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His power is maximum!

Last posted Sep 04, 2009 at 08:00PM EDT. Added Sep 04, 2009 at 06:16PM EDT
6 posts from 4 users

Does anyone know any dervatives for this picture?

I searched and found a pair of YTMNDs

A mention on destructoid.

The tags in this video.

Anyone got anything more?

Here's one variation that I found. But I'd call this a fail.

The original demotivational got around to a few different sites:

I'd say this is something that was ALMOST a meme. It had the all the makings of a good meme, but it seems like it wasn't really exploitable enough for people to come up with any variations.

Ha! Dear Mom, you'd never guess what I found in the 4Chan archive today!
I struggle with explaining what Know Your Meme is even about with my mom. Then again, she's the only person I know who still uses dialup internet.


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