>MFW after I read the description
Noot even CHRIS CHAN or Kanye West made their work out to be anywhere as big as bob makes his game out to be.
Actual Transcript:
""bob's game" is a game about a puzzle game called 'bob's game,' developed within the game by the virtual "bob" character, the "final boss" of the game. It is a hybrid between Zelda, Pokemon, Harvest Moon, and Earthbound, with massively multiplayer elements.
The 'bob's game' puzzle game inside the "bob's game" RPG is a puzzle game in which you can build your own puzzle games, including all existing types! It is the greatest puzzle game ever made, and the only puzzle game objectively better than Tetris.
"bob's game," however, is far more than just a game. It is a living work of art, a decade-long art project that spans websites, consoles, videos, music, books, alternate realities, and real-life events. It is a product of the heart. It is a lifelong aspiration and a true tour de force masterpiece. (The work an apprentice makes to become a master.)
It is a game within a game about the development of itself in realtime, paralleled with a real life tournament to coincide with the virtual. "bob's game" blends the line between reality and simulation, and reality and extra-dimensional reality. "bob's game" breaks both the so-called "4th wall" and further yet- the "5th wall," unlocking the secrets of "the Matrix," or "the Womb" as it is referred to in some editions of the Bible.
"bob's game" reveals the nature of the universe for what it really is to a generation that needs it the most. "bob's game" is the most important thing to happen to mankind in hundreds, if not thousands of years.
"bob's game" is the vehicle for a prophecy, written by a "self taught" "genius" "prophet." It carries within it a message that will revolutionize society and change the world. It is the beginning of a new era for mankind.
"bob's game" actually alters reality itself for those who play it. It is a key into another dimension. It teaches the secrets of the heart, the secrets of mind control and psychic power to a generation that has has the wool pulled over their eyes by criminal syndicates.
"bob's game" is the ultimate cult game. It is a new religion for the modern world, inspired by and intended as a natural spiritual successor to previous disguised religion games such as Earthbound and Zelda and movie retellings of an ancient spellbook (The Old Testament) such as "The Matrix."
The fact this this pretentious snot-wad treats his work like the Second coming of Jesus combined with the release of HL3 and the discovery of alien life and the meaning of life at the same time just tells you that it's probably going to dissapoint big time.