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TV Tropes link under "Resources" section for entries.

Last posted Jan 20, 2016 at 05:21PM EST. Added Jan 19, 2016 at 11:46AM EST
9 posts from 8 users

Should a TV Tropes link be added to the "Resources" section for entries?
Personally, I think so, since TV Tropes is a pretty popular website for people to get reference on entertainment-related media and I think it could be useful for people searching up the media they're looking for in particular to get in-depth knowledge of the game/show they're looking for (since KYM is a wiki/database-esque website after all). Plus, it can be used as a reference point for "Gameplay" and "Plot"/"Story" sections for entries, as well as lowering the load of story/gameplay related content entry writers would have to write for an entry.

What do you think? Is it a good idea? A useless one? Maybe slightly helpful?
or would it be too much of a bother for james

Absolutely, I would consider it almost essential, especially in cases of subcultures. TV Tropes provides more info on Harry Potter than say, Facebook.

I think of the resources section as the websites I want every person who is making an entry to check every time they make any entry, just to see if there is information there. So I wonder if TV tropes is too specific for that – there are a hell of a lot of entries that won't have anything to do with the site. On the other hand, when it's useful, it's REALLY useful. I could go either way. I think if you guys want to add it we can do it, so if you are all in agreement let us know.

There are a lot of areas that meme generators, Twitter, and Encyclopedia Dramatica aren't relevant, yet those are included. I've even heard a few people say the ED shouldn't be there, as it's primarily satire. TVTropes is often very well done when it comes to anything that isn't small-fish. There are huge pages for things I haven't ever heard of until I stumbled upon it during one of the many hours long TVTropes readings I've gotten myself in to. With standards as low as ED, in my opionion adding TVTropes is an excellent idea.

Why not just make it so you can assign names to the links in the resources instead of just having a few predesignated websites? That way we can refer to everything instead of only Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, ED, etc.

Tbh despite ED's focus on satire you'd be amazed by how correct their information is at times. They at least tell where something started whereas TvTropes would just explain it it vaguely or not at all to instead focus on how it's adapted which they do godly btw.

Alongside the all too popular why_not_both.png reaction image.

Last edited Jan 20, 2016 at 05:24PM EST

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