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Heritage thread, what do you identify as?

Last posted Feb 16, 2015 at 11:55AM EST. Added Feb 11, 2015 at 10:42PM EST
46 posts from 44 users

My direct lineage is Mommy Brazilian, Daddy 'Murican, but deeper my dad's ancestors are Polish. My mom, being from Latin America AKA enormous melting pot is quite a mutt. She has basically every major race in her except for Asian and who knows if I looked deep enough she might even have that. She has black, Native South American, and Portuguese blood kinda distributed evenly but she also has a sprinkle of Arabic.

So I'm a Polish Portuguese Native American black Arab at my core. You can't really tell at all though since at first glance I just look like a white person with a light tan.

Well I'm Argentine, My Father's father was Spanish and my Mother's Father was German. And one of my Grandma's parents were Greek. And my second name has French and Irish lineage. Other than that, 100 % latino but completly white.

inb4 "Argentina is white" joke incoming.

I'm at least a full quarter Norwegian from my maternal grandmother, and possibly more from the other three corners. As far as I know, most of the rest is Anglo-Saxon and the other basic British ethnicities as they may be defined. (True fact- I'm directly descended from a prime minister.) Anything else is just a potpourri of other European nationalities. So basically, I'm a slightly dirty dry-erase board: many different shades of white.

1.0% Italian

1.5% British

2.5% New Zealand White Pig Pakeha


20% Cis male scumbag

35% Dweebazord Nerdmaxor Progamer PC Master race

35% Technoelectropsychadelicacidtrance Raver

(I don't really believe in national pride and I don't base an identity on geolocation. As a result, I consider my hobbies a greater heritage than my actual nationality)

Last edited Feb 12, 2015 at 03:59AM EST

Filipino with some white blood in me. A bit of American, British, and possibly Italian? My family's last name is a bit of a blur at history, but it's most likely not from around here. It either came from America or Italy.

A little English/Irish (it's still unclear which), German, and maybe some Italian, too.

>ancestors fought for the Union in Civil War
>family had confederate flag hanging above civil war picture
That will never cease to amuse me.

37.5% Vietnamese
12.5% Chinese
0.0625% Native American
49.9375% Caucasian American

While I'm not the most Asian guy around, I'm still mistake for someone who is way more Asian than me.

Australian with Middle Eastern heritage (mostly Arab). In descending order of relevance, it sort of goes like this:
1. Syrian
2. Lebanese
3. Turkish
4. Kurdish

100 % Freak.

0 % Man.

JK, JK. Not.

At least half white, half Greek.

Feels horrible to grow a neckbeard every week, or so.

INB4 "Fedora neckbreads"

But to actually answer seriously, for all intents and purposes, I am a white american. Most of my family has lived here since the country started. Most of my ancestors before that immigrated from various English isles. I've also been told that I have some Asian ancestry, but I'm not enough of a weeb to go around pretending that means anything.

Mostly Irish, a decent amount Swedish as well. I mostly identify with and am proud of my Irish heritage

I mean, my people were, like, toooootally oppressed a couple hundred years ago and everyone should care about that immensely even though it doesn't effect my personal life.

(but seriously I'm so sick of that drunk Irish stereotype I want to scream)

50% Irish
6.25% Jew-from-the-Slavshit-part-of-the-Baltic-coast(Vilna)
25% French (Cajun/Acadian most likely)
1.6% East Coast Native American
17.15% Other European Ethnicities

Last edited Feb 12, 2015 at 08:11PM EST

>tfw I'm currently the only black guy in this thread


60% Black/African American
10% Irish
5% Scandinavian
25% Native American: Cherokee

I don't really care for specifics, overall I just see myself as black.

Last edited Feb 13, 2015 at 09:14PM EST

^ Only black person? NOT ANY MORE.

I'm black. Not African American, just black. First of all, I have no idea what country in Africa my ancestors came from(WHAT'S WITH ALL YOU WHITE PEOPLE BEING ABLE TO FIND OUT THAT YOU'RE .004 ESTONIAN AND THINGS WHILE BLACK PEOPLE JUST HAVE THIS VAGUE "yo ancestors came on a boat to be a slave…" MADNESS?! IT'S NOT FAIIIIIIR!), and second of all, I can't stand being called African American. I was not born in Africa. No one in my family tree over like the last 150 years had enough African in them to be truly called African American. I know nothing about Africa, and to be honest, not do I want to. JUST SAY BLACK AMERICAN DAMN IT.

Last edited Feb 13, 2015 at 09:48PM EST

Irish, Russian, Austrian, Hungarian, Italian, and a tiny bit of German reporting in. Also, I like to think that I'm one of the few Irish-Americans out there that drinks Guinness year round. It's good for you, you know.

Because There are lots of documents like censuses and birth records from Europe and the US, my Uncle traced our family back to the Mayflower and 16th century Germany. Also a lot of white immigrants came to the US semi-recently, my both of my paternal Grandfathers were the children of immigrants. With African Black Americans however ancestry is harder to trace outside of using genetic tests, as they were essentially kidnapped and brought over from somewhere on the west coast of Africa.

I'm English.
I have various heritage stuff (like fairly strong American heritage: My mom's from Arkansas and my dad's half-English/half-American, and I have a slightly British/Canadian-tinged version of the generic American accent and that's not the only one either) but I do NOT identify even slightly as anything else. I was born in England, I was raised in England and I only lived elsewhere for 6 months when I was 2 or 3 so it's only logical to say I'm 100% English.
It's not even because of national pride or patriotism (because that's evil and stupid), I don't like England much. It's just because it's something I want to be strictly factual about.

Patrick Star 3D Real wrote:

And that's all you need to know.

Well hello there fellow Scot
Secret handshake that only we know
But really though, nice to see I'm not the only fucking Scottish person on this site

Baron O Beefdip wrote:

>tfw there's another black person in this thread

I'm black. My heritage is that of an American black.
In as much detail as I can give, I'm 1/8 English and possibly 1/32 Cherokee. I don't identify as either though. My culture and background is derived from cultural Protestant Christianity (beliefs, and musical tastes), slavery (certain foods), post-slavery (association with poverty), jazz, rock & roll, funk, hip-hop (cultures that share names with genres of music), and the like: It's black American.

All of those are what African-based blacks have in their cultural lineage even if they don't partake in it: faith, being broke, and counterculture, and their associated musical genres. Those are what make black people "black." Even the ones that act "white" and are atheist, rich, mainstream blacks.
I don't mind the phrase "African-American," as it's usually accurate. I am "from" Africa, and I am a PC person. But I think "black American" or just "black" works best anyway.


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