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Xbox outselling PlayStation in Japan for the first time in years

Last posted Jun 24, 2022 at 02:24PM EDT. Added Jun 24, 2022 at 12:25PM EDT
2 posts from 2 users


I'm mainly posting about this because it's pretty interesting to me how the Xbox brand, one that's historically never sold that highly in Japan compared to the country's "native" hardware like PlayStation, is really taking off in that country. Now yes the biggest factor on why does appear to be the fact PS5 shipments in Japan are pretty darn limited, even more so than other parts of the world, but I suppose another reason is because of Microsoft ramping up deals with Japanese companies to get more games on Xbox (such as getting Atlus to finally bring Persona to a non-Sony platform, and collabing with Hideo Kojima for his next game), and because GamePass is seen as a good deal for Japanese gamers with limited space and time (Microsoft has even been sponsoring Japanese vtubers to promote the service over there).


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