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It's okay to fuck pokemons, they can consent, and here's why.

Last posted Jun 07, 2020 at 04:58AM EDT. Added May 28, 2020 at 12:59PM EDT
12 posts from 12 users

Imagine for a moment if you so may, you were to be in the world of pokemon. The question to ask in such a situation would be "can pokemon consent?". To most of you, I bet the answer that comes to mind would be "no". Well I am going to show you why they can. Most pokemon are very powerful and posses supernatural abilities like being able to spit acid and fart fire. Now tell me, if you were to sexually assault such a creature, do you really think it wouldn't just fry you or bite your dick off? Duh, of course they would, but they wouldn't if they wanted it, aka consenting. So there you have it pokephobes, it is a-okay to fuck your pokemon, because they'll make it known if they don't consent.

It is unethical to have sexual relations with Pokemon.

Except for Gardevoir. She has a humanoid shape, making it less like bestiality. I doubt anyone would fault you for being attracted to such an elegant and stately creature. Plus, she is absolutely dedicated to you and wants to make you happy, so lovemaking is not out of the question as long as it is tender. It could even be a way for the two of you to strengthen your bond. Remember to continuously show her affection, continuously stroking her hair and face.

I've heard people say similar things about Machamp, but I'm just going to take their word for it.

I want to fuck my Eevee in the new Pokemon game so fucking bad
I can't help it anymore. I want to yank that furry tail up and bury my face inside her little asshole and claim it as mine. I never considered myself a furry, but Eevee has fully converted me into a Pokefucking freak.

It's not even fucking fair. The game practically begs you to want to fuck her. The game literally calls the Eevee your partner throughout the whole game. God, I fucking wish that applied to real life. Don't even get me started on the "play" feature. Whenever I have that HD Eevee sitting on my arm, my dick can't help but grow at the sight of its sexiness.

Whenever I pet her to raise her affection, she makes these cute hentai girl moans and god fucking damnit it's almost like Nintendo wants me to destroy this cute little fuck!

Last edited May 29, 2020 at 06:14PM EDT

Applying Harkness test, it should be okay to fuck any over age, psychic type that belongs into the Human-like egg group, they all should be:

A- Capable of a similar or superior intelligence relative to a human (you could argue that any Pokémon on the Human-like group is good, but remember that every Psychic type is expressly as intelligent or more intelligent than an average human, using this logic you could also say that any psychic is good to go since they all can consent)

B- It's capable of communicating with you in a clear way (most of these Pokémon are capable of telepathy)

C- Being in the sexual maturity of their species, this one may be the most controversial, but people seems to forget that age and evolutionary state has almost no correlation in the Pokémon world, a lvl 20 Ralts could be 20 years old and a lvl 70 Gardevoir could be 5 years old if its own by a competitive trainer, also being in an egg group means that the Pokémon is capable of reproduction, every baby Pokémon such a Pichu or Azurill are expressly without an egg group for this same reason.

What I want to say with all of this is that, while I think some Pokémon’s are fair game in this, most are still animals in their universe. Gardevoir is good thou if that’s what you’re after.

Farm Zombie wrote:

It is unethical to have sexual relations with Pokemon.

Except for Gardevoir. She has a humanoid shape, making it less like bestiality. I doubt anyone would fault you for being attracted to such an elegant and stately creature. Plus, she is absolutely dedicated to you and wants to make you happy, so lovemaking is not out of the question as long as it is tender. It could even be a way for the two of you to strengthen your bond. Remember to continuously show her affection, continuously stroking her hair and face.

I've heard people say similar things about Machamp, but I'm just going to take their word for it.

this but unironically


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