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Merging "Feels Bad Man" and "Feels Good Man" into "Pepe the Frog"

Last posted Dec 19, 2014 at 01:45PM EST. Added Dec 19, 2014 at 08:29AM EST
4 posts from 4 users

If you do it, remember that Feels Good Man is the original, so it's probably better to merge Bad into Good instead of Good into Bad. I'm sure it doesn't make that much of a difference, but whatever, just giving my two cents.

"Pepe The Frog"

Im not someone who uses 4chan/8chan, but I know the name of many things. This…is something I didn't know. I just simply called him "Feels bad man frog" :P

The worst, here in Argentina there's a children show character of the same name!


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