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five nights at freddie´s

Last posted Sep 13, 2014 at 11:05PM EDT. Added Aug 15, 2014 at 10:50PM EDT
33 posts from 21 users

can we all please just talk about how incredibly pant shitting this game is?

has anyone played it? i still dont got the balls to doit, watched gameplay and i literally jumped out of my seat.

Last edited Aug 15, 2014 at 10:51PM EDT

James Blunt wrote:

can we all please just talk about how incredibly pant shitting this game is?

has anyone played it? i still dont got the balls to doit, watched gameplay and i literally jumped out of my seat.

Its meh, others find it scary but nothing of substance to me just a bunch of weird crap happens for the scaring factor, on the other hand it does build up tension when you are losing power and have to conserve. But I digress there's no subtlety at all so its not haunting just scary until you quit.

Well, the game developer here clearly knows a thing and two about the uncanny valley.

But just the concept of the game is unsettling, Think about it;Your player character stays in a single room, and looks at a screen, flipping though security cams to keep track of these uncanny animatronics, with the gameover being one them breaking into your room. And those first too things are exactly what you're doing playing this game IRL;In a single room looking at a screen, and your feeling afraid of what will come to the room your character is in, that is just paranoia fuel aimed directly at PC gamers.

And the having the thought of being stuck in one sole room, being your deadly end when simply can't lock the door behind the safety of your small monitor inside your little "shell", I haven't really seen other horror games try the concept of stationary gameplay in this meta sense, I really think there's a lot of potential for this concept.

And I have read about suggestions and critique from a steam community thread to improve this game.

"Truely scary and random would be maybe some nights NOTHING happens, maybe one of the earlier nights you flick around the camera's and nothing happens, or nothing happens but when you flick to other cameras you hear them moving around even though there is nothing on screen, or you flick on a camera, and it looks like they're there, but they're actually in another room coming for you and somehow they've manipulated the camera so its showing a feedback loop and can't be trusted.

Or maybe some deeper psychological stuff like suddenly the lights turn on and they start doing their song and dance thing on stage which goes off without a hitch, and sometimes it happens but then they slow down all creepy and mechanical like and then the lights flick off, or maybe in the middle of the song and dance one time they start singing about you, or one time they suddenly stop and look at the camera slowly/quickly etc."

"maybe one time you flick on the light and you close the door, they put a sign up to the glass with a message like "Finding one in your size:" etc, that because you were not paying attention they WOULD have killed you, but he was just checking you out to get a suit in your size."

"And with the Camera, maybe sometimes beyond that loop feedback thing, have them mess with it. Have it sometimes to maybe you're looking at one, and you go around rooms and you can find one but not the other, and it turns out its standing UNDER the camera, maybe messes with it abit, not so game breaking as tearing camera's off the walls, but maybe like smacking the camera upwards or to the side, and the camera has to reset its position and when it pans back there could be two of them there, or it could be gone. Or maybe it gets smacked down and its focused on one of their creepy faces for a second before it automatically resets itself back to normal position."

And this one is the most Horrifying.

"Or hell, lets go the eternal darkness route and maybe have the game break the 4th wall. I mentioned the robots above singing about you directly, but they could start maybe doing other things. Maybe one reaches for the camera feed, and suddenly his hand passes through the camera feed and its crystal clear and light as day reaching for your face, it can't hurt you but it terrifies you. Have one time you see one standing by a light switch dimmer, you see his hand suddenly twist and suddenly the gamma on your monitor goes to near zero making everything nearly impossible to see. It won't kill you because its not fair, say maybe you have a 10-20 second grace period of safety while it happens before your brightness turns back up but it messes with your head."

I swear If I end up playing this game and they unexpectedly break the forth wall

Last edited Aug 16, 2014 at 12:58PM EDT

i find it more funny the fact that now in order to counter the feat people are making the characters more sexual and r63 of them.

im not afraid to see them like in images on kym or anything, its when you play the game, the way they sometime cover the entire camera with their face to startle you, and teleport from room to room and you dont know at what moment they might be hind the camera feed (unless you hear the groans).

"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it."
-- Alfred Hitchcock

This game understands that much better than most others of its genre. Sure the jump scare when you hit game over can make you shit yourself, but it's how it gets into your head as you become paranoid over your every action that truly makes it "horror".

@Notsocool the Dewott

"Or maybe it gets smacked down and its focused on one of their creepy faces for a second before it automatically resets itself back to normal position.”"

they actually do that kinda

Last edited Aug 16, 2014 at 06:02PM EDT

Fuckface wrote:

Im surprised how much porn of this game exists already

Its their cope method. The people currently drawing it were unlucky furries who decided to play this game and got utterly petrified, and so they drew it to get the emotional stability to sleep at night.

Oh, wait a just a minute.

Since those characters are in the same business as "that kids pizza restaurant involving a mouse" with their audience being kids… and they looked more like their fan service then their uncanny look…

Well, its too late to stop that thought from sinking in.

After seeing the gameplay of FNaF, this would actually would work for the WiiU.
It would be interesting to see a game like this on it.
The Gamepad could act as a tablet/monitor to check on the animals. Using either the stylus or control pad to flip through the cameras. The ZL, L and ZR, R would work as door and light buttons. To activate the monitor, you hold the Gamepad in front of the TV, the TV will be blank until the Gamepad is put down. To close it, you put the Gamepad down flat. To turn is to use a control stick (either left or right).
Obviously, it will be at the eShop as it’s an indie game. The price will be $5.

James Blunt wrote:

ready 4 freddy 2?

That pizza place is shutting down by year's end. Freddy and his gang will end up somewhere. Wherever that is, it promises to be Fun™.

Mr. Plankton wrote:

After seeing the gameplay of FNaF, this would actually would work for the WiiU.
It would be interesting to see a game like this on it.
The Gamepad could act as a tablet/monitor to check on the animals. Using either the stylus or control pad to flip through the cameras. The ZL, L and ZR, R would work as door and light buttons. To activate the monitor, you hold the Gamepad in front of the TV, the TV will be blank until the Gamepad is put down. To close it, you put the Gamepad down flat. To turn is to use a control stick (either left or right).
Obviously, it will be at the eShop as it’s an indie game. The price will be $5.

Are there keys for the Lights / Door switches? Or do you just use the mouse?
Either way, it would be nice on Wii U, but I don't see it happening… or is it?

Digoxin wrote:

Are there keys for the Lights / Door switches? Or do you just use the mouse?
Either way, it would be nice on Wii U, but I don't see it happening… or is it?

Mouse. Half the challenge for getting bum-rushed by Foxy seems to be reacting to it and reaching for the door button fast enough.

I finished the math regarding your power allotment for one night. Assume plenty of errors, because I'm terrible at math, but here we go. (my answer is in bold)

Thanks to the already-created wiki, I learned that 1% of your power drains every 9.6 seconds if everything is off. (1 bar power consumption) knowing that, one hour in game is about 1 minute, 25 seconds, with a single six-hour night being 8 minutes, 30 seconds.

The power would naturally drain after 15 minutes, 50.4 seconds, or around 11 in-game hours. Now we need how much power you're using.

Assuming all that's being powered by your juice is the fan and the light in the booth (Most corded landline phones don't require electricity, the tablet only draws power when active, and we assume the freezers in the kitchen aren't turned off when your stuff is.), we now require the wattage of those, along with an assumption of what kind of light is in the booth. Most table fans take anywhere from 10-25 watts. We'll take the mean average and say 17.5. A standard industrial fluorescent tube bulb of about 2 feet in length takes somewhere in the ballpark of 89 watts. We combine those for 106.5 watts

If those 106.5 watts drain your energy in 11 hours, we multiply 106.5 by 11 to find…

You are allotted 1.17 kilowatt hours per night.

To put that in perspective, my house used a little over 1,000 kilowatt hours last month when my sister visited, so about 31.25 kilowatts a day, or 1.3 kilowatt hours. You are rationed less power for six hours than my house uses in one.

Last edited Sep 03, 2014 at 10:54PM EDT

Mr. Plankton wrote:

After seeing the gameplay of FNaF, this would actually would work for the WiiU.
It would be interesting to see a game like this on it.
The Gamepad could act as a tablet/monitor to check on the animals. Using either the stylus or control pad to flip through the cameras. The ZL, L and ZR, R would work as door and light buttons. To activate the monitor, you hold the Gamepad in front of the TV, the TV will be blank until the Gamepad is put down. To close it, you put the Gamepad down flat. To turn is to use a control stick (either left or right).
Obviously, it will be at the eShop as it’s an indie game. The price will be $5.

The problem with the gamepad being the camera tablet is that most of the animatronics can only attack when they are standing next to an open door and you open the camera. If the gamepad were the camera tablet, the only monster that would be able to attack would be Foxy if the mechanics weren't heavily altered.

Snickerway wrote:

The problem with the gamepad being the camera tablet is that most of the animatronics can only attack when they are standing next to an open door and you open the camera. If the gamepad were the camera tablet, the only monster that would be able to attack would be Foxy if the mechanics weren't heavily altered.

Did you read the part about how while raising the gamepad to open the camera, and the screen goes black, and when you put it down, the screen returns to the office? It's simple, they attack you when the screen comes back up.

heres the thing about this game: the atmosphere. my god, the atmosphere.
it just does it all… right. you know that jumpscare's comin'. it can happen at ANY time, so naturally, thats what makes this game an alright horror game. not amazing, but it's pretty damn close to being amazing. I hope the sequel is as good.

tytygigas wrote:

heres the thing about this game: the atmosphere. my god, the atmosphere.
it just does it all… right. you know that jumpscare's comin'. it can happen at ANY time, so naturally, thats what makes this game an alright horror game. not amazing, but it's pretty damn close to being amazing. I hope the sequel is as good.

It's kind of funny to me. Other "horror" games that refrain from jump scares tend not to be at all scary to me; a fact that means I can actually enjoy them. Some people say System Shock 2 is scary, I call it tense. I'm never really unnerved by it, though.

If I know they're there, I'll refuse to play something. I can't stand 'em. I don't care for spookiness, so I avoid horror games for the most part, but I figure a good scary game has a balance of both, unnerving you enough to warrant a primal reaction, but also letting you calm down for a few moments to lure you into a false sense of security, no?

I enjoyed playing Five Nights at Freddy's, but I have a feeling I'll get downvoted for my opinion.

I think the game is more humorous than "unnerving".

In fact, I don't think the game is scary at all. It's about as scary as your average Creepypasta narrative. Maybe since I myself used to be a night watchman for factories and construction sites, I'm used to the prospect of wandering around the dark alone in the middle of the night.

Whenever I saw the animatronics pitter-patter run through the hallways I would laugh. It's hard to get scared whenever they jumped out and screamed at me since I was, well, literally waiting for it whenever I fucked up.

The animatronics themselves aren't that frightening. They're allegedly possessed, yet they maintain their goofy, childish appearances. I especially couldn't take Freddy Fazbear seriously since his "If you know what I mean" disposition is on the title of the game. The game would be more scary if they put more detail into how the player dies, rather than having some bucket of bolts make a googly-eyed screech at the player.

Good game with an emphasis on resource management? Absolutely.

The "scariest game in years"? Well, maybe if you're an 11 year old girl, sure. I think all these "Let's Plays" of users with scream cams dampens my opinion of the scariness of the game.

Duke Crabtree wrote:

I enjoyed playing Five Nights at Freddy's, but I have a feeling I'll get downvoted for my opinion.

I think the game is more humorous than "unnerving".

In fact, I don't think the game is scary at all. It's about as scary as your average Creepypasta narrative. Maybe since I myself used to be a night watchman for factories and construction sites, I'm used to the prospect of wandering around the dark alone in the middle of the night.

Whenever I saw the animatronics pitter-patter run through the hallways I would laugh. It's hard to get scared whenever they jumped out and screamed at me since I was, well, literally waiting for it whenever I fucked up.

The animatronics themselves aren't that frightening. They're allegedly possessed, yet they maintain their goofy, childish appearances. I especially couldn't take Freddy Fazbear seriously since his "If you know what I mean" disposition is on the title of the game. The game would be more scary if they put more detail into how the player dies, rather than having some bucket of bolts make a googly-eyed screech at the player.

Good game with an emphasis on resource management? Absolutely.

The "scariest game in years"? Well, maybe if you're an 11 year old girl, sure. I think all these "Let's Plays" of users with scream cams dampens my opinion of the scariness of the game.

Valid point, the core aspects of this game is being alone in the dark and play under pressure as you said your previous experiences makes you resilient to both, about aesthetics I think most people agree that the animatronics aren't that frightening they are just creepy, so is expected that you dont find this game "scary" .

MIMU wrote:

Mouse. Half the challenge for getting bum-rushed by Foxy seems to be reacting to it and reaching for the door button fast enough.

I finished the math regarding your power allotment for one night. Assume plenty of errors, because I'm terrible at math, but here we go. (my answer is in bold)

Thanks to the already-created wiki, I learned that 1% of your power drains every 9.6 seconds if everything is off. (1 bar power consumption) knowing that, one hour in game is about 1 minute, 25 seconds, with a single six-hour night being 8 minutes, 30 seconds.

The power would naturally drain after 15 minutes, 50.4 seconds, or around 11 in-game hours. Now we need how much power you're using.

Assuming all that's being powered by your juice is the fan and the light in the booth (Most corded landline phones don't require electricity, the tablet only draws power when active, and we assume the freezers in the kitchen aren't turned off when your stuff is.), we now require the wattage of those, along with an assumption of what kind of light is in the booth. Most table fans take anywhere from 10-25 watts. We'll take the mean average and say 17.5. A standard industrial fluorescent tube bulb of about 2 feet in length takes somewhere in the ballpark of 89 watts. We combine those for 106.5 watts

If those 106.5 watts drain your energy in 11 hours, we multiply 106.5 by 11 to find…

You are allotted 1.17 kilowatt hours per night.

To put that in perspective, my house used a little over 1,000 kilowatt hours last month when my sister visited, so about 31.25 kilowatts a day, or 1.3 kilowatt hours. You are rationed less power for six hours than my house uses in one.

Oh, and to add on to this, looking at the electric bill, we have a tiered system. Depending on how much power you use is how much you're charged per kilowatt hour, with the highest per-hour charge being 35 cents.

I live in California, which has significantly higher costs of living compared to most other states (I'm assuming Freddy's is in the US.), so I'm going to guess that the actual cost of the electricity is closer to 25 cents per KWh. Whatever the case, the amount of money they save on electricity is miniscule, and the covering-up costs would likely be much much higher.

Shit, no wonder they're going under in a few months.

After a little mulling it over (and having a stupid realization pop into my head during my TV Tropes browsing), I think I might have a backstory to Freddy 2.

Mike, on his last night before termination, dicked with the AIs to make his survival easier, but left enough activity in them to be able to catch some manner of movement on the cameras. He stole the footage of night 7 somehow, left, and went public. Despite the fact that almost nobody believed him, the exposé caused even more damage to the reputation of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria. (Which was already not so great) The owners abandoned the building, not waiting for the money to run dry by year's end. The building lay dormant and boarded up for several years, hence why Freddy looks "decayed" like Foxy does in-game.

Fast-forward a few years to Freddy 2. Some dumbass executive decides to buy the parlor and give it a second chance, completely unaware/uncaring about the history of the place. Most of the locals have since forgotten about all the scandal surrounding the old pizza place, so nobody really bats an eyelash. A few days of renovation go by with no incident, until the security system is installed and some of the nighttime footage starts showing odd glitches. The player is sent to provide a firsthand analysis of the problems…

It would be cool if this time around, you could control more doors around the facility; such as doors in other hallways. But it would also be interesting if the animatronics weren't aiming just for you, but for other key points: let's say there's a room with electricity breakers, and if an animatronic gets there, it can disable certain doors, lightbulbs and such. To make it more interesting, there should be about 3 rooms with said breakers, so that it's a bit more challenging.
Of course, such an idea needs more revision. We never see the animatronics walk on camera (except for Foxy, who runs), and seeing as how on harder nights they can move from one end of the parlor to another in seconds; you wouldn't know if they're aiming for the breakers or you. The solution would be to give them a walking animation, but it would require more work, since the game isn't really in 3D.


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