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the Fellowship of the Ponies

Last posted Aug 07, 2011 at 02:02PM EDT. Added Jul 30, 2011 at 10:29PM EDT
127 posts from 30 users

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Piano wrote:

Let me just say something to all of this pony takeover stuff:


There is enough pony on the internet. Please, just stop making everything pony. Many, many people are tired of bronies making everything into pony form. It's just giving you guys a bad reputation. If you redo the entire LOTR series, you will only garner more hate for your fanbase.

Don't make me evolve into Lopony.

“PIPPIN: I didn't think it would desu this way.

GANDALF: Desu? No, the journey doesn't desu here. Desu is just another path, one that we all must desu. The grey rain-curtain of this world desus back, and all desus to silver glass, and then you desu it.

PIPPIN: What? Gandalf? Desu what?

GANDALF: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a desu sunrise.

PIPPIN: Well, that isn't so bad.

GANDALF: No. No, it isn't.”

Suiseiseki     wrote:

“PIPPIN: I didn't think it would desu this way.

GANDALF: Desu? No, the journey doesn't desu here. Desu is just another path, one that we all must desu. The grey rain-curtain of this world desus back, and all desus to silver glass, and then you desu it.

PIPPIN: What? Gandalf? Desu what?

GANDALF: White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a desu sunrise.

PIPPIN: Well, that isn't so bad.

GANDALF: No. No, it isn't.”

You shall not Desu!

Hey guys, look what I did in one minute and twelve seconds. (Timed myself.)

"So you're going to go through with it?" Twilight Sparkle said

"I am," Mayor McMare replied. "I've been planning this for a long time.
It'll give the Ponies of Ponyville something to talk about for the next
weeks, or months, more likely. Anyway, at least I'll have my dignity."
"That may be all you have…" Twilight mused aloud, rubbing her chin idly.

For weeks now caravans were coming from all over Equestria to bring provisions for the Grand Galloping Gala.

Wagons of food from the orchards of Apploosa, glittering decor from
Phillydelphia and treacly packages from Manehatten arrived
every day, making the neighborhood much more crowded and cluttering up
streets. Even the ponies who never thought bad of McMare were beginning to show irritation. "Mayor McMare is startin' to git a mite annoying," old Granny Smith grumbled, seated outside Sweet Apple Acres.
"Strange things is happenin' make no mistake. Why just a yesterday a bunch o' them
zebras dragged their cart right 'crost mah yard and crushed the windfalls!"
"A bunch of ponies from Phillydelphia to sell me some siding," mused Old Yokes from Stalliongrad. "Said it was because they had extra from building the mess-hall back out by the forest, and they were trying to get rid of it. Strange ponies hereabouts."
Granny Smith scowled, "A zebra ain't no pony, dip-stick!"
"Either way, it will help towards a growing economy," sneered Vinyl Scratch, the local
banker. "A lot more money in circulation, meaning the Market is going to grow here in Ponyville. Unionization is down because of all the entry-level service positions
that are being created. Widening gap between the haves and have-nots, yes? Good to find work for idle hooves."
"And you don't know nothin' about anythin', Vinyl," Granny Smith
snapped, echoing the popular community sentiment. "McMare is no good, I tells ya! It's small wonder if trouble don't come a' knockin on her and her governmental ways. The Revolution's a'comin', and it's the likes o'you who'll be the first ag'inst the wall, I say." And with that, she spat a well-aimed apple-core into Vinyl Scratch's glass.

At last the day of the Big Party arrived. Everywhere there was elegant ponies and fine eats, with the grounds littered with cheap party-favors for the fillies and colts. Twilight

set off a series of fireworks later on in the day, including great
skywriting missiles and little flaming butterflies who took to wing,
sailed off into the night.
The last firework sent up a great black smoke which took the shape
of a giant mountain of fire. A flicker could be seen of a giant dragon
sailing about its peak; after a moment the great dragon went sailing over
the heads of the crowd, causing great panic and consternation and six
outright panic attacks before imploding somewhere over The Everfree' neighborhood, causing considerable uproar to the more paranoid ponies.
"That is the signal for supper!" McMare cried out to the survivors, who were only partly calmed.

Last edited Aug 06, 2011 at 10:46PM EDT

Besides the relation between presidents and presidon'ts (Which is very slim) That has nothing to do with the picture. NOW BOW TO YOUR MIGHTY PRESIDON'T TEH D00CHE!

Last edited Aug 06, 2011 at 11:09PM EDT

Cale wrote:

I think it's similar. Both drink, both like lemons, both are terrible leaders, and they're both douches.

Teh D00che is not a terrible leader, and his name is Teh D00che. But I'm not going to challenge your opinions on Bill Clinton.

Cale wrote:

But I'll challenge your opinions on D00che. He's terrible, and you're stupid for not thinking the same as me.

The only reason I'm not challenging your opinions on Bill Clinton is because it will result in a huge debate, and I don't want that. You have no idea who Teh D00che is, and thus you have no right to accuse him of anything. You are unaware of anything he has done, and because of this, I decree you A BIG GIANT POOPY-HEAD.

Piano wrote:

He's a pokemon master.


Really? I thought he was King of Games.

Edit: Wait, if he's already a Pokemon master, wouldn't he already have caught them all?

Last edited Aug 06, 2011 at 11:59PM EDT

Captain Badass wrote:

Really? I thought he was King of Games.

Edit: Wait, if he's already a Pokemon master, wouldn't he already have caught them all?

No, not with all the new generations coming out.

Cale wrote:

I know why I don't like you. You cocky. TOO COCKY.
Not even cool cocky, like Han Solo.
You should be more like Han Solo.

Kalmo's a dashing young blonde man playing a guitar, and you're a cat in a dress.


Piano wrote:

Kalmo's a dashing young blonde man playing a guitar, and you're a cat in a dress.


You're a Japanese schoolgirl wearing an old guy's fedora and I'm a guy from a webcomic that no one knows.


Last edited Aug 07, 2011 at 12:23AM EDT

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