Dr. Eggman wrote:
As Robotnik descends upon his grand city of Robotropolis, he smiles. Though most would recoil at the polluted, muck-filled city, Robotnik took great delight in his "masterpiece."
Robotnik: Welcome home, Metal Sonic. I do miss the beauty of this place while I'm away."
Metal Sonic: …
Robotnik descends on the landing pad to find Snively awaiting his arrival.
Snively: Good morning Dr. Robotnik. Exciting trip?
Robotnik: Shut up, Snively.
Snively: Sir…?
Robotnik: I have no time for for idle conversation right now, Snively. How are my "projects?"
The two enter Robotnik's main lair.
Of course. The Egg Fleet is at 94% completion, sir.Robotnik: And my other project?
Snively could never figure out why Robotnik prefered to keep [REDACTED] a secret within his own city, but he knew better than to question Eggman's intellect.
Snively: Sir, your "project" is almost halfway complete.
Robotnik: Very good. I want my Fleet finished before Crow leaves for Equestria. I have some… unfinished business there. Understood?
Snively: About the business or the Egg Fleet?
Robotnik seethes for a moment, then calms. He speaks with such a menacing tone, Snively leaps back in fear.
Robotnik: The Egg Fleet, Snively…
Snively: Yes, sir!
Begins making preparations for defense of Equestria
R-Dash enters
Stand in with the Elements of Harmony, and wait for my orders.
R-Dash leaves, shouting its usual banter. Lyra continues using her magic on something, but it is unclear what it is
Discord enters, after having been reformed
Begin using your magic to prepare a "surprise" should anyone enter the portal I've sealed shut.
Discord salutes, starts with plan
Soon… it will all fall into place. If Robotnik invades, he will be dealt with… inhumanely!
Lyra laughs hysterically at her terrible joke
Crow… this fight will not arrive here. Should you attempt to open the portal, it will only bring harm to my world.
And you, Robotnik! You don't know half of the power I have, or my weapon of unlimited power. I advise you not to return. If you stay, you get to keep your colonies, as well as have some compensation for your lost Emeralds. You invade, and both you and your bumbling idiot of a sidekick will perish!