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December 21, 2012 Thread

Last posted Dec 22, 2012 at 10:40PM EST. Added Dec 06, 2012 at 01:46AM EST
162 posts from 65 users

Since this long-awaited "apocalypse" is going down in almost 2 weeks, why not talk about it? Do you believe it's gonna happen? Why/why not? Also, are you doing anything special for it? Like I was going to lay various clothing pieces across my yard, put sticky notes all over my house, and sit on my lawnchair in my yard wearing nothing but underwear while playing this:

I don't believe it's going to happen, but it's fun to do crazy stuff. What about you guys?

Pretty sure nothing will happen, also hoping nothing will. If something DOES happen, I hope it's a zombie apocalypse, considering we know what we're doing and it would be a lot more interesting than just poofing out of existence, an asteroid strike, or some supervirus that just kills you and spread insanely fast.

I still stand by my prediction of a gamma ray burst being what wipes us out.

Of course, it could wind up being only one of several things that hits us. Big asteroid or comet could nail us, or maybe Yellowstone erupts.

Or maybe we get hit by a gamma ray burst, just seconds before a comet nails us, which triggers a Yellowstone super-volcanic eruption.

How's that for a doomsday scenario?

Alright, we know the 21st is a Friday, and Gangnam Style is estimated to reach 1 billion views that day as well, so I predict that Psy and Rebecca Black will join together to take over the world with their zombie army.

American Tanker, Hell on Tracks wrote:

I still stand by my prediction of a gamma ray burst being what wipes us out.

Of course, it could wind up being only one of several things that hits us. Big asteroid or comet could nail us, or maybe Yellowstone erupts.

Or maybe we get hit by a gamma ray burst, just seconds before a comet nails us, which triggers a Yellowstone super-volcanic eruption.

How's that for a doomsday scenario?

Because the Maya could have predicted any of those things.
If they were around today they'd say that since we stopped sacrificing virgins the gods died and that's whats going to cause the apocalypse, and we believe they actually knew when it was coming.
I literally cannot stop toga-ing

Last edited Dec 06, 2012 at 07:34AM EST

The thing I'm afraid of isn't some natural disaster like this:

But I honestly think that there will be some crazies that use that day as an excuse to f*** things up. Like, either homicidal maniacs going on killing sprees or ritual suicide or something, or #YOLOing it and trashing our parks or having a million drunk driving cases in one day.

I don't really believe that it will happen.

All I know is, if it does, I won't owe people hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Ill probably get drunk as hell on the 21st just for fun.

Anyone who looks into the Mayan calender or the origin of this 2012 apocalypse/great change stuff would quickly realize it isn't a matter of I think nothing will happen, it's a matter of I know nothing will happen.

Last edited Dec 06, 2012 at 02:23PM EST

While I've read that there are a number of things that could suddenly

I'm not buying that the Myans could accurately pin point the date it all ends when we can't even accurately predict what the weather is going to be like half the time in this day and age.

I legitimately get angry when people believe this.

My views are that some crazy ass mother fuckers decided to make a calendar that ended in 2012 to scare the shit out of us.

Seriously though, I doubt people from that long ago had any idea of what was going to happen on a random date such as this. Science has proven that nothing is going to happen. At worst, an earthquake will occur, which would be completely random.

Another great point is that there is more than one Mayan calendar. I can't stress this enough.

More. Than. One.

If you disagree with me, please tell me, because I have yet to find someone strongly believe something as dumb as this.


I legitimately get angry when people believe this.

I suspect that nobody actually does (not counting the mentally unstable that are already locked away so they don't count). Even if they don't know the obvious signs of bullshit (EG: The Mayans themselves never believed that the world ended with their calendar. When the calendar ended, they just built a new calendar), even if they humor the possibility of it making any sense, they don't really believe it.

Has anyone actually seen anyone IRL make december 21st end-of-world arrangements? I have not

I don't see anyone building bunkers, stocking supplies, clearing their stores before the 21st, holding end-of-world ceremonies, nothing. I don't see anything in my surrounding society that shows any sign of stopping for this and I sure as hell ain't either. People are making 2013 holiday plans, trips, transactions, calendars etc without any concern. I'm not worried, my friends aren't worried, you are not worried.

The world is totally ignoring the whole thing. Everything is carrying on as it normally is. The only place where I have seen anyone show as much as an inkling of concern for the Mayan prophecy is on the internet.

My theory is that the whole 2012 end-of-world thing is little more than another perpetuated internet trolling attempt that various anons around the globe just enjoy sharing in order to see who buys it and who spreads the trolling attempt in return.

Those crazies preaching doom and actually believing all this crap? Trolls.

Indeed, I don't disagree with you, I too have yet to find someone strongly believe something as dumb as this. Because I don't think anyone believes the world is ending at all. Everyone is simply trolling everyone.

Last edited Dec 07, 2012 at 06:29AM EST

I think there are people who actually believe this stuff, but it's nowhere near as common a belief as we're led to believe. Anyone who believes it shouldn't be taken seriously anyway, just like anyone else unwilling to spend 20 minutes on Wikipedia before believing something.

I'll try to explain my understanding of it:

  • The Mayans worked in base-20 numerals, so would be 1, would be 20, would be 25, etc.
    (Note: There's a technicality where the second digit works in base-18, so is 360 and not 400)
  • Just like our base-10 number system, this isn't based on anything cosmologically significant. It's thought that we chose base-10 because we happen to have 10 fingers, and it makes counting easier. They probably had some other meaningless reason. Maybe they counted on their toes or something.
    (Apparently their choice to only go up to 18 in the second digit might be because 360 is roughly the number of days in a year, so that's not particularly significant either. It was just chosen to make timekeeping easier.)
  • They believed that this world was the fourth to be created, after a previous three failed worlds. The last world lasted 13 b'ak'tuns (a b'ak'tun being, or 144,000 days) before being destroyed.
  • The Mayans believed that this world's creation occurred at August 11th, 3114 BCE (should obviously be false)
  • If you work forward from there, you'll find that is December 21st, 2012. While the Mayans did seem to think that date would be significant, as it would mean that this world had lasted as long as the previous one, there are writings about events occurring after that date. They evidently did not believe it was the date on which a great cataclysm would wipe out the human race.

So, yeah, that's pretty much it. You take a false creation myth, add a cosmologically insignificant numbering system, and somehow that means the world is going to end on December 21st. There are some truly ridiculous ideas about it too. One idea is that the Earth will 'interact' with the black hole at the center of our galaxy, which was probably propagated by somebody who doesn't understand how gravity works. Some people also believe some bullshit about all of the planets coming into alignment on that date, but even if that did happen (which it won't), it wouldn't do anything anyway.

(I feel I should point out that I'm not exactly an expert on ancient Mesoamerican civilisations. I really did get all of this information after spending something like 20 minutes on Wikipedia. If I've said something stupid, please feel free to correct me.)

Last edited Dec 07, 2012 at 07:56AM EST

I have heard a lot of people say, "if it were going to happen it would have ___ years ago, because of leap year."


If the Mayans did not count leap year, and we did, would the apocalypse not happen at a future date rather than a past date? Because leap year = minus one day, right? Maybe I'm just confused as hell.

@ Penz0id:
Leap years add one day to February.
Personally, I'd do nothing about it. If the world ends, then I won't care. I'll be dead. If the world doesn't, then I get to go on living! Great! Win-win, really.

Even though Mayans were kinda accurate they did not account for leap years so if this did happen then we'd be dead 70 years ago. Nothing's going to happen go buy some booze sit on your porch with a folding chair, and watch all the spastic retards flail about in the streets screaming, "THE WORLDS ENDING WERE ALL GONNA DIE." As you sit back and whisper to them "Nope"

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:


I legitimately get angry when people believe this.

I suspect that nobody actually does (not counting the mentally unstable that are already locked away so they don't count). Even if they don't know the obvious signs of bullshit (EG: The Mayans themselves never believed that the world ended with their calendar. When the calendar ended, they just built a new calendar), even if they humor the possibility of it making any sense, they don't really believe it.

Has anyone actually seen anyone IRL make december 21st end-of-world arrangements? I have not

I don't see anyone building bunkers, stocking supplies, clearing their stores before the 21st, holding end-of-world ceremonies, nothing. I don't see anything in my surrounding society that shows any sign of stopping for this and I sure as hell ain't either. People are making 2013 holiday plans, trips, transactions, calendars etc without any concern. I'm not worried, my friends aren't worried, you are not worried.

The world is totally ignoring the whole thing. Everything is carrying on as it normally is. The only place where I have seen anyone show as much as an inkling of concern for the Mayan prophecy is on the internet.

My theory is that the whole 2012 end-of-world thing is little more than another perpetuated internet trolling attempt that various anons around the globe just enjoy sharing in order to see who buys it and who spreads the trolling attempt in return.

Those crazies preaching doom and actually believing all this crap? Trolls.

Indeed, I don't disagree with you, I too have yet to find someone strongly believe something as dumb as this. Because I don't think anyone believes the world is ending at all. Everyone is simply trolling everyone.

Where I live, we have some guy who believe he's Jesus Christ, and that his wife is Mary Magdalene. I'm sure most of you have heard of this and can look it up on YouTube.

I met this guy, fate-to-face at one of his sessions with my friends so we could see what kind of puke he was pouring out to our community. He believes in the 2012 doomsday prophecy. This guy has a reasonable amount of people following him, and he is brainwashing people, making them believe he is that almighty son of God.

This is the kind of crap I get legitimately angry about.

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

Perhaps I'm being willfully naive. I just don't want to think there are people who believe it D:

You are; of course people believe it, like with the rapture… that never happened.

What Im going to do is that im going to paint my face, get some of my moms alcohol, grab a lawn chair and then I was going to just sit on my porch and watch people run around screaming.

I have fridays off, so I at least get to relax as the world ends :D

Knowing my friends, one of them will most likely throw a end of the world party and it will be glorious. There is nothing quite as awesome as fist pumping as meteors fall to earth.

In all seriousness, I obviously don't think the world will end. Although the thought of it still freaks me out. Not because I'm afraid of death, I'm more afraid of not getting to do the things I wanna do.


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