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which videogame you hate but everyone loves?

Last posted Apr 09, 2015 at 12:46AM EDT. Added Mar 06, 2015 at 06:42PM EST
49 posts from 48 users

Does saying Minecraft sounds clitche?

If so, then I would say the Metal Gear Solid franchise. I hate stealth mechanics in videogames, and playing a game full of it makes my blood boil. Give me Rising: Revengeance all day long before stealth.

A lot of people seem to love the Mario franchise, All the games are the same to me.

i.e. sidescrolling world with mario doing something

Bioshock 1, i guess i do not like Ocarina of Time, i'm not a big fan of the final fantasy series, i don't udnerstand why people like Dark Messiah and Kingdoms of Amalur.
Well i don't hate nintendo games, they just never really peak my interest (besides Smash Bros).

Sonic Adventure 2 is not only that game that everybody loves that I hate, but is also my most hated game of all time.

And Ocarina of Time is another one that everybody loves, although I don't hate it, I just find it not as good as everybody thinks… I wouldn't rank it that high on a Zelda game list too, but to be honest, I only really like Majora's Mask, Zelda NES (guilty pleasure), ALttP, ALBW and Wind Waker, and I just can't really enjoy the rest of the games in the franchise. I do like Twilight Princess' story and atmosphere though, but the game gets tiring after a while, but tbh, I'd play that before Ocarina anyday.

Majora's Mask: It's not a bad game, I just don't like it as much as the others.

Day of Defeat: I just can't get into the game. (And this is coming from the guy who enjoys pretty much every FPS out there)

FNAF series: I don't hate the game, and I congratulate it's creator for making a huge accomplishment. It's just not the kind of Horror game I'm into.

Turn based strategy games: I prefer RTS.

Assassin's Creed series: Meh. Just don't care

World of Warcraft (and every MMO like it): It's largely the combat. To be honest though, I did enjoy exploring the world, and screwing around.

- All ASSFAGGOTS games
- All of Blizzard's catalog except maybe Diablo II
- All of NCSOFT's games
- Street Fighter games
- Psychonauts
- Terraria: I'll always consider it to be Minecraft with a dimension removed and with RPG Maker sprites.

I never had much fun playing Half Life 2 and I would often get motion sickness from it.

I didn't enjoy the gameplay of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift either and I found its story mode to be full of mind numbingly long and dull cutscenes with maybe a fight here and there.

I don't hate League of Legends, but I'm not big on it either.

My friend would go on about playing LoL and how great it was. Eventually, I tried it with another friend. I liked the gameplay, but it never captivated me enough to keep playing. As a result, I only played LoL for a short time before calling it quits. I haven't touched it since.

FNaF: I don't really hate FNaF as much as I just find it too funny and I almost can't believe the amount of people scared by it. That and the fact most annoying LPers play it and a fuck ton of the fans are creepy furries.

3D Legend of Zelda's: They are just so boring and they all have dreadful combat. Plus they lack a certain feeling the 2D ones have.

League of Legends: Why do people. play it when I can think of 2 superior MOBAs [Smite and DoTA fanboying intensifies]. No but seriously I hate all the heroes they look really awful, the community is 20x more toxic then other MOBAs and it just looks really ugly.

Majora's Mask.

I didnt like the time mechanic, the story was kind of "meh" to me as well. People will hate me for it I guess, I just thought it was all around a silly game and I never understood the hype for it.

-FNAF. With every single LPer cashing in on it and 3 games released so close to each other, I'm sick of seeing it everywhere. Seriously, I think the creator is beating the dead horse by releasing 2 sequels 2 months after the former game. I wouldn't be surprised if a fourth and fifth game are announced.
-The New Super Mario Bros series. I love the first game on the DS, the Wii one is alright, but the other ones released on the Wii U and 3DS just seem like blatant copies following the exact same formula of the Wii game with new gimmicks in attempts to be original.

League of Legends.

It's a boring, watered down version of DotA with the shittiest "community" in the universe. Graphics are terrible. Riot is a garbage company and its employees love to fuck with its player-base. Only like, 27 of the 123 champions are ever used in competitive meta game.

Last edited Mar 07, 2015 at 10:45PM EST

-Earthbound: I hated this game's combat system and it's aesthetic so much I quit playing it almost instantly. Haven't touched it since the first day I got it.

-Megaman Series: To be honest I mainly don't like these games because I'm shit at them. I struggled through the tutorial of Megaman X. I can't beat a single stage in them and the gameplay is just kinda repetive and cheap for my tastes so I'm not motivated to keep trying until I win.

-Pokemon Series: I can only beat like a gym max before getting bored. Not sure why it just bores me, it just kind of does.

-Animal Crossing: I can't find any enjoyment in a game that's just real life with all the problems removed. Sure that's the appeal to it, but it doesn't appeal to me. It's almost sickening to me how happy and perfect everything is (which is actually part of my issue with Pokemon's aesthetic). The gameplay is basically talking to vapod people who just leave anyway and doing menial tasks. Also, the real-time aspect of the game doesn't let you play it for long stretches of time and makes it more like a phone game you check up on than a full game I'd sit down and play all day.

-Pikmin 3: As I said in the last thread, this game stresses me the hell out. Like I'm panicked non-stop playing it. I play games as an escape, not to give me more pressure.

So yeah, I might think of more later, but that's all I can think of for now. I don't really think any of these are bad or poorly made games, just not for me and my tastes.

NintenDylan wrote:

I'm the only person I know of that doesn't really like Mass Effect. It had a lot going for it, but i just couldn't get into it.

Same. I was too busy looking at the Animation and Gameplay mechanics (both were meh,) to notice what's supposedly the true appeal to the game, which are the characters, the dialogues (not my cup of tea,) and the romancing options. I absolutely did not do any romancing so the game for me really was just some third-person shooter with a bit of talking on the side.

I liked Dishonored, but I feel like I didn't like it enough. Dishonored is the kind of game where you get creative with your powers. I didn't. Killing people in the game ruins your chance for a perfect run so literally all I did was choke everybody in the game, avoid being seen, and non-lethal take down the targets. It's not as satisfying as Deus Ex when you get through with a perfect run.

Dark souls: One of the most overrated pieces of crap I've ever seen.

League of legends: you think the dota 2 community is bad? They do not even scratch the surface compared to lol. Also pay to use characters, nuff said.

World of warcraft: I grew up playing the rts game Warcraft 3 and the expansion Frozen throne, but I refused to ever play the horror that is world of warcraft.

Also all indie games: I am not a fan if indie games at all, I may like some, but i will never play them. ever.

Last edited Mar 24, 2015 at 06:19PM EDT

Beatrice Santello wrote:

Nothing: All of the good and popular games I've played are fun in a way. If anyone disagrees, go back to the cesspool that is /v/.

Yes this so much.

Animal Crossing N.L – I don't hate the characters (aside from that fucking mole) but not playing for awhile cause the NPC worried and your town a "miserable place" so you to play daily to make them and you look/feel happy.

Last edited Mar 25, 2015 at 02:38AM EDT

i absolutly despise skyrim.

it first draws you in with an interesting intro and a crapton of skills and weapons you can use.
but very quickly you realize how dull, lackluster and empty the game is.

all the enemies are the same.
all the quests are the same
all the characters are the same except for the deadra princes and cicero
combat system is either dull or frustrating.
and the world feels lifeless and frozen in time.

Dota 2
Pretty ironic seeing I'm really good at MOBAs especially the original Dota
I mean for me, the characters just dont feel the same like they did in the original.
I guess the only goodside is its community is less toxic than LoL and garena server dota
(Hell wanna see toxicity, wait till you see HoN ph)

Even though it's praised endlessly by older fans of the Elder Scrolls series, I just can't get into Morrowind. My biggest problem is that, unless you start the game off in a VERY specific way, you start off slower than molasses, and it makes walking around feel like a chore. But the slow movement speed isn't the only thing, the combat just feels like it has not aged well (I admit you can blame this on the fact my first Elder Scrolls was Oblivion, a game where if you hit an enemy, you hit them, rather than a random chance of "hit" or "miss," I mean geez not even turn based RPGs have this high of a miss-ratio like Morrowind), some of the stats feel useless and only put in as a way to make the game seem more complex than it is, and… I dunno, maybe it's just a case of "I had to have experienced it when it was new" to appreciate it, but it just feels like Oblivion and Skyrim did everything better.

Another one old school fans (especially the ones from a very specific website) will hate me for: I just can't get into Fallout 1 and 2. I've tried, a few times in fact, but I have a hard time getting into the older Fallout games. I'm not bothered by the combat being turn based, I like Final Fantasy after all, but… I dunno, for some reason I just can't get into them. Now Fallout 3 and New Vegas? Love 'em, if you ask me having Fallout adopt Elder Scroll's style of first person gameplay was a good thing. The gameplay in FO3 and New Vegas is both deep but easy to understand, the worlds are immersive, and I love many of the quests I get to go on.

So yeah those are mine. I DON'T hate these aforementioned games, it's just that I guess they're simply ones I can't get into due to feeling the later entries (which I played first) being better IMO, and I never played these early entries when they were new.

Wasn't a big fan of skyrim, though I didn't play much of it. Seemed like a gunless fallout with lotsa fetch quests.

And I'll throw in an unpopular opinion in here too because when i played Finals Fantasies 7 and 8 (didn't finish either btw) I preferred 8 over 7. I dunno, something about the characters and setting stuck out to me more than those in 7. Plus the fandom and Advent Children had kinda stained my mind with the hot topic perception of 7 so i guess it wasn't as appealing to me.

every MOBA game ever. Yeah, while I can see why a lot of people can like them, but to me they just seem like the same assets copied+pasted with some fancy bit mixed in, and a different theme added to make the environments fit the characters.

Street Fighter Deluxe Cashcrab Edition
I'm a huge fighting game enthusiast and I'm very passionate when it comes to buttom-mashing and happy-feet-wombo-combo. As a kid, I thought Street fighter was the best fighting game out there but my god, after playing Guilty Gear, Skullgirls and King of Fighters, Street fighter felt slow and boring as shit. I get it, it's more technical but its so fucking slow and I bloody hate how the characters NEVER change their movesets or their fucking clothes. Ed Boon completely nailed this in the new MK X and Arc systems too in Guilty Gear Xrd, but just look at the new Street fighter trailer. Sigh Woosh, le flashy colors, DLC /10 best game of the year, would spend 50 dollars on the arcade edition.
And I'm SORRY but, original characters? Zangief and Dudley maybe but the rest have such a fucking boring designs and some of them are just walking stereotypes (Not even COOL stereotypes like the ones in Killing Instinct)
Look at this saxual man

Big Band alone shits on half of the Street Fighter roster..and thats only without his stage theme.


At first, I thought it was pretty OK, but after awhile. It just gets repetitive and bland, as most of the designs are just other ways to do the exact same thing.

The enemy AI is lacking, or primitive, even for it's time. Most of the time, you just get hit with stage hazards. As the enemies walk around aimlessly into you get near them.

The platforming physics are bleh, they feel floaty. Which makes the game a pain to play. You don't fall fast enough, it looks odd to be in the middle of a jump, falling at little to no speed.

The music is okay, but it loops too much, the random sounds effects in the music annoys the living shit out of me (Rusty Bucket Bay is the best example)

Banjo-Tooie did a-lot better. Cutting the collect-a-thon feeling, and focused more on tasks and objectives of sort.

(INB4: Hate)


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