During months, thenegroidadmin menace has polluted this website: Making entries on minor fads, ignoring the image guidelines, being out of touch with the community and not frontpaging shipfu-related material. This site was rotten to disease, and as I can't let the place I love die, I tried making it a better place, but the "admins" though I was wrong. They've ignored my suggestions. It's not the first time, they spit on my face everyday, and I won't take it anymore. They are the wall that sepparates me from true happiness, and I won't let them to do it. From today onwards, the fire of the hate I've been piling up during a long time will rise, consuming all the scum who is killing this world. For first time, the watchmen will be watched.
This was the introductory paragraph of the 1036 pages long manifesto uploaded by Jacob Something, ambientologist (or something related to spying animals and plants) and moderator on Know Your Meme. The document includes Jacob ranting about admins, lewd uploaders, fetish uploaders, users who complain about image moving and Wagnaria! not being higher on MyAnimeList. Jacob was the visible leader of the Mod Uprising, a movement created in order to take the power from the admins. However, he didn't get support from his fellow moderatormates:
- I don't give a shit lol
- Sorry, I don't want to lose my powers
- Who the fuck cares about this?
- Holy fuck Jacob, this is the third time you ask me, I don't care about that bullshit
For that reason, Jacob asked for help on his family, getting the support from his brothers and cousins
However, the insurrection failed miserably: We still don't know what went wrong (I bet for the poo bombs), but we'll sure miss Jacob.