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Last posted Feb 21, 2015 at 12:56AM EST. Added Feb 09, 2015 at 09:58PM EST
71 posts from 54 users

Pretty simple thread. Just name a few of your phobias and describe them. You don't even need to know the official name or anything, just state fears of yours, whether they be legitimate phobias that pose a hazard to your mental well-being or just minor dislikes or fears you may have.

Thalassophobia: This would still be a phobia for me, but it's one of my minor ones. It used to be much worse even just a year ago, but I've been working on getting over it myself and apparently it's working. Thalassophobia is the fear of large bodies of water. Overall any body of water that's not a swimming pool in which I can't see the bottom scares the living shit out of me. The main root of my fear isn't really drowning since I know how to swim proficiently, it's just the fear of what's lurking beneath the waves because as I said, I can't see the bottom. Sure it's pretty irrational to be scared of beasts ready to eat my while swimming in a lake or something, but aren't all phobias irrational at heart? Like I said, I'm trying to get rid of it because I like swimming and I like observing the ocean, I just can't get in it without having a panic attack.

Hemophobia: This is a much more common one, the fear of blood. Just today in Spanish class the teacher was teaching us the Spanish words for wound and cut and I was getting dizzy thinking about it. There was even a shitty black and white drawing of like kindergarten level art skill of a cut for reference and my head was throbbing. A year or two ago when I underwent CPR training and a lady was telling us about different kinds of cuts and people's arms being chopped off with blood gushing out, I nearly passed out. I had a nasty headache and I legitimately couldn't see anything even with my eyes open because everything was so blurry. So yeah, this is a bad one for me. Just typing this out is giving me a stomach-ache.

A sub-phobia for this I guess would be needles, but who isn't scared of needles? Like when I had my blood drawn for the first time I practically passed out. It was definitely the worst experience I've had in my life. I'll never go through that again. No way. If I went to hell, having blood taken from me forever would probably be my punishment.

Parasitophobia: The name kind of explains it. Parasites just overall make me woozy thinking of them. I can't stand to look at them or talk about them. Watching those shows on Discovery or Animal Planet about parasites is basically masochism for me because they disgust me so much.

Ommetaphobia: This is probably the most unreasonable fear I have and is the one I want gone the most. It's literal translation is fear of eyes, but it really means things involving eyes. Like it's so serious my body basically rejects contacts. Like I want contacts really bad for seeing purposes and I want to try different colors someday too, but my instincts don't let me put anything anywhere near my eyes. Well, I can put on make-up with some struggling, I'm not that bad, but anything touching my eyes is a no go. Watching others touch their eyes or put in contacts pains me and if I ever saw eye surgery I'd probably die on the spot. Just typing this out as with the other things is making me uncomfortable. My eyes are watering.

Well damn, all of that was awfully hard to type out. Now I'm jittery all over. I'm curious for you guys now. What are your big phobias?

I have a fear of the dark that may or may not be caused by undiagnosed PTSD. I just get extremely paranoid that something is going to jump out at me. Growing up I had a pretty healthy level of fear for things children generally have fears of (the dark, monsters in the closet, etc.) but then when I was around 8 years old I was looking over my mom's shoulder when she was looking at a screamer (specifically, one where they show you a picture of a living room and tell you to look for a ghost only for a terrifying face to pop up on the screen and oh god I'm getting super nervous just typing this out). And after that my fear level got cranked up to 11 and I never really fully recovered from that. My ability to cope with it fluctuates depending on if there was anything that scared me recently. A couple years ago I watched the first few episodes of Marble Hornets (I didn't even get to the really bad/scary parts) and I couldn't sleep well for half the summer. Recently I attempted to watch let's plays of Five Nights at Freddie's and let me tell you that didn't help me get used to sleeping in a new house. Generally I sleep with the living room light on (my room is adjacent to the living room) and I always sleep facing the wall because sleeping with my back facing the rest of the room makes me paranoid.

I also have a little bit of claustrophobia. Things like empty hallways freak me out a little, but it's not nearly bad enough to interfere with my life at all.

Selachophobia: Fucking. God-damn. SHARKS. Specifically Great Whites, those thing could bite you in fucking HALF! I saw Jaws when I was 8, got to the part where Quint got ripped apart, and bitched the fuck out! Needless to say, oceans… are not fun for me.

Jumpscares: Screamers… nuff said.

Throat slitting: This.. is kinda weird. Whenever I watch a horror movie, I'm usually perfectly fine with any type of blood and violence. But if someone gets their neck cut, I'm like:

I have no idea why, but the thought of that particular spot getting sliced just… Erghh. I'm cringing just thinking about it.

Acrophobia: Heights and falling. Pretty straightforward. Sure sucks the fun outta amusement parks though. :/

Also, I get where the eyeball thing comes from. It's a really sensitive area, that's annoying as fuck when it gets touched. I'd cringe too.

Last edited Feb 09, 2015 at 10:45PM EST

Seizure-like movements(Is there an official phobia for this?): I only recently learned this freaked me out so much. Y'see, once my mom became so stressed and sleep deprived she had a manic episode (she has bipolar), and then…. She had a frikin' seizure.
The funny thing is, it seemed like after a few weeks, I was no longer affected by that event…. Plus, I only saw my mom's feet…

Until I saw this person making this seizure-like movement in some supernatural TV show….

The sheer terror I felt when I saw that…

So yeah, if it's like, realistic seizure movements, it'll freak me the fuck out.

Beeing a Tall guy, I should be used to high places. Doesn't it?

Welp, nope. I just….can't take a look down whenever I'm in a high place, and I talking about like, mountains or skycrappers: I literally get nervous even walking down through stairs (even more if the stairs are open or they aren't sticked to a wall) .

Also, Spiders. I don't know if I either fear them or hate them, but any time I see one (no matter the size) I just want to either run from there or just straight up murder it.

I'd say calling this one a true fear a bit of a stretch, but…

Papyrophobia: Not an officially recognized one of course, but documented nonetheless. This is one of those "phobias" that's actually more of a particular disgust, but there's definitely some anxiety involved. Normal and even crumpled paper is completely A-OK even if it's really marked up, but unevenly ripped pieces kinda bother me. Add water, and I shudder. Clumps of toilet paper mush in swimming pool bathrooms are at least twice as revolting to me as pictures of real-life gore. Fucking hate that shit.

I'm also pretty afraid of moths, heights, flies, and having some undiagnosed life threatening disease… Moths freak me out because…. Well, because of their everything! Their eyes, their antennas, their furryiness, the way they flies… ESPECIALLY the way they fly. Eugh, just thinking about them makes me think ones gonna fly up on me, all up in my face, hovering by my eyes, trying to land on me, brushing up on me…. DX One of my biggest fears to have moths or flies in the bathroom (even worse if I'm in the shower or using the toilet or something, then I can't even get away fast enough) or in my bedroom…

Once there actually was moth in the bathroom… Couldn't even stand being in that bathroom for weeeeeks… Flies are almost just as bad, because of their buzzing or their eyes, or wings, or their erratic flight pattern…..

Heights is a pretty common one, so I don't think I need to explain that…

That last one really gives me a tonna anxiety. I have ended up crying several times stressing out over strange pains and things, because I really thought I had a life threatening illness and I didn't want to die. I also given or almost given myself a few panic attacks as well because of something like pressure in my head made me think I had brain tumor, or something drastic like that….

A minor fear: injuries to the eye. As in, getting stabbed in the eye… Something about eye injuries are just unbearable to think about.

Last edited Feb 10, 2015 at 12:18AM EST

I am absolutely terrified of high places. I hate planes, tall buildings, high ladders. I have to keep the window closed on an airplane, stay near the middle of a building or I start to feel dizzy and weak. Its really bad for some videos of people climbing the tallest buildings to like repair dishes and stuff, I'm sitting still and my whole body feels numb.

I don't know the name of this fear. but I am terrified of things watching me from a distance. Especially things that have like glowing eyes and everything else is hidden. I get very unnerved by just the thought. one of the reasons I hate some shows about aliens, when its just like the family driving home in the night and their car dies and they see a UFO and something in the cockpit just looking at them. fucking terrifying.

I used to suffer from Atychiphobia but I've kinda gotten over it, though I do still get edgy in some situations. and naturally I hate spiders.

I don't really have any legit phobias, but similar to OP, I feel uneasy in water where I can't see the bottom. It's not bad enough that I won't swim in the ocean, just makes me a bit uncomfortable.

Here's one: Anything watching me in the dark just gives me the chills. I'm not really afraid of the dark, or things watching me normally, but both… yeesh. Especially if it's through a window or something.

Also, jumpscares are lame. I'll admit I have a slight fear of them, but its more like anger at whoever made it than actual fear.

I think this could be one: the fear that you are always being watched (but not by a duck). I just soetimes get the sensation that some…-thing is just watching me. It makes me very uncomfortable when alone.

Here's a real odd one I found: Papaphobia- the fear of the Pope.

Last edited Feb 10, 2015 at 01:39AM EST

You Are Reading This wrote:

I think this could be one: the fear that you are always being watched (but not by a duck). I just soetimes get the sensation that some…-thing is just watching me. It makes me very uncomfortable when alone.

Here's a real odd one I found: Papaphobia- the fear of the Pope.

I think i can understand why.

I have a pretty terrible fear of flying. I still can't get over it after so many flights.
I used to have a fear of being alone and ghost since my brother used to watch those paranormal shows back when we were kids. I finally got over it after living alone for 2 years when i was at highschool.

Pediophobia. That's the fear of dolls. I've gotten the hang of seeing them nowadays, but it's been a huge problem for me for years back then. Their glass eyes that stare at you wherever you go, you're afraid that staring back at them too long and they'll blink. Or when you turn around, and look back, the doll will be in a different spot.

I haven't seen any dolls for the longest time and I haven't freaked out majorly the last time I've seen one, but damn… I suffer from frequent nightmares and night terrors, and dolls are one of the things that do good at waking me up at night.

Scopophobia: The fear of being looked at. When someone is looking at me it makes my skin crawl. Making direct eye contact with someone practically causes me physical pain. Whenever I speak to someone, I tend to stare at a wall or something rather than look at them. When I'm in public, no matter the time of day, weather, or lighting, I wear sunglasses, because it almost feels as if they shield me from people's gazes. I prefer not to even speak to people in person, period, but if I have to, it's always quite an ordeal, and I usually come across as rude or cold, when I'm really just very uncomfortable on top of naturally being both tacit and solitary.

The MonkeyWrench wrote:

Acrophobia fear of heights
I am deathly afraid of heights. Even when I'm on my roof and my cousin tells me to check out the view I'd be like:

I used to have a fear of heights too. I kinda got over it during grade school when my class was moved to the second floor of the school's new building.

What's that phobia called of being afraid of complete darkness?
Like, inky dark blackness with absolutely no light whatsoever?
Because yeah, when I'm in a completely dark black area, white starts to flare in the corner of my field of view and I start breathing panickedly.

Claustrophobia – Fear of small spaces or having no escape. I remember one time, in elementary school, the door of our classroom couldn't open and they had to get some teachers to unlock it. Meanwhile, of course, I was having a panic attack, desperately yelling to open the door. Nowadays, I no longer fear it, which I'm very glad.

Acrophobia – Fear of heights. It happens when I'm in really tall buildings; hotels are examples of that. I try to look at the bottom on, let's say, a balcony. I stay there less than a minute and I just can't stand it. I even get some anxiety when other people do the same, like, internally screaming to them to get away from that.

Particle Mare wrote:

TRYPOPHOBIA. Fear of clumps of small holes. Just makes my skin crawl if I'm not ready for it.

↑ This. FUCK THIS. The book Holes and the movie cover of Hellraiser used to freak me the fuck out as a kid. Now it's just wasp/bee nest, lotus pods (almost puked googling trypophobia once because that is the first thing to come up), and occasionally a few other things.

Edit: Oh, and I kinda have Acrophobia. It's not so much the heights as the ledges. I can be in a airplane or on a roller coaster, but I freak the fuck out when I have to get too close to a ledge. I once got trapped in a McDonald's playground as a kid because I stopped half way across a bridge that rocked and you could see the bottom.

Last edited Feb 10, 2015 at 11:00AM EST

Samekichi Kiseki wrote:

I used to have a fear of heights too. I kinda got over it during grade school when my class was moved to the second floor of the school's new building.

You callin' me a grade schooler?
Well I ain't callen you fer dinner!

Arachnophobia: Not so much with spiders, but with their sort-of cousins: Scorpions.

Scorpions freak me out, period. As a kid, there was something about them that struck fear in me at the very sight of one. Maybe it's the poison, maybe it's the claws, maybe it's how ungodly huge some of them can be, I dunno. Whatever it is, I can't stand seeing them.

Not so funny story: I once had a scorpion sneak it's way into my house. It was crawling everywhere, and I was terrified that it was going to sting and probably kill my cat. Chasing that thing out of the house is something I hope to never have to do again. Ever.

I don't know what phobia I have now, but I remeber one very well in the past, one that I had when i was young and lost it when I was 17, an dreadful phobia with the injections, or called:

Fear of needles or, more specifically, pickets, those thinks.

It was a nightmare for me when the doctors want me a blood example, and see this…

It was madness! And the doctors took like 10 or 15 minutes to finally finish the process. Why it took to long, because my fear, high pressure, no cooperation, and because the blood couldn't out. They needed to do it like 3 or 4 more times, and that only make it worse!

Finally, when I was 17, I was very sick in a very long period of time because my allergies were out of control, and the allergist recet me to take some medicine…..And injections in both sides of my arms for the rest of the year!

Mondays and Fridays were the day that I took the injections, for an entire year. And by doing that, I lost my fear with the time.

Soma Cruz wrote:

Fanboy-phobia pretty much those guys who will defend it's source,with anything they can

Ephebiphobia – Fear of youth, particularly 19 year olds

Negrophobia – Scared of black people

Athletikophobia – Fear of sports (several to be specific)

Gilofaphobia – Fear of girlfriends

Last edited Feb 10, 2015 at 04:12PM EST

Claustrophobia: I honestly get nervous thinking about cramped spaces. I love an open area, but the moment shit gets cramped, I lose it.
Monophobia: Sure, I like my alone time, but if there is nobody within at least visible distance I start freaking out. (Seriously I get scared just thinking about it.)
Thalassophobia: This combined with Claustrophobia and Monophobia is one reason why I think the Xenoblade world is much darker than it really is… Think about it… you have about a continent and a half worth of a world, and that is THE ONLY LIVING PLACE IN EXISTENCE AT THE MOMENT, the closest things to humans are nigh-extinct (OH GOD) and there is nothing but ocean. For lightyears and lightyears, in all directions. And it is nigh-bottomless.
Deiophobia: I honestly find the idea of ANY omnipotent being HORRIFYING. If one exists, then I'd like him/her/it to be dead ASAP.

Trollanort wrote:

Claustrophobia: I honestly get nervous thinking about cramped spaces. I love an open area, but the moment shit gets cramped, I lose it.
Monophobia: Sure, I like my alone time, but if there is nobody within at least visible distance I start freaking out. (Seriously I get scared just thinking about it.)
Thalassophobia: This combined with Claustrophobia and Monophobia is one reason why I think the Xenoblade world is much darker than it really is… Think about it… you have about a continent and a half worth of a world, and that is THE ONLY LIVING PLACE IN EXISTENCE AT THE MOMENT, the closest things to humans are nigh-extinct (OH GOD) and there is nothing but ocean. For lightyears and lightyears, in all directions. And it is nigh-bottomless.
Deiophobia: I honestly find the idea of ANY omnipotent being HORRIFYING. If one exists, then I'd like him/her/it to be dead ASAP.

Damn son you sure seem scared of Xenoblade. Did the game give you all of these fears? This is some coincidence.


So that's what the needle phobia is called. Yeah I definitely have that. Seeing one in person give me a nasty panic attack, especially when I know it's for me. Like when they were giving me a vaccine for meningitis and told me the nasty symptoms and the untimely death that would come to me if I got it, but at the moment it sounded lot more pleasant than the needle itself.

Last edited Feb 10, 2015 at 09:46PM EST

I'll be honest I was afraid a bit of needles too, but I learned to handle it by just not looking directly at it or thinking to hard about what was happening.

deep breaths and look everywhere but the needle and it should help a bit when you need to get jabbed.

entomophobia- Bugs. Those fucking bugs. They squirm, they twitch, they could be anywhere. They just love to crawl all over everything, including us people. You know that strange tickling and itchy feeling when a bugs' many legs step across your skin when it walks on you? That shit's the stuff of nightmares. Whenever I see one, I think of its creepy ass slowly inching it's way up my arm, to my neck, and then skittering about my head/face. Sometimes at night, I think about how it's possible for me to wake up to a house centipede molesting my face. Needless to say, I have insomnia. It could also be the reason behind my mild germaphobicness.

Slutty Sam wrote:

Damn son you sure seem scared of Xenoblade. Did the game give you all of these fears? This is some coincidence.


So that's what the needle phobia is called. Yeah I definitely have that. Seeing one in person give me a nasty panic attack, especially when I know it's for me. Like when they were giving me a vaccine for meningitis and told me the nasty symptoms and the untimely death that would come to me if I got it, but at the moment it sounded lot more pleasant than the needle itself.

Nope. I was always scared of those.
Xenoblade just ended up bundling them all up.
Also, I tend to be scared of ghosts. Malevolent ones to be exact. That one, you can thank Earthbound for.

Basilius wrote:

I meant as in realistic horses, not cartoons… (needs more grey-scale, though)

These are the type of horses that scare me.

I swear. Realistic horses have a intense uncanny valley-like effect when smiling. Chills my bones.

Fillerthefreak wrote:

I meant as in realistic horses, not cartoons… (needs more grey-scale, though)

These are the type of horses that scare me.

I swear. Realistic horses have a intense uncanny valley-like effect when smiling. Chills my bones.

Damn, dude. I'm not scared of horses, and even THAT pic scares me

I dont really know the phobias, but here is what i am scared of:

Fire: Once, my apartment building caught fire. Everything was okay, but it was traumatizing.

Stairwells: I read SCP-079. Now i am scared very much of them. It does not help that my school's stairs look alot like the pic in the SCP.

Bees. I was stung once when i was little. My fear developed from it.

The Abandoned clown train: Creepy as fuck, that's all.

Fillerthefreak wrote:

I meant as in realistic horses, not cartoons… (needs more grey-scale, though)

These are the type of horses that scare me.

I swear. Realistic horses have a intense uncanny valley-like effect when smiling. Chills my bones.


The only real phobia I have (that is to say, the only one I was diagnosed with) is agoraphobia. It's the fear of places that I perceive as dangerous or uncomfortable. That can mean a lot of things for a lot of people, but for me it causes severe social anxiety. I'm literally afraid of meeting people and talking to strangers. It sucks pretty hard.

That being said, I'm also afraid of:

  • Very deep water. The openness and depth frightens me.
  • Very large aquatic animals. They creep me out and I don't know why.
  • Sharks. They straight up spook me. It's hard to watch Shark Week.
  • Heights.
  • Failure.

I wouldn't necessarily say any of these are phobias, though. They don't bother me that much. Just make me very uncomfortable.

TheLurknessMonster wrote:

Arachnophobia: Not so much with spiders, but with their sort-of cousins: Scorpions.

Scorpions freak me out, period. As a kid, there was something about them that struck fear in me at the very sight of one. Maybe it's the poison, maybe it's the claws, maybe it's how ungodly huge some of them can be, I dunno. Whatever it is, I can't stand seeing them.

Not so funny story: I once had a scorpion sneak it's way into my house. It was crawling everywhere, and I was terrified that it was going to sting and probably kill my cat. Chasing that thing out of the house is something I hope to never have to do again. Ever.

If it makes you feel any better, apparently most scorpion venom isn't strong enough to kill…

But take that with a grain of salt.

I kind of have a phobia of dogs. I don't fear dogs or get panic attacks or have any kind of reaction, I just get nervous around them.

Mainly because I had a Turkish Kangal charge at me when I was about 3 years old. It didn't hurt me or anything, but when you have an animal at least twice your size running towards you at full speed, then dart around the place randomly… It kind of makes me nervous from their unpredictability. But if they don't run around or bark like crazy, then I'm fine.


Dogs make me uncomfortable too. I felt I was the only one. Whenever someone walks past me with a dog of any size I get as far away from them as the pavement I'm walking on will let me. I sigh in relief if they just pass me, but I'm usually not that lucky. Most of the time the stupid dogs try to jump on me or sniff me like it's their job or something and I kind of just freeze up until the owner pulls it away. It's not that bad of a fear and I'm trying to get over it, but it's still there. I feel it's mostly caused by my inexperience since I've had very little contact with dogs my entire life (Which is usually the cause of phobias. People naturally fear the unknown, so things they aren't used to can be scary) and also when I was super little a dog without a leash just approached me on the street and started growling and barking and slowly moving straight towards me. The damn thing was like 3 times my size at the time so it was like confronting a tiger or something for me. I was super lucky it kind of just left after about 15 seconds.

Spelunkophobia: Can't believe I almost forgot this one. It's the fear of caves. Reading the creepypasta Ted the Caver actually helped ignite this fear for me bit-time. I was never really scared of caves until I read the pasta. Even though the plot of the pasta is meant on implying caves full of scary demons or something, my fear isn't really of monsters, mainly because I know nothing really live in caves bigger than harmless bats and I'm not superstitious. I'm more scared of the more real dangers like cave-ins and air pollution. Caves still do interest me greatly though. Just like with oceans, I love the places and love observing them from afar, I just can't get in them.

Last edited Feb 11, 2015 at 09:47PM EST

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