4chan Drinking Game Cards
Part of a series on TV Drinking Games. [View Related Entries]
4chan Drinking Cards are a series of images that use a basic card template with an image of a character (usually in reference to 4chan-related memes) and instructions on who has to drink based on something related to the pictured chracter.
A 4chan archive thread[1] containing various drinking cards dates back to January 2nd, 2010, and a second archived thread[2] dates back to March 23rd, 2010. A zip file containing a large collection of the cards can be found at lolcathost.org.[3] Some of the older card templates were based off the popular Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game[4].

The original rules by Card Master only had 3 types of cards: Action, Mandatory, and Status. In the latest rules, a 4th type of card "Instant" has been added. Below are examples of each type:

Android App

4Chan Drinking Game, is as the name indicates a drinking game.
How ever, you have never tried a drinking game quite like this. It has got great humor, cards where you get to know the other players better and of course a lot of cards that demand you drink!
This is a good game to play both when you are starting you evening, and when you are getting wasted.[5]
A free application for Android smart phones was published to the Android Market by Chrissa Dev in April of 2011 called "4Chan Drinking Game". It includes over 173 cards as of May 2011.


Search Interest
Search queries for "4chan drinking game" stayed relatively consistent from January to May of 2010, before falling off until picking up again in January 2011.
External References
[1] Wikipedia – Yu Gi Oh Trading Card Game
[2] 4chan archive – Drinking game
[3] 4chan archive – 4chan Drinking Cards / 3/23/2010
[4] 4chan Drinking Game Cards Note: Some cards might be NSFW.
[5] Android Zoom – 4chan Drinking Game
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