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So is there a reason for KYM's sudden interest in straight shota?

Last posted Feb 13, 2019 at 07:18AM EST. Added Feb 09, 2019 at 02:02AM EST
20 posts from 13 users

Hello, local KYM prude here. I say "sudden interest" but I'm sure that subject matter has been dwelling in the hearts and pants of a small part of the userbase for awhile.

So, title. I've noticed in the past few weeks or so the larger influx of straight shota pictures trending. Mainly of that one manga with the kid and the two older women manipulating him into sex and then joking about it later, because that's totally fine. The other being Pit x Palutena, which I already hear "but Pit is technically over 15 years old", but c'mon. Everyone calls Pit a winged shota.

My theory? It's crazy, but it makes sense to me at least. I just think that /ss/ is just more socially acceptable to the lot of you and is easier to slip under the radar because of the crackdown on sexually implicative loli content, because those had to be removed due to European Union internet laws, which is why the Hentai Quotes gallery was locked for so long. Nobody here actually expects hot women to be able to sexually engage with obviously underaged males, so instead of being gross and creepy, it's hot.

>Smash Ultimate comes out
>A shota manga becomes popular
Hey KYM why is shota art so popular these days???

In all seriousness, under the current rules, sexually suggestive content isn't moderated quite as heavily as visually explicit content. This means that a bit of nipple is usually worse than a THICC Splatoon MILF smashing her ass into Incineroar (don't make me link this image please). It also means people can upload Pit being sexually harassed with more liberty than the usual Smash porn. This is not a new occurrence; Smash 4 was just as bad (actually worse but whatever). You're reading too much into things if you think KYM's thirsty userbase is putting any thought into this.

I can't say I've noticed this honestly. But on the subject of shota stuff, I don't like it, but artists who draw shota usually draw really nice women too. It's quite the dichotomy for me

Last edited Feb 09, 2019 at 02:57AM EST
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I hate it.

I hate see male in my hentai, especially male who are girl looking, this a wast potential for hot girl on girl action.

Also shota and loli alike are just peadophilia.

Fictional peadophilia, so way less hurtfull then real peadophillia, but still peadophillia.

So yeah booh shota and hope one day Yuri will be the dominante genre.

I don't get it either, tbh.

I guess it's supposed to be a self-insert kind of thing? Putting themselves in the same place as the little boy, so that's why they don't see it as "socially unacceptable" compared to loli stuff, but what do I know…

Well, you basically answered yourself: because EU internet laws do not cover shota. But trust me, it will anytime soon and then you will see that content censored moderated too.

On a semi-related note, reddit recently updated their rules to verbally include loli in it (before, it just said "stories, anime" and did not say "someone who appears to be a minor" before, in contrast), now essentially being a mirror of KYM's "Sexually suggestive images of characters or people who appear underaged" rule. Yes, this includes obviously adult yet short characters who happen to wear a school uniform or bikini in non-sexual ways, as usual (and they even have the audacity of making that clarification), all to appease to Tencent, their expected new Chinese overlords, who coincidentially made a huge stock investment on Reddit at around the same time these rules appeared, and Tencent is infamous for enforcing China's censorship laws already.

You know, the same site that is absolutely fine with people posting REAL gore, gruesome real-life events that happened to people and other high-shock content just for people's personal amusement. All because of advertisers and corporations' priorities and laws like the EU laws or China's laws.

This is the future we are headed towards, people. 4Kids, but everyone is in it. I would normally not care that much if I did not know Latin America's stupid "monkey see, monkey do" tendiences to copy everything from the US, as Pelo once put it for Net Neutrality:

And indeed, it happened for anime dubs back in the time: since most of our dubs are re-dubbed from English dubs, we also inherit any censorship from them, like One Piece's lollipop-loving Zanji and literally everything 4Kids did, and it still happens to date, so the effects are permanent now.

What is the point of our side of the world being immune to puritanism and censorship tendiencies if we export them from the West or fucking China anyway..? And that is why it does a little more than annoy me when people look at these happening and say "it's just a small change lol who cares". I am sure people said the same thing about 4Kids at some point, and look how that ended. They keep getting away with this precisely because people keep shrugging it off as a "minor" thing every single time, despite the obvious gradual escalation of it.

So sure, let us enjoy our more positive Internet experience, I guess. EU and China approves.

Carrie Enright wrote:

I don't know, A Wolf. How about you tell us why you're making a thread complaining about something you've shown a keen interest in yourself?

Simple. That was me poking fun at the idea that a lot of people think /ss/ is okay and not seen as immoral at all because there's a hot older chick involved and "the kid obviously wants it". I'm not actually interested, I'm fucking gay.

I will forever be baffled why people bother with the "Popular Images" section and don't just go to the specific image gallery that interests them.

A Wolf said:

…which is why the Hentai Quotes gallery was locked for so long…

Doubt it was because of any EU thing. Far more likely is KYM got slapped by Adsense and the admins had to carpetbomb the offending gallery to get back on Google's good side. Can't wait for the inevitable shitstorm when the Meatspin or Daily Dose articles get nuked.

What was the deleted quote?
And, being a teen right now, I find it easy to self-insert as a shota. The ones that have guys with long hair and shadows covering their faces just felt too pandering.

Knightshade wrote:

What was the deleted quote?
And, being a teen right now, I find it easy to self-insert as a shota. The ones that have guys with long hair and shadows covering their faces just felt too pandering.

I'm so glad I saved a screenshot for sharing and posterity's sake, because KYM is full of fucking freaks.

anything sexual concerning kids is gross as all hell and i'll never understand why folks are into loli and shota. they got no muscles, tit, and ass, they're just asexual blobs and it turns me off so much.

and before you folks, i'm not into any of those things…your a pedo.

Kappapeachie wrote:

anything sexual concerning kids is gross as all hell and i'll never understand why folks are into loli and shota. they got no muscles, tit, and ass, they're just asexual blobs and it turns me off so much.

and before you folks, i'm not into any of those things…your a pedo.

it's a matter of brain chemistry, paraphilia that develop sporadically between people with no notable pattern to it, you're just born or conditioned into it as far as my 4 week introductory course in basic and very bare bones psychology has told me.
now, want I want to know is what do you mean by 'asexual blobs'? they're clearly humans, what has made you see otherwise?

Kappapeachie wrote:

anything sexual concerning kids is gross as all hell and i'll never understand why folks are into loli and shota. they got no muscles, tit, and ass, they're just asexual blobs and it turns me off so much.

and before you folks, i'm not into any of those things…your a pedo.

In another thread, me and another guy basically agreed upon something; the term "loli" means different things to different people.

Keeping that in mind, it depends on what you're talking about specifically. For example, a hentai artist is definitely going to give lolis secondary sex characteristics where as an anime show will not(or will at least tone it down relative to the former). I think this is generally a flawed line of thinking since it physically equates real-life children to loli and shota. Especially when you consider the entire anime style in general can miss/exaggerate some important aspects of the human body compared to other styles.

Artichoke wrote:

it's a matter of brain chemistry, paraphilia that develop sporadically between people with no notable pattern to it, you're just born or conditioned into it as far as my 4 week introductory course in basic and very bare bones psychology has told me.
now, want I want to know is what do you mean by 'asexual blobs'? they're clearly humans, what has made you see otherwise?

I think when they mean "asexual blobs", they mean that it should be natural that humankind shouldn't have any sort of sexual attraction to children, because children aren't made to be sexually attractive by nature.

A Wolf wrote:

I'm so glad I saved a screenshot for sharing and posterity's sake, because KYM is full of fucking freaks.

Becayse having sex at a young age is a great accomplishment for young boys
Holy hell, this sounds like satire, but you know that he's serious. Thank God he's banned.


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