What do all of you think about having a Internet-Themed Amusement Park?
So far, I have multiple internet-related projects scheduled to be activated by next summer. If you want to learn more about them, please just ask me politely, and I'll share plenty of details about the projects with you, as well as my loved-ones.
Internet World: The Amusement Park & Tech-Resort:
It is going to involve YOU, software-companies, and many webmasters, who are willing to donate their ideas & money to fund Internet World Project by next summer. If you're willing to design theme-park rides or any other interesting art-concepts for that project, please send me a note via your DeviantART-inbox.
Before I even activate that project, which is due to begin next summer, I'll tell you what Internet World is definitely going to provide:
1. Free Food For Homeless ONLY (everyone else must pay at least 1 dollar for a meal provided by the future restaurants located within my Internet World Theme Park). HELP THE OPPRESSED @ INTERNET WORLD!
2. Tech-Mall (Donation Center), which would be packed with delightful shoppers, who are very interested in donating to open-source software-developers. WE NEED PUBLIC SUPPORT @ INTERNET WORLD!
3. Nerd-Camps (Daytime-Classes) for children struggling in school (especially in their math & history classes). TEACH OUR CHILDREN @ INTERNET WORLD!
4. Porn Rehab-Facilities (Including Game-Rehab Centers) for any of you, who wants to end your addiction to internet-smut & mind-altering games that tend to attract people, who lack adventure in their real-lives. KEEP IT CLEAN @ INTERNET WORLD!