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KYM's Most Epic Showdown of All Time (It's just a Rock Paper Scissors Tournament)

Last posted Mar 11, 2012 at 12:04AM EST. Added Feb 28, 2012 at 11:10PM EST
99 posts from 24 users

So a while ago there was a Rock Paper Scissors tournament but it didn't really take off. I think I'll give it a try. The bracket will be made in two days. Comment in this thread if you want in.

Cale wrote:

Shit yeah motherfuckers.

EDIT: Should be Rock Paper Scissors Nuke.

Nuke beats everything. But if both people use it, they both lose.

>Nuke beats everything

But seriously, I'm in.

So the current list is
Notsocool The Dewott
Dr. Meme
Blue Screen (of death)
404 not found
Gamzee Makara
Ric Tesla, Neimifan
βιjωτδο "bijutdo"
Cpt. Douglas J Falcon
and Bruelock
If anyone else wants to join you have 5 hours left.
Note: I am not sure if MDFification and Kasrkai want to do it since they didn't say anything.

Lolrus wrote:

So the current list is
Notsocool The Dewott
Dr. Meme
Blue Screen (of death)
404 not found
Gamzee Makara
Ric Tesla, Neimifan
βιjωτδο "bijutdo"
Cpt. Douglas J Falcon
and Bruelock
If anyone else wants to join you have 5 hours left.
Note: I am not sure if MDFification and Kasrkai want to do it since they didn't say anything.

I'm not joining, just poking fun.
Fun should move it's lazy ass. It didn't even notice me poking it.

So how does it go again? We PM the host (lolrus?) with a rock/paper/scissor plus an attack move to describe it. Right? When is it due?

And are we actually going to go with the 25 version or not?

Last edited Mar 02, 2012 at 02:46AM EST

BSoD, You PM me with your move (rock/paper/scissors). The attack move is optional. If you don't add an attack move I will make one up for you. We are just using rock paper and scissors. It is due two days from when I started the bracket. If you have not sent me your move you will forfeit and your opponent will move on.
Also, I will only update the bracket once everyone has picked their move. However I will tell you when two users facing each other have both selected their move.
Nukefire and Bruelock are the first to face off in the Showdown. Nukefire flings a molotov cocktail (rock) at Bruelock, but he doesn't realize that Bruelock is wearing fire-resistant armor (paper). Derp.
Bruelock Wins!

RememberTheLolrus wrote:

Nukefire and Bruelock are the first to face off in the Showdown. Nukefire flings a molotov cocktail (rock) at Bruelock, but he doesn’t realize that Bruelock is wearing fire-resistant armor (paper). Derp.

Ah well, I'm just gonna enjoy the show now.

Dr. Meme VS BSoD!
Last night, Dr. Meme was browsing the just for fun forums while having 30 nsfw tabs open in the background. When suddenly! A wild blue screen appeared! Not knowing what to do, Weegee stared at the screen in an attempt to break its will (Scissors). He stared harder, and harder at the screen. It was not giving in! Then the screen displayed "General Exception Error" (Rock). And Weegee's head asploded!
The Blue Screen (of death) WINS!

Lolrus wrote:

Dr. Meme VS BSoD!
Last night, Dr. Meme was browsing the just for fun forums while having 30 nsfw tabs open in the background. When suddenly! A wild blue screen appeared! Not knowing what to do, Weegee stared at the screen in an attempt to break its will (Scissors). He stared harder, and harder at the screen. It was not giving in! Then the screen displayed "General Exception Error" (Rock). And Weegee's head asploded!
The Blue Screen (of death) WINS!

I lost?

Last night, Dr. Meme was browsing the just for fun forums while having 30 nsfw tabs in the background.

Wait… what?

I'm pretty much the only guy who hates the Shipping Thread and never goes on it. Seriously.

I guess I have to only watch now…

Last edited Mar 02, 2012 at 11:49PM EST

Alright, everyone that hasn't sent me their move will be forced to forfeit if you don't send it in in 10 hours from the time this post was made.
I have received moves from:
Dr. Meme

La Lounge Del Losers, pop. 3

C'mon Neimifan, quit starin' at me like that.

If anyone has a request or issue with how they show up, just mention it after you're knocked out or it'll get fixed by the next edition.

Lolrus wrote:

Alright, everyone that hasn't sent me their move will be forced to forfeit if you don't send it in in 10 hours from the time this post was made.
I have received moves from:
Dr. Meme

I sent mine!

Alright, everyone that hasn’t sent me their move will be forced to forfeit if you don’t send it in in 10 hours from the time this post was made.
I have received moves from:
Dr. Meme

Lolrus wrote:

Alright, everyone that hasn’t sent me their move will be forced to forfeit if you don’t send it in in 10 hours from the time this post was made.
I have received moves from:
Dr. Meme

oh. HAVE.
thought you said Haven't.

Here is the bracket. I did not receive moves from the people whose names are crossed out. Shame on them. This round ends two days from now.

Last edited Mar 04, 2012 at 12:13AM EST

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