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Last posted Dec 21, 2009 at 12:10AM EST. Added Dec 18, 2009 at 09:12PM EST
35 posts from 9 users

There was a thread on /b/ last Thursday that had the same topic. Some Anon posted an image that said that on April 24, 2009, if you said you won the game, you won. But if you missed that day, you are condemned to forever play the game.
So nope, once you're playing the game, you're playing. Be it your will or not.

1)You cannot win the game
2)You cannot quit
and the rest.

So if you quit the game, your breaking the rules, airgo, your disqualified

I hate discussion like this.
The rules of the game are:
You can not win.
You can not quit.
You cannot break the rulse because you can not quit; you can't be diqualified, or you would be quitting, the only way to not lose is not think of it; there is no way to win, no matter what /b/tard says.

Get it now?

You cannot break the rulse because you can not quit; you can’t be diqualified,
i dont remember these in the rules

@ Emeralds5 Hay
I didn't say they were rules, I said
"You can not quit"
This meaning you can't be disqualified because you can't quit, and even if you did get disqualified you couldn't break the rules because you can't quit.

The Game was never meant to be fun, the game was invented for a science expirement for research, it was never meant to catch on. No one person can say the game's over.


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