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Why are evangelicals practically considered evil nazis now?

Last posted Dec 13, 2021 at 08:09PM EST. Added Nov 30, 2021 at 04:47PM EST
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I guess I'm one of the bad guys on this site but I guess there's a good reason for that. I was raised in an evangelical Christian household and I hold to at least some of those beliefs such as being pro-life. As for how personally devout I am, that's something I struggle with but it's not why I made the thread.

What I don't understand is why evangelicals are suddenly retroactively fringe lunatics on par with neo-nazis? For quite a few decades, if not centuries past, Christianity was considered mainstream Western thought. I mean, as much as this site is supposedly a right-wing hive, I've been downvoted to oblivion just for saying something moderately conservative. I'm not some knight templar crusader, I just don't think I have any deep personal obligations toward certain groups.

Also, you can call the Bible and other religious texts a bunch of contradictory nonsense if you want, but at least its some form of literal pen on paper morality. Modern ethics seems to be a mixture of personal feelings and the cultural zeitgeist of any given decade.

It depends heavily on what evangelical group you are talking about, like evangelicals in the USA seem to tend more toward the rightwing than evangelicals here in Honduras.

"Envagelicals = far right" is mostly an USA thing, like there is some beef between communists and evangelicals over here but I notice envagelicals here being critical of capitalism anyway just in a different way for good or for ill.

I am not saying things are better here, no its a fucking mess here, but Christianity is not inherently rightwing besides maybe the whole homophobia thing I dont know why its seen as such in the USA.

Kind of like how "racism is about the white vs people of color" while that may the case in the USA here racism tends to degenerate into every race vs every race and this is well known, when things get racist it turns into a godamn battle royale.

Last edited Nov 30, 2021 at 05:08PM EST

Gee, I wonder why

It couldn't possibly be how evangelicals act towards anything different from them and their tastes (* cough *you know, like rock music and gays, especially anyone transgender)

Truly one of the greatest mystery's of our time

Many Christians have realized that there is a lot wrong with today’s ethical norm. Unfortunately, it is the reaction to the mainstream what many focus on.

I understand how your views may be disagreeable with this site’s community, but “evil nazis” may only make sense to apply to those who believe that a theocratic state should be established, a goal that is instead similar to some Islamic groups. It’s no wonder why people would react the way they do to that idea.

One thing that is now considered a virtue is tolerance. However, as a goal, it tends to be almost utopian by nature. The reality is that life here is inherently unfair, and no amount of activism will change that.

Last edited Nov 30, 2021 at 06:12PM EST

Furthermore, I don’t think the bias of the site’s community is political, but because of the bias against religion in general.

The United State’s freedom of religion does make church and state separate, but on a subconscious level, beliefs and views not only influence politics, they cause it.

An arbitrary list of morals is not better than no consistant one

and evangelicals are hated for being sexist, encouraging child abuse, and of course for theur treatement of lgbt people among many other issues

also your comment comes off as complaing that others don’t share your contreversial views and that’s not a good way to get people to agree with you

Last edited Dec 01, 2021 at 03:51AM EST

At this point I don’t care if people agree with whatever my contentious views are. None of us have all the answers, so it’s ok to “agree to disagree”.
But that’s not an excuse to simply remain ignorant of the finer details of each view. There must still be dialogue between opposing views. Yes, evangelicals, or those who are sympathetic to them, are against many things that are taboo in the west, it does not mean they are immune to reason.

Last edited Dec 01, 2021 at 12:05PM EST

The leaders of the evangelical Christian movement in America are the reason – some of them are the most monstrously fanatical,intolerant and hypocritical I've heard of.

I know there are good evangelicals, but the ones that are willing to sabotage civil rights in the Lord's name must be denounced and opposed.

Galatians 6:7 "A man reaps what he sows."

American Religious fundamentalists aren't popular for many reasons.

I could cite the 'fight' against evolution and other scientific principles that they disagree with (or the argument on the 'true age' of the earth), something even the Catholic Church does not do. One could cite also their anti-gay stance and the tragedy they caused in Uganda, or cite their Neo-crusader support of the War against Terror. Or cite how churches protected pedophile priests and those who mistreat women. That was the big news in the early 2000's and 2010's. I imagine current backlash is over what they're doing with the whole topic of abortion in the states right now is also topical.

The general willingness to meddle in the lives of others is a big one (Games, Sex, Drugs, take your pick). I think most people on this site are not fans of any groups to do that. Or one could even cite the American Evangelicals worship of greed and utter lack of any ethics and utter perversion of any Christian principles.

In past experience, as a group they're unpleasant to debate. I think that's key, which is why the talk of needing to discuss falls flat. Bloody Islamists say the same thing when there's public backlash against them, and it's only a ploy until they get power (as we see what American Evangelicals are doing with their influence).

Individuals aren't a group of course, but the above is just a small list of reason why. Most of this isn't new. Evangelicals aren't considered "evil nazis now", because the above was said over 20 years ago.

Last edited Dec 03, 2021 at 11:53AM EST

While I've yet to seen concentration camps and the like from Evangelicals, they pretty much had things that go against the LGBT crowd such as not wanting to allow gay marriage, conversion therapy. Even if one didn't care much for evolution vs creationism, it's as Gilan says. They pretty much did something even the Catholic Church, an organization that has been known for sex scandals involving its own priest, does not engage in and as a side note, one could also note that evangelicals won't be better in the sex abuse side when one considers what sort skeevy things happen behind the closed doors of a church ran by an evangelical. Come now with current events like Texas and abortion and we still have Evangelicals doing some of their meddling.

While they aren't like nazis in rounding up minorities, throwing them in death camps and doing some invasion on a neighboring country, the things evangelicals do are still fresh among us since the 2000's. Now if you believe in Jesus and all, that's fine. I myself unironically believe in Jesus. What isn't fine of course is trying to demonize groups like the LGBT crowd as being an all-evil group out to corrupt kids or every Muslim as some terrorist going "Allahu Ackbar" with an explosive or thinking all our ills in the world is coming from something like gay marriage and abortion being done.


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