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So, how and why did you join knowyourmeme?

Last posted Dec 20, 2017 at 01:53PM EST. Added Dec 13, 2017 at 01:26PM EST
44 posts from 43 users

Hello everybody, I had this idea in my head for all of us to share a little story on how we found KYM and the reason(s) we stayed, for one reason or another.

My story on how I found KYM goes all the way back to 2011 or so, back when I still browsed Memecenter. Someone posted a Pokémon comic strip that credited KYM in its source. I can barely remember the comic itself, probably has old rage faces that nobody uses anymore.

So I clicked on the link to see what was up, and the next thing I knew I was in the land of funny memes and softcore porn, and I decided to lurk for a long time, up until I decided to finally make an account. I still lurk, though not as much anymore.

Why do I still come back to KYM? Witty comments and dangerously borderline porn, mostly. You can’t have it anywhere else once you find it here.

Last edited Dec 13, 2017 at 01:32PM EST

I discovered this site by pure accident. Back in 2010, I was looking for a certain "This Is Sparta!" edit in Google Image and finally found it but I accidentally click the link instead of the image itself for full image view.

The link directed me to this very website. I was pleasantly surprised that there's a website dedicated for meme documentations. From that day forward, I occasionally browse the website looking at new meme entries, image galleries (God, I miss Enhanced Childhood) and lewd images of course.

Never bother to make an account during that time until someone summons me.

Found this site back in 2011, 2012-ish when I was really getting into the internet and internet culture and all the stuff and lurked the image gallery a bit. The only reason I initially joined was to upload this image to the "Why Would You do That?" gallery. And from that moment on, I just quietly uploaded images to the gallery while posting in the comments every now and then.

Then I found the forums during the KYM Spirit Week of 2014 and thought "hey, this would be a great place for me to make friends on this site," so I participated. And I've stuck to the forums ever since. I joined the IRC chat when it was still a big thing in October later that year. And it was only then did I feel like I was apart of the userbase community.

A lot has changed since then. The reasons I keep coming back to this place are nostalgia from the good old days, when I need some humor in my life or some softcore porn to look at, to see what's going on in the community nowadays, and to farm for karma when I can to help grow my already low self-esteem.

Last edited Dec 13, 2017 at 02:07PM EST

Found out about kym from this vid here ^ in 2010.
(how they got Weird Al for the vid is beyond me.)

I stayed simply because I liked it and I wasn't, at the time, familiar with other meme sites or image boards.

I first discovered the site back in the start of 2010 when I did a Google search of How is Babby Formed (because my mom liked playing the video. I then looked at the confirmed entries and saw a bunch I knew about and some I didn't think were that big. For example, I saw that Spaghetti Cat and Cupcake Dog were on there; both of them got big off of a show I ritually watched at the time: The Soup. Afterwards, I realized that another thing that got big off The Soup wasn't there yet: Chicken Tetrazzini. I didn't know that the submission and deadpool pages existed yet, so in late March I signed up for the site and made the entry without checking first. The entry wasn't as good at first, though I did make some improvements the best I could do, yet only about a month later Brad managed to improve it even more and then confirmed it.

The reason I have stayed here for almost 8 years now is because this place still contains a few things I like, such as discussing things I'm a fan of and also so I can have a laugh at various things good or bad. The whole meme culture itself isn't so much like that since anything can be called a meme nowadays, so there's no surprise on what to expect to be popular here anymore.

I joined to comment on this entry , I couldn't figure out why people were so shocked by it(still can't). I also wanted to make an entry for Raimiposting, but that didn't come until much later.

I joined because there were a lot of images I stumbled upon that I liked, but didn’t feel compelled to save on my computer. So, I joined so I could favorite them. As to how I actually got here… I have no idea.

I don't remember how did I get here. I think it had to do with Coldsteel the Hedgeheg, then I started to lurk a little around the site, and during the Undertale craze, I joined so I could submit fanart I found on Tumblr.

I was a mere lurker in 2011, looking for information regarding Rage Faces and Youtube Poops. That was supported with the videos, which made things easier to learn about memes of any kind.

Then, during the first half of 2012, after Gametrailers was nuked off the face of the Earth and reduced to a vegetable and having realized that KYM had a one of a kind community and image galleries that are a rarity to find these days, I finally decided to join.

Last edited Dec 13, 2017 at 05:18PM EST

I had seen the early KYM videos on YouTube around 2009, but I didn't know it had a website yet. I don't remember when I found it, but one of the first entries I remember finding was fsjal. I saw it everywhere on YouTube in users' icons. I asked someone what it was in a comment somewhere, they told me "fsjal", and I found the entry. I continued lurking for a few years, witnessed the 2011-2012 period when this was almost exclusively a pony site, and finally made an account to post images and comments in late 2013.

I joined KYM in 2014 but I had been lurking long before then. My previous home were the WoW fora back when I used to play the game. I first discovered the site through Tvtropes and Cracked when they had a lot of links to Memebase. Eventually I left Cracked and created my account here, been here ever since.

I have always been particular about the internet communities that I engage with. I've haven't ever touch Myspace or Facebook, I only go to Twitter for updates from gaming companies; and I have somehow resisted the urge to ever comment with my Youtube account, even back when I was a dumb middle schooler binging myself on Naruto AMVs. I do think it is important to have some interaction with the people f the internet though.

I first found this site and started lurking it as the pony craze was starting to pick up. Eventually I joined up for the sole purpose of participating in the pony gallery. My participation mostly consisted of posting unpopular opinions, unfunny jokes, and getting into downvote wars.

I left because of complex real life reasons that pulled my attention away from a lot of things, only to return much later for Pokemon GO memes, though not originally with the intention of staying. (Shame Yi left. I liked that guy.) As the novelty of Pokemon GO wore off, I stayed for the election memes. At some point during that I suppose I just got used to coming to this site.

Discovered it by looking for Fire Emblem Fates fanarts especialliy Azura because yes, ilovethewayshelooks duh

I noticed that it has a shit-ton of anime stuff and video games images, so i stayed heavily for it

Until the Trump memes attack

Created my account just to upload Keemstar/GradeAunderA drama images, then went political for almost a year…
…then I just lurk in here today: active at forums, look at most like images daily, and rarely comment in entries

Last edited Dec 14, 2017 at 02:51AM EST

Since it's too late to edit, I'm just going to post this brief timeline here.

Nov 2011- Become a brony. Go looking for pony content.
late 2012- Discover KYM through searching MLP memes in Google. Commence lurking.
Feb 2013- Create account.
Dec 2013- Life problems arise. Leave KYM.
July 2016- Pokemon GO. Return to KYM. Change avatar from Sorin Markov to Reed.

I post this to show that the join date on my profile paints a deceptive picture of how long I've actually been here. 2.5 years of that are null.

Last edited Dec 14, 2017 at 04:00AM EST

I was a young horny teenager and I saw some anime tiddies and that got me to browse the galleries. Made an account, began commenting on MLP and anime images and people seemed to like me because I sucked dick I was nice. I remember thinking to myself "hey this site's pretty cool but I'll probably forget about it in a couple of months".
Fast forward four years and I've spent literally thousands of hours chatting with KYM users on the IRC/discord and using the forums. This fucking site is literally the reason I have a job: my first major programming project was designing a bot for the KYM IRC and now I tutor kids in Python. All because of a reddit-tier meme site that I hate.
What the fuck.

Last edited Dec 14, 2017 at 04:27AM EST

Don't remember much, to be honest. But it wasn't for any big reason. Just kind of felt like I wanted to join in all of the commenting and looking at mammaries--I mean memes with the rest of the userbase.

Really glad I did, though. This place and everyone in it are very nice, even the ones who aren't very nice are pretty nice.

Last edited Dec 14, 2017 at 07:06AM EST

how did i joined? by clicking "signup"
i found KYM around 2012 when i start watching MLP and getting into memes.
i lurked KYM until 2016 (with a break between 2014 and 2015, the John Cena meme brought me back)
then i decided to create an account.
because i like this site and wanted to have someone i could talk to about memes and ponies and shit

In September of 2016, I really got into memes. After a while, I noticed that this website called Knowyourmeme was the first result whenever I looked up a meme. I checked it out and instantly fell in love with the community, memes, and porn. I only made an account a few months ago, because I did not just want to see memes; I wanted to be a part of memes.

I found this site back in 2014 by search engine. Noticing the article had a bunch of links to other articles clumped together, I realized how many articles the entire site had, and began lurking. At the beginning, I didn't understand memes that well, but that would change overtime.

I finally joined the site when the 2016 meme of the year poll happened, wanting to vote. Because I was hesitant at first, I joined right after the polls closed. I wasn't all that active after I joined.
Then April Fools day came, opening the meme stock exchange. I didn't really know what I was doing, but I managed to end up with 121 Kymcoins. Sometime later, I found the forums, and then the discord, where I was introduced to natrp.

I think it was 2011 when i first time heard about site and visited here. Heard about Slender Man and decided to google it and this was one of the sites that popped up on the first page. However, that was just a visit.
When MLP got me in 2013, i googled about that too and again this was one of the sites that were on the first page. That's when i started being here more and more. Finally in 2014 i made an account but i was still mostly just watcher. Didn't upload much or comment, just liked and favorited.
Even though this site feels a bit different than before, it's still one my favorite sites. I come here everyday to see what's happening and trending right now. Community also feels pretty chill most of the time.

I first watched Rocketboom's KYM videos back in 2009-2010ish. It was all about stuff like Chocolate Rain and Rickrolling back then. I was subscribed to the channel and watched most videos until the channel was kill. Then, KYM was just another wiki for me, albeit a wiki about memes. I only joined in January 2014, because I was interested in joining the conversation in the comments.
I stayed here because I just love how this community has so many various different opinions yet we've managed more or less to be polite with each other. KYM is also a surprisingly objective and unbiased news outlet as well, and that's also something very, very good. I might not comment or post in the forums as much as many users do, but I really feel like I'm part of a community here.
In short, I come here because the content is cool and the people in general are cool.
Also, muh anime tiddies.

I first discovered KYM back in early 2013 because I noticed it was affiliated with Chezburger (which posted lol xd maymays). Upon realizing that this place has a more convenient way of searching for memes, I quickly decided to start using this site more. It wasn't until early 2014 that I first made an account, and here we are today.

Last edited Dec 15, 2017 at 04:43PM EST

Particle Mare wrote:

i joined to argue with someone and i havent stopped since

explains everything ^_

Yeah well early 2011 I just got back my own personal computer after going through "basic training" for the US Army and before this, I never knew what a meme was or it's basic concept.

So just randomly browsing the web, I came across reaction images and rage comics and it interested me to the point where I wanted to find more.

I clicked a random link (and i mean random) it took me to

So i made an account and added images and videos and comments and forum posts.

Once I decided it was too hard to research, I just strived for karma and just chilling with people. Since RandomMan killed karma, I still just either lurk or create minor drama for the lulz.

I've been here too long and proven many points to receive my "DankNess".

But i will always try to be your friend before you flip out or mistake what I say/post/do

Bottom Line: (Enjoy your time @ KyM). B^)

Honestly. . . I don't truly know.

All I remember is being a bored high school Senior with a blank class period on my schedule and a computer in front of me, so I ended up doing what any lethargic teenager would do: browse Google Image Search and venture down the rabbit hole that awaited me.
Fast forward a year later, I create an account, solely to upvote and provide the source for a gif I saw, specifically this one, and ended discovering an excellent method of killing time and feigning self-importance.

Last edited Dec 17, 2017 at 12:54AM EST

I joined mainly because I was looking for a more reliable source of information on memes than EncyclopediaDramatica back in 2009. I contributed a bit, helped out the admins with early site policy, created the first set of site rules after receiving my modship, and was a very active channel operator on IRC. I have made many lasting friendships over the years and continue to assist with community policy and moderation. A large part of the reason I joined stems from my desire to help out with the community here, and it's what keeps me around to this day.

After lurking for a couple of months, I joined and created the Mortal Kombat article. There wasn't an article on Mortal Kombat memes so I made one.
Half an hour in I realized it was going to take actual effort and research so I just copy-pasted from the Mortal Kombat wiki, letting it sit there for years until someone else stepped in. To this day the top comment is "+1 Complete this article".
I returned in Sept 2015 uploading images.
Around Feb 2016 the Reaction Images (RI) gallery was close to being locked. People were using it as a generic RI gallery, and moderators had to move images to their appropriate gallery every time it was misued. I liked the RI gallery and didn't want it to be locked.
I linked images that needed to be moved to the Image Cleaning thread, especially from the RI gallery. When people misused the RI gallery, I would post them a wall of text explaining why they shouldn't. This lasted about 3 months until I found stuff IRL. The RI gallery got locked soon after. It reopened with a warning telling people they shouldn't misuse the RI gallery, but they still do it anyway.
I use KYM now for the memes.

Last edited Dec 18, 2017 at 01:38PM EST

I saw the episodes on youtube, was hooked on first sight.
Once in a while i went to visit the website, over the years my visits became more frequent.
Then, GamerGate happened. I was in my edgy phase so i decided the time was right to join the website. Gamergate was one big popcornfest, i spent days lurking on twitter laughing my ass off, keeping track of events and summarizing stuff for the GG folks at KYM.
Then stuff more or less calmed down and i moved on to other things.

Nowadays i spend my time here with tagging images, posting witty comments, and if there's a blue moon, helping out with some entries

Last edited Dec 18, 2017 at 02:11PM EST

This was around 2012-2013. I saw something that pissed me off, and I wanted everyone to know how much it pissed me off, so I created an account. Then I left for about a year, came back, and got suspended by two mods at once for shitposting on the My Little Pony page. Everything after that is kind of a blur.


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