't start posting there long after RandomMan, but he had been active in articles and discussion a significant amount of time before me.
As RandomMan says, "KYM Pony Discussion" was the Fall of Verbose. I was just really embarrassed after the whole ordeal, and I didn't really want to just post images in the only place where I felt comfortable talking about the show and the fandom (even though I'll still claim that I like pony fanart more than most bronies on KYM. My favorited images on Ponibooru was quite substantial.) KYM is my Internet home, and I'll always claim it. But it didn't feel very welcoming after that.

You may never see me with that sort of string of negative karma again unless I just get really irritated and don't stop posting. So if you ever had beef with me, then you can look to that. Only a few kind posters prevented most of my posts from being hidden.

As for the William Anderson thing (I get most of my news from Derpibooru and EqD now, so I was just waiting to see if someone brought it up here,) I can't help but be hyped now.

I've heard that it's just the staff saying things to keep bronies interested as the show begins to take more of a Hasbro-influenced turn. But some of the hype from the staff just seems to be a little too specific (e.g., Spike having shenanigans, Dash inducing feels, no Flash Sentry…until Season 5)
So I'm excited. They turned EqG into a movie that I've seen three times now without much cringing. I trust them with a full season with a bulk of the original staff still intact. I don't see why I wouldn't enjoy it now that they've got more experience with the universe, more experience in helping to create a cartoon, more experience in helping to create this specific cartoon, and more confidence (and leeway, so I've heard, to experiment a little more.)

And when the staff can have fun and be creative, good things can happen.

Last edited Sep 09, 2013 at 08:12PM EDT

Okay I guess I can try and start a thread.

I found out that there's a pony con I can pretty easily go to in a few weeks. Going to it might be awesome (and it's so close to me that it would honestly be a shame if I DIDN'T go,) but I'm really a bit nervous about either people who are giant fandom elitists (the idiots who think that bronies are some kind of "superior race of fandom" or something,) in addition to my gut (assholeish) fear of just going and finding it completely cringeworthy. I've been to an anime con before, and it wasn't nearly as weeaboo infested as I was scared of (and there was already a good bit of MLP stuff there, so this really won't be THAT much of a new experience.)

So basically, I think I'd have a good time, but I'm having some doubts (especially as a fairly recent member of the fandom, despite being familiar with it for years before joining up.) Anyone here ever been to a pony con, or have any thoughts?

Last edited Sep 09, 2013 at 08:13PM EDT


Excellent post. You managed to cover a lot. It's a good thing there's a few of us still around from back then, or else people would just make the same mistakes again.

Also, it's a shame that Calpain left. We should bake some science muffins to entice him back.

Platus wrote:


Excellent post. You managed to cover a lot. It's a good thing there's a few of us still around from back then, or else people would just make the same mistakes again.

Also, it's a shame that Calpain left. We should bake some science muffins to entice him back.

Well yeah, of course with each shitstorm you have to take the large amount of rage and arguments for granted. I didn't mention it, but when you say "shitstorm" you know what's up. If I'd gone into detail there, we'd still be sitting here by tomorrow.

Calpain will require some effort though. Muumi already requires a virgin blood sacrifice to the elder Gods. You can only imagine what Calpain will require.


RandomMan wrote:

Well yeah, of course with each shitstorm you have to take the large amount of rage and arguments for granted. I didn't mention it, but when you say "shitstorm" you know what's up. If I'd gone into detail there, we'd still be sitting here by tomorrow.

Calpain will require some effort though. Muumi already requires a virgin blood sacrifice to the elder Gods. You can only imagine what Calpain will require.


Honestly, I'd settle for a tell-all memoir. Being Molestia's resident science guy must be very . . . . . enlightening.

@Realistic: I'm afraid I can't help you, never been to any kind of convention and don't really plan to ever go to one but by the sounds of it, it should be fine. Plus I'm sure the other users here will have plenty to say about it.

Me and Verbose posted similar-looking humanized Twilights right after each other?
Huh, funny little coincidence there.

Hey fellow Bronies, can I ask you a question? Is just a small question. I was doing a task, and my teacher asked me to select a word and show it to a group of people to make their opinions on it. So I select the word Misanthropy, because the term tells us as how is our true nature, which the main one is that we, generally, are a species that fights for excess and consumerism, we would take advantage of alien species for their resources, create weapons to self-destroy each other. If you want to see more examples, see this in Tv Tropes. One time, I entered to Derpibooru, and I saw that the Bronies hate so much the Misanthropy, with all the fanfics that have this topic. Why?

What do you think about Misanthopy?

Last edited Sep 09, 2013 at 09:34PM EDT

Dr. MEDIC! wrote:

Hey fellow Bronies, can I ask you a question? Is just a small question. I was doing a task, and my teacher asked me to select a word and show it to a group of people to make their opinions on it. So I select the word Misanthropy, because the term tells us as how is our true nature, which the main one is that we, generally, are a species that fights for excess and consumerism, we would take advantage of alien species for their resources, create weapons to self-destroy each other. If you want to see more examples, see this in Tv Tropes. One time, I entered to Derpibooru, and I saw that the Bronies hate so much the Misanthropy, with all the fanfics that have this topic. Why?

What do you think about Misanthopy?

You're welcome.

(But seriously, just ask. As long as it's not a played out question or one that's obviously trying to troll, most anyone would answer it: brony or not.)

Oh, you did go back to ask.

I'll give you a quick answer, because I'm not used to not being able to edit my posts whenever I want just yet (There's a 30-minute limit for most users' to edit their original posts.)

One time, I entered to Derpibooru, and I saw that the Bronies hate so much the Misanthropy, with all the fanfics that have this topic. Why?

I…have trouble understanding what you're asking.

Most bronies are probably like most people in Web Culture by definition: They are mostly misanthropes.

A subculture is based on the mainstream culture. Web Culture is what I call a shadow culture turned into a counterculture. Most people in Web Culture once felt rejected because they couldn't subscribe properly to the mainstream. After coming to grips with what generally occurred in adolescence (you won't find many bronies who say they loved high school) and young adulthood, they begin to shun the mainstream that generally shunned them first.

As such, many people in Web Culture (and bronies, by proxy) are misanthropic. They plain don't like most people, because most people are generally normalized to the mainstream culture.
So I'm a bit confused when you say bronies on Derpibooru hate the concept of Misanthropy (unless "Misanthropy" is a specific fanfic, which would explain why you capitalized it.) They almost embody the concept of "misanthropy," because we are a part of an active counterculture.

Okay I guess I can try and start a thread.

I found out that there’s a pony con I can pretty easily go to in a few weeks. Going to it might be awesome (and it’s so close to me that it would honestly be a shame if I DIDN’T go,) but I’m really a bit nervous about either people who are giant fandom elitists (the idiots who think that bronies are some kind of “superior race of fandom” or something,) in addition to my gut (assholeish) fear of just going and finding it completely cringeworthy. I’ve been to an anime con before, and it wasn’t nearly as weeaboo infested as I was scared of (and there was already a good bit of MLP stuff there, so this really won’t be THAT much of a new experience.)

So basically, I think I’d have a good time, but I’m having some doubts (especially as a fairly recent member of the fandom, despite being familiar with it for years before joining up.) Anyone here ever been to a pony con, or have any thoughts?


opspe and I went to BronyCon more than a year ago, and even though I'm much more of a brony than opspe is (i.e. opspe really isn't a brony), I'm not much of a brony either. Sure, I love my plushes (thanks again, DeePizzle), I'm going to frame the prints I got from BronyCon, and a lot of my electrical devices have something Pony-related on it. But all of those things stay away from my friends, because they think it's weird (okay, fine, it is weird, but Ponu…who cares.)

My ex once said I'm a very specific nerd, in that I have a few, nerdy interests that I'm really into, but I'm not really a nerd in that I don't like a lot of other things, and I don't look or act much like the "average nerd." Another friend described me as being part-jock, part-prep, and part-geek when I was in high school: Varsity football player, school president…avid Pokémon player who began to learn Japanese in his senior year.

So I feel you when you say that you're fearing being around, well…bronies, even if you're a brony yourself.
Anyway, I enjoyed the experience of BronyCon, but I didn't really interact with many bronies. I just hung out with opspe and a lot of the staff of KYM (they were there on a assignment (actually, they just wanted to be in on the Twilight Sparkle action because she's Best Ponu) But I had a distinct feeling I wouldn't have gotten along with most of the bronies there.

I went to another event where I met Fifths in Chicago, and even though Fifths himself was good company, a lot of the other bronies there just didn't jibe with me. I got into a debate with one dude on something pony-related.

…He leaves mid-conversations, walks around the group of bronies there, and comes back to where he was. No explanation for it at all. Just…walks off and comes back after making a full circle.

Personally, I've never gotten along with most "nerds." Most of my closest friends were football players in high school, people I knew from martial arts in college (who were not the Web Culture kind of geek), and defected Christian fellowship members from college. A lot of the more geeky friends I had (i.e. go to conventions, pale, Caucasian male/occasionally female, had trouble in basic social situations, etc.) either got on my nerves or were just plain nuts.
But I've also been to a couple of anime cons, and I had a decent time at those. Sure, there were people I just wanted to give wedgies to (because it just seemed like the right thing to do), but I also talked with some pretty cool people there as well. (I even met Semehammer at the anime con when she was selling some of her earlier arts in print…This is my favorite.)

So it would be my suggestion to go, keep your elbows up, deal with the Con Funk, and have as good of a time as you can make out of it. Meet the staff/go to the panels, buy some threads, pins, and art, and perhaps meet a couple of bronies you like.

Unless the price of admission is just too high, I don't see why you shouldn't give one con a shot.
…you will find something cringeworthy though. Trust.

Last edited Sep 09, 2013 at 10:15PM EDT

Whoops, I posted before the question, sorry.

Now that I've read it, I'll comment. I HATE misanthropy! I will admit I'm a massive anthrophile though (but I'll maintain that misanthropy is nasty, wrong, stupid and hypocritical to boot).

Last edited Sep 09, 2013 at 10:20PM EDT

I have to say I have nothing but confidence in Season 4/DHX/The Hub. I mean, they made a few desperate shameless cashgrabs (The Train, Cadence being an Alicorn, Twilight being an Alicorn and of course Equestria Girls) in the past but the thing is, instead of each of those being a total shitfest they were pretty…..good (with Twilicorn/MMC being the weakest of the bunch IMO despite the fact that it was one of the few things in life to make me feel) and if they can make Equestria Girls watchable/actually pretty good after everyone thought it was doomed to be the next up and coming 'End of the Fandom' shitstorm then I have faith in them making Season 4 pretty damn good (won't say amazing because TOO MUCH hype is never a good thing.)

I just won't understand people literally leaving the fandom/downright hating the show after Season 3. Just seems pretty silly to jump ship this early into the series, now I can it understand if Season 4 and 5 continue the meh-ness of Season 3. Hell, I'd probably have jumped ship if the show continued down the Season 3 path and not the Season 1 and 2 path. But the thing is, almost every show out there has that 'blah' season. Everyone complained about Season 4 of the Simpsons back in the day but then the show got better and better over the years then the show dropped in quality so bad it was like the show literally went down the Raging Bull it was so bad. Don't blame a soul for jumping from the Simpsons train.

Even South Park had their recent laughless half season a little while ago. But when your show is only 3 seasons into its possible 6-10 year lifetime (I have a feeling the show will be the next Spongebob, as in it will be milked for every penny until only the original voice actresses remain of the original crew and they're still only doing it because the money looks gooooooood) you should just give it a chance and forget Season 3 existed. THEN if Season 4 sucks worse just get ready to tuck and roll.

@Ponycon. Meh, I'm not that good around nerds (despite being a bit of a nerd myself) considering I'm a nerd to the point where I'll like something like Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Video Games (More of Mass Effect and less of Call of Duty), and of course: Pony. But my nerdness kind of draws a line when it comes to being around nerds and talking about nerdy things. My Brother is a HUGE Star Wars fan to the point where he's an avid reader of the Expanded Universe, whenever we talk about Star Wars it just feels weird IMO. Second the words 'Boba Fett' slips past my lips it just kind of gets weird for me, don't know why. I'll gladly talk to you about nerdy shit over the internet but if we talk about it in real life you'll notice I'll really want that conversation to end.

I can talk about Pony IRL, but that's probably only because when I first started watching the show I didn't really want to talk about it but then it just felt weird NOT talking about it. One can only guess how long I'll want to keep talking about Pony IRL. But I'll gladly discuss Music and less nerdy stuff IRL if you don't want to talk about Pony lol. Don't say I'm like a closet nerd or anything because I'm not, seriously I have Star Wars and Minecraft and other nerdy shirts, I have no problem giving out my Xbox Live Gamertag to people, but when it comes to discussing it in person……Meh, I'd rather not.

Last edited Sep 09, 2013 at 10:27PM EDT


I feel that the fanfics of people injecting themselves into pony world and sexing up Twilight is partly responsible for anyone disliking humans appearing in pony context even if has nothing to do with a self-insert

Some people just ruin it for the rest of us, no?


Ah, I'm guessing you're referring to the Conversion Bureau series, yes? I've never read any stories in that myself, but I know the basic gist of it.

Why do people hate it? Well, I suppose it's because it paints humans as worse than they actually are and also suggests that we're incapable of making the right choices ourselves and must be forcibly turned into ponies for our own good.

Now, I certainly qualify as a misanthrope, but even I think that's too harsh. Humanity is a bunch of ignorant children playing a game they barely understand with dangerous toys if you ask me, but we're not entirely hopeless. After all, we've got the means to destroy ourselves and everything around us several times over, but we haven't used them. Yet.

As for why a bunch of people who tend to be less than amicable towards humanity suddenly dislike a misanthropic story, well, that's a bit more complicated.

I've found that very few people are true misanthropes. Oh sure, you get a good chunk of people who whine about humans being such assholes, but most of those are just rebels without a concrete cause, usually motivated by teenage angst. Show 'em something truly anti-humanity and they'll turn right over to anthropocentrism. And once the immediate crisis is over, they'll go right back to their whining. Yeah, we humans are funny like that.

Truth of the matter is, we've been indoctrinated into this belief of humanity's overriding superiority for millennia. You can't undo that kind of brainwashing overnight. Hell, even I, someone who's consciously attempting to see things from a less anthropocentric viewpoint, occasionally find myself lapsing back into it. So, how well do you think some half-hearted kid who just wants to look edgy will fare, eh?

But then, you don't have to be a kill-all-the-human-scum sort of guy to get labeled a misanthrope. Hell, getting annoyed at the people who constantly and loudly gush about the greatness of being part of such a glorious species is enough to qualify you for the label in this day and age. At least you don't get burned at the stake right off the bat anymore though, heh. I'm all for humanity being better, you know. If they'd just live up to that expectation sometime, that'd be great. Not gonna hold my breath for that one, though, if historical precedent is anything to go by.

Once again I shall appear in this tempest to offer up the weekly chalking pictures. I would've had them earlier, but I was waiting for the shots that had the club in them to be uploaded elsewhere first so I could include them. I grew tired of waiting, so here it is:

The text we wrote says "Our milkshakes bring all the colts to the yard and they're like HNNNNNGG!!!"

The shirtless dude with the dog in the bottom left pic lumbered up to me like a manly man and told me the drawing was neat. In fact, we get lots of compliments and sincere questions when we work, so it's always a fun experience. We tried to buy a bunch of milkshakes for the group picture, but the CMC (Carnegie Mellon Cafe, coincidentally) had a broken blender. Anyways, I'll be back for the next drawing in a week!

Last edited Sep 09, 2013 at 11:58PM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

Well yeah, of course with each shitstorm you have to take the large amount of rage and arguments for granted. I didn't mention it, but when you say "shitstorm" you know what's up. If I'd gone into detail there, we'd still be sitting here by tomorrow.

Calpain will require some effort though. Muumi already requires a virgin blood sacrifice to the elder Gods. You can only imagine what Calpain will require.


Yeah, I don't see Calpain coming back any time soon, as nice as it would be.
He's in… 'a better place'…

@Crapfests of old
This whole page has been a walk down memory lane for me.
All those things were happening just as I first started browsing this site, but before I started posting.
I was a silent witness to the chaos, but I was there nonetheless.

I had almost forgotten about the 'The comment section is for comments, not discussion!' one.
That raged for quite a while, and popped up a few times as I recall.
Glad to see that it was finally resolved by creating the legacy that is KYM Pony General.
May it live forever in its glory of arguments and movie puns!

Would you leave?

@Pony Cons
I've been to both EQLA cons so I guess I'll weigh in.
If you know what you're getting into, they can definitely be fun and I'd encourage you to go.
I'm not an overly social person so i mostly hung to the outskirts and people-watched, especially at the second one since I was there by myself.
You will see people who will make you cringe, but they tend to be in the vast minority when compared to the cool ones.
I've always liked the panels because they tend to devolve into silliness pretty quickly, but really, some of the most fun I had was when I got into a conversation with some other people at one of the front counters.
It started out as a trading card deal, but we ended up hanging out there for a couple hours just talking about all kinds of stuff.

So yeah, go.
Dodge the things you don't like and seek out the people and things that you do.
You'll be fine and probably have a good time.

CMCs at the CMC!

Last edited Sep 10, 2013 at 12:26AM EDT

Oh. My. God. That is one of the worst images I’ve ever seen. Whoever made it must be an idiot. Seriously, was he in a hurry when he made it? First of all, why does the ‘W’ in ‘TWI’ look so weird? Second, what is Twilight even looking at? She’s certainly not interested in what John McClane and son are looking at. Don’t tell me he didn’t know how to flip an image around. Dumbass.

Last edited Sep 10, 2013 at 12:58AM EDT

UnKewln00b wrote:

I have to say I have nothing but confidence in Season 4/DHX/The Hub. I mean, they made a few desperate shameless cashgrabs (The Train, Cadence being an Alicorn, Twilight being an Alicorn and of course Equestria Girls) in the past but the thing is, instead of each of those being a total shitfest they were pretty…..good (with Twilicorn/MMC being the weakest of the bunch IMO despite the fact that it was one of the few things in life to make me feel) and if they can make Equestria Girls watchable/actually pretty good after everyone thought it was doomed to be the next up and coming 'End of the Fandom' shitstorm then I have faith in them making Season 4 pretty damn good (won't say amazing because TOO MUCH hype is never a good thing.)

I just won't understand people literally leaving the fandom/downright hating the show after Season 3. Just seems pretty silly to jump ship this early into the series, now I can it understand if Season 4 and 5 continue the meh-ness of Season 3. Hell, I'd probably have jumped ship if the show continued down the Season 3 path and not the Season 1 and 2 path. But the thing is, almost every show out there has that 'blah' season. Everyone complained about Season 4 of the Simpsons back in the day but then the show got better and better over the years then the show dropped in quality so bad it was like the show literally went down the Raging Bull it was so bad. Don't blame a soul for jumping from the Simpsons train.

Even South Park had their recent laughless half season a little while ago. But when your show is only 3 seasons into its possible 6-10 year lifetime (I have a feeling the show will be the next Spongebob, as in it will be milked for every penny until only the original voice actresses remain of the original crew and they're still only doing it because the money looks gooooooood) you should just give it a chance and forget Season 3 existed. THEN if Season 4 sucks worse just get ready to tuck and roll.

@Ponycon. Meh, I'm not that good around nerds (despite being a bit of a nerd myself) considering I'm a nerd to the point where I'll like something like Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Video Games (More of Mass Effect and less of Call of Duty), and of course: Pony. But my nerdness kind of draws a line when it comes to being around nerds and talking about nerdy things. My Brother is a HUGE Star Wars fan to the point where he's an avid reader of the Expanded Universe, whenever we talk about Star Wars it just feels weird IMO. Second the words 'Boba Fett' slips past my lips it just kind of gets weird for me, don't know why. I'll gladly talk to you about nerdy shit over the internet but if we talk about it in real life you'll notice I'll really want that conversation to end.

I can talk about Pony IRL, but that's probably only because when I first started watching the show I didn't really want to talk about it but then it just felt weird NOT talking about it. One can only guess how long I'll want to keep talking about Pony IRL. But I'll gladly discuss Music and less nerdy stuff IRL if you don't want to talk about Pony lol. Don't say I'm like a closet nerd or anything because I'm not, seriously I have Star Wars and Minecraft and other nerdy shirts, I have no problem giving out my Xbox Live Gamertag to people, but when it comes to discussing it in person……Meh, I'd rather not.

I don't think the problem is that I'd be unwilling or unable to have good times myself, but I feel like the problem might be that other bronies might get on my nerves. I just feel like if I went, I'd be scared of being surrounded by fedoras (that would be hitting on the girl cosplayers and probably making them uncomfortable) and that I'd take shit if I ever even said a syllable sequence that sounded like "Twilicorn" or "Equestria Girls." But I feel like even though that will probably be a reality to some extent, I know there are also going to be a lot of awesome people I could get to be great friends with.

Also if anyone's wondering, here's a promo for the con I'm going to

You guise are forgetting it was TrollKing that was the main starter of the anti pony threads. Tomberey, Philip J Fry, and a few others followed in with pony hate. I was one of the few pony trolls that liked to fuck with them any chance I got. The troll army had a falling out and a few trolls became bronies for a while. Then there was all of you that had a hissy fit when asked to come to the forums from instead of posting in the comments section of the entry, I won't name names but you know who you are. Then there was the plot debacles that I still think is funny as hell. All of you that find plot funny now but used to go ape shit when it was posted and calling it rule34 when it's not. The Verbose thing pales in comparison to all the times I've heard people say they would leave the fandom because X is going to happen and all the bickering over wether something is canon or not. I just think all of the major in fights are laughable and remember this is a fandom about colorful ponies that was started on 4chan.


I've been a small brony convention and I've met all different kinds of folks. Man, woman, young, old, fat, skinny, muscular, ect. Some of them showed up in costume (really good costumes at that). I bought some stuff, went to the panels, and played some games. There were some crazy insane bronies, but most of the people I've met were really friendly. I had a really good time so I say you should definitely go and not worry about the people because most of them are really nice.

Medic said:

What do you think about Misanthopy?

Do I smell a Conversion Bureau thread in the making?

For me, I think the whole plot is just filled with wasted potential. You have an awesome idea (Equestria teleported onto Earth with an ever expanding field of death that'll cause an XK Class Extinction Event) and it's been completely ruined by two extremes (the "Nazi pony" fanfics that are so fond of Deus Ex Machinas and the "evil human" fanfics that gloss over disturbing plot points in the name of utopia). I'm still waiting for the fanfic that has no bias. It's just normal Equestria plopping onto normal Earth and everyone getting screwed.

I'd write it, if I didn't have six other fanfic ideas in front of it that need to be written first.

Just a friendly reminder…

…That despite the ponyscopes tags on derpibooru having lots for the rest of the ponyscopes, the so called 13th Zodiac Ophiuchus still only has two… Mine, and one other person's that is a jab at the Zodiac themselves.

I wouldn't be offended if someone chose another design for their head canon, but still only having 2 designs in the entire fandom isn't exactly encouraging.

Disty wrote:

Oh. My. God. That is one of the worst images I’ve ever seen. Whoever made it must be an idiot. Seriously, was he in a hurry when he made it? First of all, why does the ‘W’ in ‘TWI’ look so weird? Second, what is Twilight even looking at? She’s certainly not interested in what John McClane and son are looking at. Don’t tell me he didn’t know how to flip an image around. Dumbass.

Not to mention how obvious it is that Twilight was never there originally. And the fact that she completely clashes with the mood. Just… wow. 0/10

Jimmy 3, People 0 wrote:

Not to mention how obvious it is that Twilight was never there originally. And the fact that she completely clashes with the mood. Just… wow. 0/10

What are you talking about? That is obviously a legit image.

Wait, now that I look closer…


@Twihard: Boy, I've seen a lot of shopped things with ponies, and this is below the average. And with all the movie poster to choose, it had to be Die Hard? At least they didn't used the poster of the older movies.

Colgate time!

Last edited Sep 10, 2013 at 06:22PM EDT

Bruno the Rustler wrote:

@Twihard: Boy, I've seen a lot of shopped things with ponies, and this is below the average. And with all the movie poster to choose, it had to be Die Hard? At least they didn't used the poster of the older movies.

Colgate time!

Colgate thread? What a novel idea!

Fifths wrote:

Hey guys, look at this picture I made of moon horse.

colored an old sketch with photoshop. Yay photoshop.

Moon Horse is best princess.
Way better than Sunbutt.


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