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I just got flipped off by a personality quiz.

Last posted Oct 30, 2010 at 12:09PM EDT. Added Oct 29, 2010 at 07:49PM EDT
10 posts from 8 users

I live in Atlanta, right. I hate it here. It's full of conservatives and snobs. And it just plain sucks here. So I take a random "What City best fits you" quiz, and guess what happens?

<table width=350 align=center border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>

The City That Best Fits You Is Atlanta

75% Atlanta

65% Philadelphia

60% Chicago

60% Las Vegas

55% Honolulu

Fine line? That's really riding that fine line.

Seriously, RG, if you feel that way so much, then there really is no point in adding another junk thread to a section full of junk threads now is there?

Honestly, for me, threads like these have become very stale quite quick. Personality quizzes aren't really that interesting anymore. But, then again, that's just my opinion, man.

The City That Best Fits You Is San Diego

65% San Diego

60% New York City

60% San Francisco

55% Chicago

55% Los Angeles

Did it for the heck of it.

Last edited Oct 30, 2010 at 07:02AM EDT

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