The Egg Robo remains expressionless (Egg Robos are incapable of emotion) as he sits on the captain's seat.
The Doctor would like to speak with the two of you "personally."
The main screen hanging on the wall in front of Egg Robo flickers, and a clear picture of Dr. Eggman's face appears, smiling.
Good day, gentlemen. I would first like to address our guest. Giovanna, my Egg Robo has pin-pointed within a mile radius what should be the location of Asura and Natsuru Springfield.
I will have my Egg Robo send you to the the origin of the area, and I have sent several support squads consisting of SWATbots and artillery pieces to provide combat support, if you'd like. Or you could go alone. Regardless of whether or not you accept my support, I will still have my forces surround the perimeter of the area, as I do not intend to allow Asura to leave that area.
As for you, ((Shall I call you Jestream, Sam, or both?)), the Egg Robo has detected a-
Snively interrupts the Doctor's conversation.
Snively: Sir, sir!
Robotnik: What is it, Snively!? I'm on speaker right now!
Snively: Sorry, sir, but I have very important news from one of your Egg Robos located in the Eastern Hemisphere!
Robotnik: Can it wait, Snively?
Snively: Well, yes, sir, but-
Robotnik: THEN WAIT!!!
Snively squeals and sprints back to his station as Robotnik faces the monitor he was previously speaking into.
Sorry about that, gentlemen. Now, where was I? Oh yes. ((insert preferred agent name here)), my Egg Robo has detected something on the ground right below the Egg Carrier you are currently standing on. I am sending you along with a squadron of SWATbots to intercept this target and bring it on-board. Do not engage in direct combat unless it fires at you first. Then you have my permission to destroy it. Understood?