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Mod Patreon

Last posted Jul 25, 2016 at 11:25PM EDT. Added Jul 24, 2016 at 10:03AM EDT
23 posts from 19 users

Hello everyone! Recently, us mods have decided that we should receive monetary compensation for our strenuous clicking-and-typing work that we put our hearts and souls into. We asked cheezburger for handouts, but being the stingy bastards they are, they refused our offer. So that's why we're turning to YOU, the userbase! Are you ready to make the world a better place by handing us your cash? We've even set up a list of goals:

• $1,000 – We unlock the Reaction Images gallery
• $4,000 – We'll lock all the subculture galleries
• $25,000 – We force invite Don, Brad and James to do a gay porno together.

And much, much more! All goals are available on our:

There would be no donation rewards that the users would get (for obvious reaosn), but those who don't donate are at risk of having their account banned, their IPs tracked and parents murdered. But remember, only donate what you think is fitting.
Remember, us mods will always l*cough* l-love you guys!

Last edited Jul 24, 2016 at 10:08AM EDT

If I make enough money through this patreon to move out of my cardboard box before winter settles in, I'll draw KYM-Tan Porn.

Last edited Jul 24, 2016 at 04:55PM EDT

PatrickBateman96 wrote:

I will pay if Epyc Wyn is fully banned and a memorial thread for those who have been affected by him is put in the forums.(Victims of Epyc memorial thread)

do I get two mentions on the plaque if I had exposure to his bitching about KYM on other websites?


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