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Games You Wish You Could Un-Play

Last posted Oct 30, 2011 at 03:21PM EDT. Added Oct 28, 2011 at 06:40PM EDT
82 posts from 43 users

We've all been there. Played a game we thought would be sheer badassery until we actually started it up and realized it was made of pure disappoint, packaged in a nice little box. Which games were like that for you?

The first Red Steel game. The controls were absolutely horrible (to me, anyway) and I put it away.

Okamiden. Not because it was a bad game (it was decent), but because it was a huge letdown compared to the glory that is the original Okami. That, and it really screwed up canon, practically re-writing some parts of the original game.

Wheatley wrote:

I thought all spin off Pokemon games were fun in some way or another.
I thought wrong. Short game, no replay value, and irritating.

Oh and


did you forget this spin off game?

Oh, I and really liked Tail's Adventure, surprised to see it here really. Metroidvania style Sonic game, yes please.

Last edited Oct 28, 2011 at 07:09PM EDT

I've been lucky in that most of the games I picked up without hearing reviews about have either been really good games (e.g., Yoshi's Island, Wario Land 3, Link to the Past) or games that I have thoroughly enjoyed (e.g., Izuna: Legend of the Unemployed Ninja, Midnight Club, and then their sequels.)

I have played some games whose version on another system was terribly disappointing.

I'm a fairly committed Nintendo fanboy, but Iearned the hard way that there are some games that don't translate well to Nintendo consoles.

I've played the NCAA Football series on the PlayStation 2 (especially the Dynasty mode) for hundreds of hours when I was in high school. Once I had more time to commit to games later in college, I decided to get the latest game for the Wii (since that was my only console at the time. Although I'm not usually opposed to the Wiimote, it didn't work well for this game. And then the game was very shallow in terms of gameplay (e.g., variety of plays, recruiting, length of the dynasty, obvious flaws like playing two games in the same week of the season and not being able to change it in Preseason scheduling.) EA Sports just put a title out there to get a little money from the casual console, but it was a terrible version of the game.

This game wasn't as bad for the GameCube, but it was still a much more shallow game than it was for the PS2. You didn't have as much variety in changing the music, the cars and tracks were all bought using points instead of unlocking some of them by winning certain events, and most importantly, the steering wasn't as responsive. I decided to sell back both of them and get the versions for the PS2.
I learned that I stick to Nintendo for it's first-party games and a few others. I go with Sony for racing and sports.

Last edited Oct 28, 2011 at 07:44PM EDT

ChipBeat wrote:

did you forget this spin off game?

Oh, I and really liked Tail's Adventure, surprised to see it here really. Metroidvania style Sonic game, yes please.

I loved Hey You Pikachu!

I cried when he ran away T_T

Fighters Uncaged. I had gotten the Kinect and decided to buy a game or two with it. Fighters Uncaged was one of them. I always wanted to try a fighting game for the kinect, but…

I didn't read the GameStop reviews… So I played the game, and realized that almost whatever motion you do, it does something completely different.

The other game I got was Sonic FreeRiders. THAT I got amusement from. And body aches.

rapturjesus wrote:

Every Call of Duty game especially MW2 and BLOPS

Same here.
COD takes everything i love in FPS games. Burn it in a fire and replace with CRAP!

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Speaking of Pokemon, this steaming piece of shit.

How the fuck are you supposed to plan things out if you never know what the dungeon is going to be like. Also, you're stuck as yourself and your almost useless partner for the entire fucking game. That's a total of two types and eight attacks.

I actually enjoyed Pokemon Ranger, Fry.

Fridge wrote:

Speaking of Pokemon, this steaming piece of shit.

How the fuck are you supposed to plan things out if you never know what the dungeon is going to be like. Also, you're stuck as yourself and your almost useless partner for the entire fucking game. That's a total of two types and eight attacks.

I actually enjoyed Pokemon Ranger, Fry.

>Not liking PMD

Holy fuck, what is wrong with you. PMD is one of the best spin-off series.

PMD is BETTER than Ranger.

Last edited Oct 29, 2011 at 12:58AM EDT

Philip J. Fry wrote:

>Not liking PMD

Holy fuck, what is wrong with you. PMD is one of the best spin-off series.

PMD is BETTER than Ranger.

Fridge wrote:

Speaking of Pokemon, this steaming piece of shit.

How the fuck are you supposed to plan things out if you never know what the dungeon is going to be like. Also, you're stuck as yourself and your almost useless partner for the entire fucking game. That's a total of two types and eight attacks.

I actually enjoyed Pokemon Ranger, Fry.

PMD is actually my favorite spin off of anything. It's challenging compared to the original Pokemon games, it's different every time to play it, and the music--man alive! It's the best.

The time value is the best part. You can plow right through the main story, but you can't just chuck a pokeball at every Pokemon you don't have to add to your team or attain all the gummis you can buy in one sitting. There are so many limits you have to defy. Like shoplifting without getting murdered!

It was a good game, but it just wasn't as fun as skate.2 in my opinion.

EDIT: And Vlad, that too. I got bored of it within 2 hours.

Last edited Oct 29, 2011 at 10:13AM EDT

CLYDE (Joe's Nightmare) wrote:

I purposefully bought this game, just to prove to myself it wasn't as bad as everyone said it was.

I was wrong.

Oh my god, I actually have that on my shelf.

I was gonna say Sonic 2006, but good god man, that's like fucking Half-Life 2 compared to Bubsy 3D.

It's just odd…you run around and you don't really know what you're supposed to do…Maybe I'm just too stupid to realize what I should do in order to win this game,but this is definitely one of the games which I don't like at all…Oh,and the controls are awkward,you have like 63126410751 different actions you can do,but you only need like 5 of them…

Wheatley wrote:

I thought all spin off Pokemon games were fun in some way or another.
I thought wrong. Short game, no replay value, and irritating.

Oh and


Those were two of my favorite games of all time…


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