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Display More Information + Site Statistics On The About Page

Last posted Apr 24, 2016 at 07:22PM EDT. Added Apr 20, 2016 at 01:47PM EDT
6 posts from 3 users

This is an idea I got from some comments on how the site should be more transparent about who gets banned/suspended in a separate thread, and the premise of this idea is that this site should have a page devoted to this site's statistics. My thinking is, if we are running a documentation site, we should ourselves ensure we are the most easily documentable site around since we're in a position where we should be role models on the subject. It would be good, to have a well-made hub for all the absolutely necessary information for say someone from Wikipedia or even a collegate book could need on this site. I recommend this hub be put on the about page.

With this in mind, the stats on the about page could include: graph of views per day, month, year, all time, from now all the way to the first day of the site (if we don't have those site stats documented it's never too late to start graphing site traffic now for later years). Number comments/forum posts by users, number of image/video posts, number of edits/editorships, per day/month/year/all time. I'm saying if it is possible we should have statistics on every conceivable thing someone documenting us could possibly want.

The about page I believe should include right below the staff, a section mentioning all mods. Mods do this shit for free -they deserve to be in the about section both for getting their deserved credit and so other people know who they can contact when admins are not available. The current list of mods being just posted in forums to me is unprofessional, and makes it more difficult to locate mods that should be easily available as a list just like the list of admins is.

What do you guys think? Should this all be on the about page? Given a separate page entirely? What should be added? Please discuss. :D

Links to KYM's statistics are located in the KnowYourMeme entry.

There really isn't any need to broadcast our statistics beyond those links.

Also, you are already allowed to view the moderator list in the Admin Area, assuming you have the Scrapbooker title.

Last edited Apr 24, 2016 at 05:31AM EDT

Maybe then there should be a link to the KnowYourMeme entry on the about page, if that entry is serving as a more detailed about page?

People may not want to jump a hoop they didn't know about of becoming a scrapbooker by posting 100 images just to document a site which should be easily documentable in the first place, in addition to the fact we should not be keeping information from people because they haven't earned an imaginary KYM title. It would thus make more sense to put the list of mods on the about page with a quick copy paste that would take less than a few seconds.

Emperor Palpitoad wrote:

Maybe then there should be a link to the KnowYourMeme entry on the about page, if that entry is serving as a more detailed about page?

People may not want to jump a hoop they didn't know about of becoming a scrapbooker by posting 100 images just to document a site which should be easily documentable in the first place, in addition to the fact we should not be keeping information from people because they haven't earned an imaginary KYM title. It would thus make more sense to put the list of mods on the about page with a quick copy paste that would take less than a few seconds.

Max wrote:


The about page I believe should include right below the staff, a section mentioning all mods. Mods do this shit for free -they deserve to be in the about section both for getting their deserved credit and so other people know who they can contact when admins are not available. The current list of mods being just posted in forums to me is unprofessional, and makes it more difficult to locate mods that should be easily available as a list just like the list of admins is.

Emperor Palpitoad wrote:

The about page I believe should include right below the staff, a section mentioning all mods. Mods do this shit for free -they deserve to be in the about section both for getting their deserved credit and so other people know who they can contact when admins are not available. The current list of mods being just posted in forums to me is unprofessional, and makes it more difficult to locate mods that should be easily available as a list just like the list of admins is.

If the right person contacts the admins, they'll respond. And mods are going to have to go to admins for a lot of matters that are significant enough anyway, even RM.

And I don't believe moderators should be a primary point-of-contact for the site in general, except for maybe exceptional Entry/Sr. Entry and Database mods. For the most part, we're not going to be able to give a person who isn't really a regular part of the community an answer or some assistance without someone else.


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