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[Riff-Raff] Cringeworthy General

Last posted May 17, 2014 at 08:55PM EDT. Added Jan 11, 2014 at 10:06AM EST
2679 posts from 208 users

LNH wrote:

(In case you didn't know the video being complaining about is the liek dis if u cri evrytim video. )

Dear OP,

And get some nerves. You are hypersensitive, and as an autist I can assure you that this is not offensive to the mentaly handicapped. The writing of this text should NOT be considered legitimate because of the poorly grammar and horendrus storyline. It is to note that this movie is not intended to mock mentally disabled, it is mocking poorly written storys by 12 year olds like you.

Last edited May 07, 2014 at 07:31AM EDT

Aegisar Boulange wrote:

Dear OP,

And get some nerves. You are hypersensitive, and as an autist I can assure you that this is not offensive to the mentaly handicapped. The writing of this text should NOT be considered legitimate because of the poorly grammar and horendrus storyline. It is to note that this movie is not intended to mock mentally disabled, it is mocking poorly written storys by 12 year olds like you.

The funniest thing is she calls xerself (may as well use the right pronoun) a self diagnosed autist.

LNH wrote:

The funniest thing is she calls xerself (may as well use the right pronoun) a self diagnosed autist.

Who wants to bet he/she/xe/whatever-who-cares-about-this-shit just made up the diagnosis to "reduce their privilege"? And if a certified medical expert were to run whatever tests it would say they're neurotypical. Then they would say "BUT I IDENTIFY AS AUTISTIC SO I AM AND YOU MUST TREAT ME SO!", which is completely stupid, because the autism is not something you can just "decide" to have because you think it's "cooler".

Samba wrote:

Random girl beats a cosplayer girl at school, then brags about it on Facebook

Wow. Just… just wow. Really? What provoked this individual to assault her? Because she dressed up on some random day? She didn't even give a good reason as to why she beat her. And those comments on the post, just despicable. Do you want me to hate humanity? Does she even know that her parents can sue her for assault? You know what? Fuck it! WHY DON'T WE JUST KILL EVERYONE!?

Don't actually do that.

Last edited May 08, 2014 at 10:46AM EDT
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Mangy Black Sheep wrote:

Quit posting Hypercat's fetishes!

I agree. I'm too OP for this thread _

Now you are again in that weird part of you-tube:

Aegisar Boulange wrote:

>thinking it is valid

Of course I don't think it's valid, I'm pointing out how stupid xe (ugh) is.

Magos Explorator 99Hedgehog wrote:

>rape culture

Wait, rape has culture behind it?

Also, I'm pretty sure that they're just telling you to dress sensibly.

I see your pain, bro. I have found the term rape culture very often in internet, so I made a little research about it.

I don't know about you, but I think the person who created this should check himself into a psychiatric ward. seriously, if you're going to shoot someone for their music taste and your taste isn't even that better, than you have some fucking problems. And also
>Thinking AC/DC did shit for rock n roll
>Believing that they are some inventive band and not realizing they have written the same album over and over again since Back In Black

Patrician trainer wrote:

I don't know about you, but I think the person who created this should check himself into a psychiatric ward. seriously, if you're going to shoot someone for their music taste and your taste isn't even that better, than you have some fucking problems. And also
>Thinking AC/DC did shit for rock n roll
>Believing that they are some inventive band and not realizing they have written the same album over and over again since Back In Black

Agreed. AC/DC is a shitty band. This just takes it to a new level. Poorly drawn? Check. One-sided? Check. Use of "le"? Double check!

@Your Local /tr/ainer

Did I mention before that I hate nostalgiafags? I'm no fan of today's popular music either, but for fuck's sake, does it really warrant making such a long, painstaking, and disturbing comic? Shouldn't this guy put his talent to better use?

Last edited May 10, 2014 at 05:46PM EDT

Mangy Black Sheep wrote:

@Your Local /tr/ainer

Did I mention before that I hate nostalgiafags? I'm no fan of today's popular music either, but for fuck's sake, does it really warrant making such a long, painstaking, and disturbing comic? Shouldn't this guy put his talent to better use?


Patrician trainer wrote:

I don't know about you, but I think the person who created this should check himself into a psychiatric ward. seriously, if you're going to shoot someone for their music taste and your taste isn't even that better, than you have some fucking problems. And also
>Thinking AC/DC did shit for rock n roll
>Believing that they are some inventive band and not realizing they have written the same album over and over again since Back In Black

I used to be on Memecenter and he is one of those shitheads that thrive on that site.

Luckily, there are at least some people that has a sliver of sanity and common sense on that site.


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